كم سعر منظار القولون في السعودية

كم سعر منظار القولون في السعودية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How much is a colonoscopy in Saudi Arabia? A colonoscopy is defined as an examination to look at the condition of the colon, including the large intestine and rectum, and is usually used to assess digestive symptoms, especially rectal and intestinal bleeding, or to explain changes in bowel movements, as well as for people with colon cancer. , who did not show symptoms of cancerous tumors in the colon and rectum, so this test is recommended for people who have a family history of colon cancer or polyps, and in this article on the reference site, the question will be answered, how much is the price of a colonoscopy in Saudi Arabia.


The purpose of a colonoscopy is to assess the condition of the walls of the large intestine from the inside. Doctors usually use a flexible endoscope that is at least four feet long and contains a small light source and an imaging machine. The colonoscope is known to be slowly inserted through an opening The anus and rectum to reach the end of the colon and the beginning of the small intestine, and colonoscopy is usually used when examining the cause of blood in the stool, or because of diarrhea, abdominal pain, or even the presence of colon cancer, and other conditions, and in fact some doctors suggest a colonoscopy after the age of fifty ; Even if a person is not at risk of developing colon cancer.[1]

How much is the colonoscopy price in Saudi Arabia?

The cost of colonoscopy in Riyadh ranges between 100-600 Saudi riyals, and it is worth noting that colonoscopy fees vary between doctors’ clinics and hospitals, and the fees depend on several factors such as the doctor’s experience and professional training, and it is worth noting that a colonoscopy is performed In order to diagnose the patient, in order to carry out the appropriate treatment according to the nature of the disease.[2]

The e.coli bacteria that live in the human intestines are produced by

Preparation before a colonoscopy

In fact, the contents of the large intestine are completely emptied before the colonoscopy, and to get rid of them, the following are used:[2]

  • Follow a special diet a few days before the test, where solid foods are stopped on the day before the test, and the types of drinks that can be consumed during this time, such as: coffee or tea, and avoid red drinks to avoid confusion with blood, and may The doctor asks to stop drinking and eating after midnight before the examination.
  • Use an enema either the night before the examination, or a few hours before the endoscopy.
  • Take laxatives the night before the exam, and continue to take them in the morning.
  • Monitor medications by your doctor, especially when you have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart problems, or if you take certain medications or iron supplements.
  • Tell your doctor about using certain blood-thinning medications such as warfarin or aspirin, or anticoagulants in order to reduce the risk of clots affecting platelets and heart health.

colonoscopy steps

A colonoscopy is performed in a hospital or an outpatient clinic and takes about thirty to sixty minutes. It should be noted that the steps that are applied during a colonoscopy are as follows:[3]

  • First, an injection is made into a vein in the arm to deliver some medications, such as sedatives or analgesics; So that the person does not feel anything during the examination.
  • The health care provider reveals the person’s vital signs.
  • The person lies on an examination table and the doctor inserts the colonoscope through the anus and passes through the rectum and large intestine.
  • The doctor inflates the colon with an endoscope for more field of view. The camera then sends a video image that appears on a computer screen so that the doctor can examine the colon.
  • When the endoscope reaches the opening of the small intestine; The doctor removes the target area, and then re-examines the inner lining of the large intestine.
  • A doctor can remove some benign tumors and send them to a laboratory for examination. To make sure it’s not cancerous, early detection can help prevent cancer.

Colonoscopy risks

Colonoscopy can cause many risks and complications, as follows: [4]

  • Intestinal perforation: The intestine can be at risk of infection or perforation through it, and colonoscopy is usually associated with the removal of tumors, and according to the diagnosis in endoscopy, it is less dangerous, and in some cases this requires medical services to treat it, while there are other cases where the perforation is small It does not require surgery to close it, and treatment is limited to antibiotics.
  • Bleeding: It can be treated during endoscopy, but most cases are treated on their own. Bleeding may occur within two to seven days after endoscopy and may disappear spontaneously or require treatment if it increases in severity and frequency.
  • Infection: Although infection is rare due to the use of endoscopy; However, it can be transmitted between patients due to insufficient sterilization.
  • The effect of anesthesia: the patient may suffer from various side effects such as respiratory problems and allergies.

Depending on where they are located, which of the following is most dangerous to human health:

What are the most important recommendations for recovery after a colonoscopy?

In the beginning, it should be noted that the doctor’s instructions must be carefully followed on how and when to return to normal activities, as well as taking prescribed or routine medications, as he often recommends stopping blood thinners from the patient, with the exception of aspirin, and there are a set of tips and recommendations that are recommended to be followed in The recovery period after a colonoscopy, which helps facilitate the return of the digestive system to normal and prevents irritation. Among these recommendations:[3][4]

  • Avoid driving a car until the day after surgery.
  • Use painkillers and stool softeners as directed by your doctor.
  • Rest and avoid strenuous work or any strenuous physical activity, and it is recommended to avoid lifting weights or doing strenuous exercise; For at least seven days in cases of some tumors leaving the colon during endoscopy.
  • Drink a lot of water and fluids such as fruit juices and soups; To moisturize the digestive system and soften the stool, especially apple juice, which is rich in digestible fiber and contains large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar; It helps to increase energy levels in the body, and it is also recommended to drink beverages that contain electronics such as sports drinks.
  • Drink herbal tea that contains a combination of ingredients; which may help calm the digestive system.
  • Eat soft, soft foods that are easy to digest, such as mashed potatoes, fish, boiled eggs, and bread.
  • Avoid foods that are difficult to digest such as fatty foods as well as foods that are rich in spices.
  • Avoid eating foods that contain grains and small grains after a colonoscopy, which involves removing some tumors from the colon or rectum, as these small particles can get stuck at the site of the wound where the tumors are removed, leading to inflammation and inflammation of the wound.
  • Avoid foods that increase flatulence and flatulence, such as fried foods and raw or cooked vegetables.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Move and walk to help relieve bloating and expel gas.

Colonoscopy results

Colonoscopy results may show that a person has some health problems, for example:[4]

  • The presence of a pouch in the inner membrane of the large intestine called a diverticulum.
  • Bleeding in certain areas of the large intestine.
  • Colitis caused by ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or a lack of blood flow.
  • The presence of benign tumors in the lining of the large intestine.
  • Rectal or colon cancer.

virtual colonoscopy

Virtual colonoscopy is an alternative to colonoscopy, a technique that uses computerized tomography (CT) to obtain images of the colon similar to those taken with a conventional colonoscope. The doctor inserts a tube into the anus in order to allow air to enter the colon, then uses tomography to analyze and process the images to create a virtual image of the colon, and it is worth noting that this method is effective in detecting the presence of any benign tumors hidden between the folds lining the colon, which are They sometimes appear on traditional colonoscopy.[3]

Cases that require a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy can be performed according to a predetermined appointment, and the examination is performed according to the following cases:

  • Colonoscopy for people who do not suffer from ailment, and then the goal of the colonoscopy is to assess the health of the intestine.
  • Early detection of colon cancer.
  • Cases of stool secretion accompanied by blood.
  • Check for diarrhea, abdominal pain, and unexplained weight loss.
  • Diagnosis of anemia, or what is known as anemia.
  • Detecting changes in bowel function, as well as symptoms that indicate a tumor in the colon.
  • Assessment of the extent of colon tumor spread.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Dr. Jaber Al-Qahtani

My experience with a colonoscopy

Many people resort to colonoscopy to diagnose and evaluate the medical condition or disease they suffer from and choose the appropriate treatment for them.

  • A person said: My experience with colonoscopy was painful but useful, because colonoscopy is used to diagnose changes and diseases of the colon, as well as to remove polyps and abnormal tissues, and the endoscopy lasted from 30 to 60 minutes, and I was given anesthetic so that I did not feel any pain during the procedure The operation, and before the endoscopy, the doctor asked me to lie on my left side on the examination table, which contains a flexible tube with a diameter of half an inch.
  • One of them said: I underwent colonoscopy seven times and never felt any pain and was anesthetized during the operation, and each operation took about a quarter of an hour.
  • Someone said: I was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, and I underwent a colonoscopy by a specialist, and I was diagnosed with chronic colon disease and hemorrhoids.
  • One of them said: I underwent a colonoscopy and was in severe pain, and it was like labour.

Frequently asked questions about colonoscopy

Common questions about colonoscopy include:[4][5]

When do colonoscopy results appear?

Some preliminary results can be discussed before the patient leaves the colonoscopy unit after surgery, and the patient may wait for a medical report and a final diagnosis, which is prepared after the necessary laboratory tests are performed on a sample of tissue or the colon. A colon biopsy is taken during the endoscopy, which is It is usually done within a few days.

Can a colonoscopy cause complications?

Although a colonoscopy is a safe and simple medical procedure; However, in some rare cases, it can lead to complications, including the following:

  • Bleeding at the biopsy site or colectomy site, but the bleeding is often minor, limited, and manageable.
  • A hole or tear in the wall of the large intestine.
  • Adverse reactions to sedatives or anesthetics used during endoscopy.
  • Local intravenous stimulation, where a needle is inserted to inject medication.
  • Complications of heart or lung disease, and it should be noted that these complications are rare.

Although these complications are rare, it is important for the patient to know them before the endoscopy, in addition to the need to identify the symptoms that may indicate the occurrence of one or more of these complications, and go to the doctor when they occur.

What are the cases that require a visit to the doctor?

It is recommended that you visit your doctor as soon as you feel any of the following symptoms, which may indicate a health problem as a result of the colonoscopy:

  • Chills.
  • Rectal bleeding Although mild rectal bleeding is estimated to be a normal endoscopic effect or heavy bleeding or more than a tablespoon, it may indicate a problem with the colon or rectum.
  • Stool change such as black or bloody color.
  • Severe bloating and excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. Severe pain in the abdomen, in addition to the presence of stiffness in the abdomen.
  • Loss of the ability to pass urine or pass urine.
  • Severe pain or swelling where the needle was inserted. Fever.
  • Vomiting, especially if it contains blood.
  • Arrhythmia
  • Sudden difficulty breathing

What are the symptoms after a colonoscopy?

The patient may have bad symptoms after colonoscopy, most notably flatulence and gas in the first hour after the endoscopy, and the presence of a small amount of blood in the stool after surgery, as this can happen in the first few days after surgery, but may be delayed for one to two weeks As well as suffering from pain and spasms of the abdominal muscles.

How much does a colonoscopy cost Al Habib Hospital

You can find out the cost of colonoscopy at Al Habib Hospital by contacting the hospital at this number: +966114909999

How much does a colonoscopy cost at United Doctors?

You can find out the cost of a colonoscopy at United Doctors Hospital by contacting the hospital at this number: +966126533333

Does colonoscopy need general anaesthesia?

Yes, a colonoscopy requires general anesthesia in some cases.

In this article, the answer to the question posed, how much is the price of a colonoscopy in Saudi Arabia, was also discussed about the procedures that must be prepared before a colonoscopy, the steps to do, as well as post-examination symptoms and recommendations, and cases that require a visit to a doctor.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كم سعر منظار القولون في السعودية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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