كلام عن الغدر من اقرب الناس

كلام عن الغدر من اقرب الناس , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Talk about treachery from the closest people shows what a person can be exposed to from injustice, betrayal and treachery at the hands of the closest people from whom he expected nothing but goodness and righteousness, and it represents the distinctive phrases and expressive words that describe the harsh feeling that shakes a person when he is exposed to such kind of treachery The Qadir of the near, as it is said, is more cruel to one than the treachery of the stranger. In this article from the reference website, we will list to you a set of phrases and words about treachery from the dearest people, most of them.

Talk about treachery from the closest people

The treachery of the dear relative is a harsh and bad feeling of wounding the one who is exposed to him, and the closer the person and his comfort increases, the greater the pain caused by his treachery and betrayal.

  • Forgiving an enemy for his treachery is easier than forgiving a friend.
  • The most treacherous and treacherous are the people who masquerade as our friends and closest people.
  • Don’t be afraid of the enemy who attacks you from the front, but be afraid of the fake friend who hugs you.
  • Friends are supposed to be there for you when you cry, but they are often the reason you cry.
  • If you have been betrayed by a friend, you will often find that you are self-destructive.
  • The fewer friends, the lower the chances of betrayal.
  • We’re not friends, but we’re not enemies either, we just became strangers with some memories.
  • The saddest thing about betrayal is that it does not come from your enemies but from the people closest to your heart.
  • A person should pay attention to what people do, not just what they say, because actions belie words, and expose betrayals even from the closest people.
  • It is better to have an enemy slap you in the face than a friend to stab you in the back.

Words about injustice from the closest people

Talk about treachery from the dearest people

Treachery from the dearest people is very difficult, and many people cannot stand this kind of betrayal and suffer great shocks as a result of it. And in the following, we will list to you the words of the uncle of treachery from the dearest people, very touching:

  • The feeling of betrayal from the closest people is like the feeling of being stabbed in an area that does not kill you, because your wound will continue to hurt you as long as you are alive.
  • If we did not have close friends, we would not know the meaning of treachery from the closest people.
  • When a person is exposed to treachery at the hands of the closest people, his feeling of pain over the years he spent while trusting him is stronger than his feeling of sadness over betrayal.
  • All trust has weaknesses and risks, and nothing can be considered trust if there is no possibility of betrayal.
  • The worst feeling in the world is knowing that someone you trust has used and lied to you.
  • Breaking someone’s trust is like ripping apart a piece of paper. With the adhesive, you can sort it out, but the paper will never be the same again.
  • It’s hard to know who has your back and who has enough time just to stab you in it.
  • Be careful not to tell your feelings even to those closest to you because some people are waiting for the opportunity to use it against you.
  • We should not trust each other too much, for this is our only defense against betrayal from our closest people.
  • The worst kind of harm is treachery, because it means that someone wants to harm you just to make themselves feel better.

Short phrases about bullying

Short words about human treachery

Although we are to be well-meaning with our brothers, friends, and loved ones, it is necessary for a person to be prepared and strong against any shock that he may suffer from the injustice of a friend or the treachery of a relative. In the following, we will list a few short words about human treachery:

  • Love all, trust a few, never betray anyone.
  • Everyone has experienced at least one bad betrayal in their life, just don’t let this betrayal destroy your trust in others, don’t let them break you.
  • Life is full of human treachery, we just have to get used to it.
  • You are not an idiot but people are bad enough to betray you many times.
  • As for treason, you do not have to treat everyone as enemies, but act according to your good nature, for every human being is guided by his origin and his nature.
  • Learn the origins of treachery and betrayal, but not to try it on people, but to protect yourself from it.
  • Give your trust and love to people, but do not overdo it, as betrayal may come from the closest friend, and you see help from the worst enemies.
  • Cheating is directly related to a lack of intelligence, insecurity, low self-esteem, and a general feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s life.
  • The feeling of treachery and betrayal is a very harsh feeling, but a person will only know its taste when he experiences its bitterness, and its stinging taste.

Talk about treachery and betrayal from the closest people

Words are not a medicine that heals the chest, nor a drug that relieves pain, but many people consider it the best method by which they relieve their pain, and we will tell you in the following talk about treachery and betrayal beautiful and influential:

  • Betrayal from the closest people is not a strange thing, it used to happen from the earliest times and still is, but it was associated with evil arcs, and I regret today that it has become associated with intelligence.
  • If you were a traitor, know that I was not naive, nor was I ignorant of the ill intentions in your heart toward me, yet every time I hoped that you would make things right, but it seems that the root, not the rot, bears fruit only like him.
  • I don’t want to be smart to expose people’s betrayals, nor strong to take revenge on them, nor lonely so as not to get hurt, I just want to live a simple life.
  • Betrayal and treachery do not express the extent of your foolishness and naivety, nor the intelligence of the perpetrator, but rather express the extent of his malice and bad origin.
  • Live a peaceful and stable life, and if you are betrayed, God suffices you and is the best agent.
  • In the face of what we see daily of the types and colors of betrayals, superficial relationships have become the best way to avoid treachery.
  • Life is not full of betrayal, it is full of love and good relationships, but one bad experience affects our hearts as if we lived treachery from all people.
  • If you are exposed to treachery and betrayal, say, “God is sufficient for me, and He is the best trustee,” and do not look behind you, for God is the Master and the Best Supporter.
  • If the betrayal is difficult and harsh, then the torment in the fire of Hell is more difficult and harsh. Remember that God Almighty will hold the servants accountable for their good and bad deeds, and injustice is darkness.
  • I do not like to complain about the wounds that hurt me, but today I feel that I have been broken, for betrayal of the closest people breaks the back, and silences the tongue.

What was said about treachery and betrayal?

Through the ages, many people have been exposed to the worst types of treachery and betrayal from the closest people to them, and they said many words and sentences that are very influential on these occasions, and we will list to you in the following some of what was said about treachery and betrayal:

  • Whoever neglects the trust and accepts betrayal, then he has absolved himself of religion – Ali bin Abi Talib.
  • A lie can go around the earth waiting for the truth to put its shoes on – Mark Twain.
  • It is less painful to lose someone to death than to lose one’s distrust. Death only destroys the future, but betrayal also kills the past – Johann Denne.
  • It is better to have a ravenous lion in front of you than a traitorous dog behind you – like an Irishman.
  • If a person betrays you once, it is his fault, but if he betrays you twice, it is your fault – Franklin Roosevelt.
  • I do not trust anybody. The wide trust between any two people makes the chance of feeling disappointed wider, and every story of a great betrayal must have come from a great trust – Abdullah Thabet.
  • Whoever rewarded people with cunning, they rewarded him with treachery – Omar Al-Mukhtar.
  • The reality of treason is the act of someone who was entrusted with something against what was entrusted for it, without the knowledge of the owner of the trust – Ibn Ashour.
  • What I fear most is that the day will come when betrayal becomes a point of view – Salah Khalaf.
  • The most sack of piety, the most wicked fool is immorality, the most honest truth is honesty, and the truest lie is treachery – Abu Bakr As-Siddiq.

A prayer for those who wronged me and oppressed me, and the consequences of wrongdoing

Thoughts about treachery from the closest people

By writing thoughts of treachery and betrayal, people express their harsh feelings about this that make you inexpressible; Especially when he is one of the closest people, the one who gave them security over your life, yourself, and your secrets, so they were not worthy of trust, but rather sold you and your secrets, betrayed you and were tougher than the fiercest enemies. In the following, we will list to you a group of very influential thoughts about treachery from the closest people:

First thought

Hear me, my friend, I am no longer who I was, I have become stronger thanks to you, you are the one who made me able to face evil and anticipate the worst things from the closest people, thank you for making me stronger, thank you for teaching me the meaning of treachery after I lived with you the most beautiful days, and we struggled With each other, we faced the most difficult situations, thank you for not making me feel before that that you are a traitor and that the treachery in your eyes is apparent, thank you for showing your truth after beautiful years of friendship, love and sincerity.

second thought

I didn’t know that betrayal could come from the closest people, but did you know, I think I’m wrong, you are never wrong, I gave you the absolute confidence that made you go too far and feel that I have the feelings of your hands. Until now I can’t believe how you betrayed me and didn’t lift an eyelid, I was more than I trusted in him, my heartbreak for the good ten days, and my heartbreak for the laughter that filled the corners in our times of joy, and my heartbreak for the tears you shed affected by the problems you complained to me, so I sympathize with you . But I have no regrets, I will never, for I treated you like I did, and you treated me like you did. But now your turn in my life is over, goodbye.

The third thought

If you think that I will shed tears and blood for your betrayal of me, you are wrong, and if you think that I will miss the years when we were best friends, then you are also mistaken, and if you think that you broke me, broke my trust in people, and broke my pride, then there is no doubt that you are also wrong, and I am not surprised by You’re wrong, you don’t know who I am. I am stronger than betrayal and stronger than treachery, and I know that what is inside me of goodness and lofty meanings is stronger than all that I may be exposed to from such despicable actions, so the victory of good over evil is a reality, and it is not a story we see in movies that makes us happy and forget it, but it is only worthy of the people of hearts Clean and white.

Felt about the treachery of people

Poems were and still are the mouthpiece of people’s condition, with what they feel of love, affection, pardon, forgiveness and forgiveness, as well as the feeling of sorrow and sadness from a friend over the treachery that he saw from him, and among the most beautiful poems that were said about people’s treachery:

I was patient with the treachery and hatred of time *** and a young poison became me with its witness, and I tried the brothers of time, but I did not find *** a beautiful friend unseen in the event after him and how many companions I slept with him *** as long as I had a day on his good covenant and the strangest phoenix in eternity *** A trusting brother, he waters you with a net and his self-confidence shocking every thing you want *** the sword is not lit except with its sharpness and your determination is stripped at every task *** what is the use of the hussam stayed in its sheath and I witnessed in travel every miracle *** I did not see who achieved your great value in his economy All of them *** The best conditions of the boy are good intentions and a person is not deprived of sustenance due to his inability *** Just as the sustenance does not reach a day by this, the boy’s fortunes of misery and happiness *** It took place with a judgment that has no way to return it

Pictures about the betrayal of the closest people

From what people have been inspired by the types of betrayal they have been subjected to, we present to you a group of distinctive and influential pictures of betrayal of the closest people:

Here we have come to the conclusion of this article, and we have told you about treachery from the closest people and a group of influential phrases and poetic verses about human treachery, in addition to pictures with influential written phrases.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كلام عن الغدر من اقرب الناس ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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