قصص قبل النوم واقعية

قصص قبل النوم واقعية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The paragraph of realistic bedtime stories is one of the special paragraphs that are addressed before bed by a large number of people around the world, as these stories tell old tales of distinctive stories that immortalized feelings of love, fear and pain, and many lessons that we can benefit from in our next life Therefore, story literature is considered one of the most beautiful language arts that writers have been interested in throughout the ages, and through the reference site, the reader can get acquainted with a bouquet of real, very impressive, realistic stories that deal with a number of the most beautiful stories left in human memory throughout the ages.

Realistic bedtime stories

The letters of real stories narrate special events and scenes in the memory of global thought, where the story is one of the purposeful arts of language through which a person can pass the most beautiful ideas, about loyalty, love, sacrifice, generosity, and so on, and in that we tell you the following stories:

Realistic bedtime stories for kids

The letters of stories told to children carry a number of the most important values, most notably honesty, honesty and generosity, as these qualities can increase the child’s positivity with the world, and the most prominent of these stories is the story of lying, and its danger, and it came as follows:

The story that took place in one of the villages near the mountain tells that Shehab was one of the village’s distinguished youth, and he was always laughing and energetic and possessed all the criteria that made him a beautiful and distinguished young man. Interior, to integrate our image in the minds of all those around us, as Shehab was working in the profession of sheep herding, as he was driving his sheep through that mountainous road to reach one of the plains distinguished by its herbs. opposite the beautiful village in which he lives, and he started screaming for help from the wolf that eats the sheep, and louder in his screams until he reached the people of the village, so the young men and men immediately carried sticks and stones and went to the foot of the mountain to save Shehab and his ten sheep, and when they reached him, they found him sitting under The tree was eating an apple without any danger, and he started laughing, which angered the men of the village.

On the second day, Shehab did the same scenario, as he stood at the foot of the mountain and started screaming for help, and it was only a matter of minutes until the men of the village arrived, full of chivalry and magnanimity. Rather, it is one of the qualities that will make people abandon you when you really need it. Shehab turned his back on that conversation, and continued to laugh, and it was only hours after the men left, and while Shehab was returning to his village with the sheep, he heard the voice of the wolf coming from the top of the mountain, very quickly, So he looked at him and then ran behind a tree, so a meteor cried out in a loud voice asking for help, and he repeated that scream until he reached the village, but the people of the village had gotten used to lying about a meteor over and over again, and none of them cared about that sound, until the wolf finished eating all of the meteor sheep and returned to The forest again, and a meteor came to the village, drawing the tails of disappointment and pain over the loss of his sheep, and on his experience of the truth of lies, which had the primary role in people’s abandonment of him.

funny bedtime stories

The tale tells that in a forest there were two beautiful and very friendly monkeys, and one of them had good and beautiful luck, who helped him in all circumstances, and another monkey who had little luck, so the two monkeys decided after a long conversation to go to the neighboring farm, which contains one of the most The banana varieties are distinguished and sweet, so the monkeys adopted an integrated plan to steal the largest amount of bananas, as the plan stipulates that the lucky monkey climbs to the tree and picks the bananas and throws it to the other monkey (unlucky) at the bottom, to collect and escape with it, and so the two monkeys worked on the plan The next day, the lucky one climbed up to the tree, and while he was picking bananas, the owner of the farm arrested the hapless monkey at the bottom, and hit him severely, but the monkey on the tree succeeded in carrying a quantity of bananas and escaping with it, and this act was repeated, where he met The hapless monkey did a lot of bad beating during five days of trying, and then the idea came into the mind of the hapless monkey, that the two monkeys would exchange roles, and on the sixth day, the hapless monkey climbed to the tree while the lucky monkey stayed at the bottom, where the ale owner accepted And he arrested, as usual, the monkey at the bottom, but he refused to hit him, saying you must be poor, who deserves to be hit is the monkey who picks bananas, not the one who sits down, and indeed the lucky monkey was not hit by any blow, but the farm owner caught the unfortunate monkey Again, he beat him.

Children’s bedtime stories written in the vernacular

Long realistic bedtime stories

These stories work on settling beautiful and calm thoughts before bed, as the letters of those stories are thrown by the distinguished people in that narrative method, such as loved ones, friends and so on, and the most beautiful of these stories, came as follows:

  • A realistic romantic love story before bed, the son of Zaydun, the poet of Andalusia, and the birth of the daughter of Al-Mustaqfi, the ruler of Cordoba, and it came according to the following:

The love story of the minister, poet and writer Ibn Zaydun for the butterfly of Banu Umayyah (The Birth of Bint Al-Mustakfi Billah), ruler of Cordoba, is one of the most famous true love stories whose letters were engraved on the walls of that special era from the history of the prosperity of the Arab metropolis and its reach to the depths of the European continent. In Europe, Ibn Zaydun was astonished from the first time he saw the birth of the daughter of al-Mustaqfi, and fell in love with her after poetry sessions that were organized by the daughter of al-Mustaqfi in the royal palace. It kept pace with the seas of poetry and love, so one of the most beautiful romantic love stories, in which beautiful paintings and poems were written, was born.

After a period of beautiful meetings in the garden of the Royal Palace in Cordoba, many noticed that beautiful love affair, so they stalked them evil, and this case was accompanied by the appearance of a minister on the scene called Ibn Abdus, who is one of those who wish to obtain the heart of that beautiful Damascene princess, so he rose Plotting plots to keep the knight and the vizier Ibn Zaydun away from his girlfriend, whom he fell in love with, and he was able to do so after convincing the ruler al-Mustaqfi that Ibn Zaydun was one of the enemies of the Umayyad family, and one of the participants in the coup against it in the event that this happened, and it was only days until he was able to arrest Ibn Zaydun was accused of this accusation, so he sent love letters to his girlfriend from prison, and as an expression of his anger, he sent a message containing a poetic poem in which he reproached Mawla for accepting Ibn Abdus as a substitute. However, she was of that arrogant type who showed no emotion.

And the days were long until Ibn Zaydun decided to escape from prison with the help of the guards, so he did so and resorted to the palaces of one of the rulers of Andalusia and asked for protection from him. Rather, he raised the ruler to the rank of minister again, and offered him to marry him to any of the beauties, but Ibn Zaydun refused to marry any female after A birth, the one who remained in the depths of his heart throughout years of abandonment and loss, after misunderstanding and intrigues that led her love story to the abyss.

Has become Altinai substitute Tdanina *** Knapp and ok for Kiena Tjavina not become manifest Subhna *** has come to us when he arose when Naaana of the amount Almbusana Bantzaham *** grief with age does not wear and Ebelena that time, which is still *** us laugh ANSA near them We are crying again

That relationship ended years after one of the most beautiful moments that were imprinted in the memories of both Ibn Zaydun and the birth of the daughter of Al-Mustaqfi, and they ended up without marriage until the end of life, after both of them were unable to find an alternative to that passion that swept them in that beautiful time era of beauty and prosperity The Arab in Andalusia.

A very short story in English for beginners

The most beautiful true story about self-exam

It is one of the types of stories that increase the ability of a person to trust in himself, after he performs a self-examination of his achievements, and the way he undertakes the work he does, and in this we tell you the story of the child Sam:

The story tells that on a cold winter’s day, a young man who seemed to have features of intelligence and intelligence came to a shop in the center of the city, where this mall contains a landline phone in the middle of the table facing the entrance door, but it is higher than the young man. To make a call on the phone, so he accepted that man, and gave him the phone, so the young man accepted and asked for the number that was kept in his pocket on a white paper, and if an old woman answered on the opposite side, “Welcome.” Are you Mrs. If you please, or if you need a worker, the old woman replied that she does not need that, because she already has a young man who works with precision and honesty.

The young man told her that he would clean the car and its garage for free, and that he would accept half the salary that the young man was talking about. To the young man, my son, if you need a job, then work for me. I heard your call and received your desire to work, so he said to him, “Thank you, uncle, I already work for that old woman, but I wanted to know her opinion about my work and my honesty, and thank God for his success, so he thanked the man and left.” from the store.

Painful stories about the drug world

A true story with a great lesson

The letters of that story convey one of the most prominent dilemmas that have always been present in all ages. God Almighty has blessed His servants with certain percentages of faith for each of them, which are not fixed. The most prominent of those stories that deal with the level of faith are the following:

The story tells that at one time, there was a man who did not believe in the existence of God Almighty – the Almighty – he was a distinguished reader, but his reading led him to a dark place where there was no guidance from God and no ropes to reach him, and this man accepted a debate with one of the scholars of Islam In his time, to conduct an integrated dialogue in which his narration on the Muslim sheikh would be proven correct. Indeed, a specific date was agreed upon in the presence of a large number of people and crowds who would listen to that religious debate in which it would be proven from the author of the strongest theory, closest to the mind and heart.

On the morning of the day scheduled for the debate, the Muslim Sheikh was late for everyone who was waiting, and indeed the waiting hours were long, until the atheist man – God forbid – stood up and preached to the people and said to them, as you can see, my friends, your honorable Sheikh has missed my debate for fear of defeat Because I bring the truth to you and him and to everyone, and when the sheikh enters through the door designated for entry, saying that I am sorry for the delay, I had to, so the man said to him, and what was the reason for the necessity, and he said to him: I came across a river that was agitated, so I waited on the bank The interview, until the timber that had fallen in it gathered and formed a boat from itself and drove it to me, so I boarded it and took me to the other side to reach you on time after a slight delay.

The atheist man laughed and said to him, Wood on the bank of the river gathered by itself and formed a boat and came to you to take you to the other side by itself, without anyone moving it, really you are crazy, the crazy Sheikh said to him, the debate is over, you did not accept the idea of ​​a boat without a creator and maker To him, how can you accept the existence of a great universe complete with precision, calculations, and laws without a greater Creator, peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

A short story in English about success

Realistic bedtime stories of love

Love is one of the most prominent feelings that inhabited the minds of stories throughout history, because love is the instinct of human beings that people have dealt with throughout the ages and civilizations with great warmth and appreciation, and the most beautiful love stories are:

The events of the story tell about the love story of the Arab knight and the beautiful poet Katheer. He is one of the heroes of love whose names were attributed to the names of their lover. The man is called Katheer bin Abdul Rahman bin Al-Aswad bin Malih bin Khuza’ah. This poet lived in the era of Umayyad rule, when he was poor. After the death of his father in his early childhood years, he grew up in his uncle’s house, who, at the beginning of his teenage years, was entrusted with the task of caring for a herd of camels. Bani Kinana, and many in his poetry gave her a wide number of beautiful nicknames, so he called her Umm Omar, and this story began while he was busy in the work of caring for and watering camels, when he came once to a group of women, asking them about where the water came, and at that moment In particular, the heart of a lot of that girl who initiated him to answer, and she was the girl who accompanied him in his poems until the end of his life, is Azza, so he immediately weaved poems in order to preserve that beautiful picture that he saw in it, and he remained in that state looking for her, as Azza was a poet Known for the eloquence of her tongue and the beauty of her features.

The echo of these poems reached the people of honor in the house, and it was known about the Arabs that they refused to marry off their daughters to those who said poetry, or flirted with their features in prose or words. Love poems that the Arabs knew of grief and pain over the separation of the beloved of the heart, so he then went to Egypt later in Azza, where her husband lived, so that he would be close to the breeze of Diyar Azza, then he moved to the Hijaz until he died there unmarried, and it was said on the day of his death, which coincided Also on the day of the death of Ikrimah, the slave of Ibn Abbas: He died today, the most knowledgeable of the people and the most aware of the people.

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we dealt with realistic bedtime stories and moved through those lines so that the reader would have known a bouquet of the most beautiful realistic stories that generations, including lessons and distinctive words, are told before sleeping in the hearing of loved ones and friends.

خاتمة لموضوعنا قصص قبل النوم واقعية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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