كيفية التخلص من القمل بأسرع وقت وطرق الوقاية منه

كيفية التخلص من القمل بأسرع وقت وطرق الوقاية منه , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How to get rid of lice as soon as possible and how to prevent it is one of the topics of interest to many people, especially parents who have children; As lice and boys spread among children more than they do among adults, and lice in the hair cause a lot of inconvenience and distress to those who contract them because of the itching and desire to scratch the scalp. ways to prevent it.


The most important information about lice can be identified in the following points:

  • Lice are parasitic insects, the size of an adult insect is 2.5 millimeters.
  • Most lice are black and brown in color, but they often get the color of the hair in which they grow.
  • Lice live in the scalp and feed on human blood.
  • Lice lay small eggs called boys, which are attached to the hair and on the upper and lower strands of it, in a white color similar to the cortex of the hair.
  • Lice reproduction rate is one of the largest in the world of insects.
  • Lice infect adults and children, but it is more common among children.
  • The transmission of lice from one person to another is well-known, so if a family member infested with lice often causes the insect to be transmitted to the rest of the people in the house.
  • Lice cause a lot of annoying symptoms such as itching and severe itching of the scalp.

How to get rid of lice as soon as possible

There are many natural ways and home recipes that help get rid of lice quickly, and these recipes are safe and have no side effects or risks to the hair and scalp, and here we learn how to get rid of lice as quickly as possible:[1]

salt and vinegar

Salt is a natural substance that has the ability to purify and eliminate insects and prevent their reproduction and spread. Salt also helps cleanse the scalp of bacteria and fungi that grow on it. Vinegar is a substance with a large acidic concentration that kills boys and lice eggs before they hatch, and weakens The adherence of the eggs to the hair strands, and then the ease of getting rid of them when combing the hair.

the ingredients

  • Three tablespoons of salt.
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar.
  • A plastic shower cap, or a plastic bag.
  • spray bottle.

How to prepare

  • Mix the salt and vinegar and stir well until the salt is completely dissolved in the vinegar.
  • Fill the ingredient into the empty spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture on the hair well, with fingers crossed in the hair while spraying to ensure that the mixture reaches the scalp.
  • Cover hair with a shower cap for an hour.
  • Wash hair well with water and shampoo.
  • Gently comb the hair after drying it with a clean towel.
  • Repeat the recipe two or three times a week to get quick and satisfactory results in getting rid of lice and boys.

Do lice live in bed? Symptoms and causes of the spread of lice, methods of prevention and treatment

Mayonnaise to get rid of lice very quickly

Mayonnaise is one of the materials that greatly help in getting rid of lice and getting rid of their eggs and boys before they hatch and multiply in the scalp. Mayonnaise contains eggs, garlic and vinegar, which are compounds that help cleanse the skin and stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. Mayonnaise, thanks to its components, helps in increasing its softness. The smoothness of the hair, which reduces the boys’ ability to stick to the hair strands and is easy to get rid of during combing.

the ingredients

  • Three tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  • Fine tooth comb.
  • shower cap.

How to prepare

  • Hair with water.
  • Spread the mayonnaise on the hair well and massage the hair with the fingers to deliver it to the scalp.
  • Cover the hair with a plastic shower cap and leave the mixture on the hair for three hours.
  • Wash hair well with soap and water.
  • Dry the hair with a clean towel, and then turn the electric dryer on and set it to a high temperature to help remove the boys and lice eggs from the hair.

Garlic recipe to get rid of lice

Garlic is a natural antiseptic plant that helps kill germs and fungi that infect the skin and skin, and garlic contains sulfur compounds in large quantities, which have a pungent odor capable of killing lice, and garlic also contains compounds that help eliminate boys and lice eggs, and also helps remove dandruff. And reduce the oily secretions that come out of the scalp, which is a suitable environment for the reproduction and increased growth of lice in the hair.

the ingredients

  • Ten cloves of garlic

How to prepare

  • Crush the garlic cloves until you get a soft, mushy mixture.
  • Distribute the mashed garlic on the hair and scalp well.
  • Leave the garlic on the hair for an hour.
  • Wash hair well with water and shampoo.
  • Apply a moisturizing oil to the hair to prevent irritation of the scalp due to garlic and its strong compounds.
  • Repeat the recipe twice a week to get rid of lice and nits quickly.

baking soda recipe

Baking soda is used for baking and pastry purposes, as well as in recipes, as well as for cleansing and removing stubborn dirt. Baking soda can be used to eliminate lice quickly because of its ability to weaken the activity of lice and weaken their ability to attach to the hair and scalp. Baking soda also helps treat scalp infections and quickly get rid of dandruff and the fatty layer under the hair. Baking soda helps reduce the itching and itching that people with lice often experience.

the ingredients

  • A tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.

How to prepare

  • Mix the baking soda and olive oil well, stirring constantly, until you get a soft, smooth paste.
  • Moisten the hair with water, and then spread the paste on the hair and scalp well, and take care to deliver the ingredients to the skin of the head.
  • Leave the mixture on the hair for an hour.
  • Comb the hair with a narrow-toothed comb before removing the recipe from the hair.
  • Wash hair well with water and shampoo.
  • Repeat the recipe twice a week to quickly get rid of lice.

Olive oil for lice and dandruff

Olive oil is a natural oil that has many benefits for hair and skin. Olive oil contains a large percentage of antioxidants that prevent the growth of free radicals, and help in strengthening the hair and preventing the reproduction of insects such as lice and boys, and olive oil helps in softening the hair, preventing split ends and increasing its length. It also works to treat dandruff and treat infections that affect the head and scalp and cause an increase in this crust.

the ingredients

  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • shower cap.
  • A fine-toothed lice comb.

How to prepare

  • Rub the hair with olive oil well and massage the hair with it.
  • Leave the oil on the hair from night to morning, covering the hair with a shower cap in the meantime.
  • Wash the hair with water in the morning, and then comb the hair well with the lice comb.
  • Combing the hair is done on a piece of cloth to prevent the spread of lice and nits in the house after getting rid of them.

How to get rid of lice and nits in one day for all from the first time

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the oils that are frequently used to get rid of lice quickly, and it is one of the highly concentrated oils that should be used carefully. Tea tree oil contains compounds that are toxic to insects that weaken and get rid of lice and prevent their reproduction in the hair, and it is important to mix Mix tea tree oil with another oil or moisturizer to reduce its high concentration that, if applied in its raw form, may cause skin irritation or scalp infections.

the ingredients

  • A teaspoon of tea tree oil.
  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Plastic shower cap.

How to prepare

  • Mix the tea tree oil with the coconut oil well and stir completely until the ingredients are completely mixed.
  • Rub the hair with the mixture of oils and massage the hair and scalp with it.
  • Leave the ingredients on the hair for an hour and cover the hair with a shower cap or plastic bag.
  • Wash the hair well with shampoo and comb the hair after drying it with a clean towel.

Causes of lice infestation

There are a number of causes and factors that contribute to the infestation of lice and boys, including the following:[2]

  • Direct contact with lice infested with lice and boys, especially children, in schools or while playing.
  • Neglecting personal hygiene, lack of showering, and not taking care of washing hair permanently.
  • Using personal tools such as combs and shower caps, which are the reason for the transfer of lice eggs from the infected person to the healthy person.
  • Sleeping on contaminated furniture, such as pillows and sheets used by a lice infested; As lice can live outside the body for more than two days.

Medical methods to get rid of lice

There are also a number of natural recipes that help get rid of lice quickly, some prefer medical drugs and treatments that help get rid of lice faster, and these medical treatments for lice include the following:

  • Ivermectin: It is an effective drug treatment to get rid of lice and boys. There are types of it that are taken orally in the form of capsules, and there are some that are placed on the scalp in the form of a cream that helps get rid of lice. This type of treatment is suitable for those who are beyond the age of six months.
  • Malathion: It is one of the effective medicines that help kill and get rid of lice, and also helps remove lice eggs and prevent their appearance on the hair. This treatment is applied to the hair and left on it for 12 hours before washing the hair well, and the medicine works For those over the age of six.
  • Benzyl alcohol: Benzyl alcohol helps eliminate lice by blocking the oxygen reaching it and then suffocating the insect and its death. It is one of the medicines and treatments that are suitable for dry and oily hair, as well as for adults and children, but the treatment may have some Side effects such as itching and scratching. Spinosad: The medicine can be used for children over the age of six months, and therefore there is no fear of using it for newborns, but it is important that this medicine be used through the prescription to prevent the child’s skin and scalp from being affected. in excess of it.

types of lice

There are three main types of lice, which are as follows:

  • Head lice: It is the lice that are in the scalp and stick to human hair, and the presence of this type of lice is frequent in the areas around the ears at the back of the head at the top of the nape. Head lice feed on human blood, and live attached to the hair and scalp through small hooks in its mouth and legs. This type of lice is fast spreading and contagious from one person to another, as it multiplies and grows quickly.
  • Body louse: Body louse is a type of lice that infects the body and multiplies on it, not only on the scalp. Lice feed on dead skin and fallen tissues from the body, which often occurs during periods of sleep. This type of lice can multiply on clothes, covers and furniture, and causes many diseases and transmission of infections such as trench fever, relapsing fever and typhus transmitted through lice.
  • Pubic louse: It is one of the types of lice that spread and multiply in the pubic area and the hair that grows around it. This type of louse is also called crab because of the great similarity between louse and crabs; Since pubic louse has many legs and a circular shape that is similar to cancer, pubic louse causes itching and itching in the pubic area, and it can also transmit from an infected person to a healthy person through sexual contact between them.

Lice treatment for the first time

Symptoms of lice infestation

There are a number of symptoms that show that hair is infested with lice and boys, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • The desire to scratch and severe itching on the head and hair, which is one of the most prominent symptoms of lice infestation, and this itching occurs due to the lice pinching the scalp while they are clinging to it.
  • Feeling of constant movement on the scalp and things moving in the hair, especially during the evening and the period of sleep, as parasites are active during this period.
  • Infection with red spots on the scalp due to frequent insect bites and frequent scratching in the area.
  • The appearance of boys or lice eggs on the hair, which are in the form of small white dots attached to the hair tufts.

Ways to prevent lice and boys

There are a number of ways to prevent infection with lice and boys, and among these methods and tips are the following:[3]

  • Clean personal and household items: One of the most important tips that help reduce lice infestation and reduce the chances of its reproduction is paying attention to the cleanliness of personal and household items. It is washed in hot water with soap and left in the water for a period of no less than a quarter of an hour to get rid of the insect, eliminate it and prevent its spread to the healthy person.
  • Avoid using personal tools: One of the preventive methods to prevent the spread of lice is to ensure that each family member has his own personal tools, such as combs, towels, hats, and other special purposes.
  • Using a special lice comb: The lice comb with narrow and thin teeth helps remove eggs and boys that multiply and grow on hair tufts, and works to remove it and then prevents the chances of cutting and multiplication of parasitic insects.

We learned about how to get rid of lice as quickly as possible, and the best ways and natural recipes that help in that. We also learned about medicines and medical treatments that serve the same purpose. We also learned about the causes and symptoms of lice infestation, and ways to prevent them for adults and children.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيفية التخلص من القمل بأسرع وقت وطرق الوقاية منه ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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