كيفية كتابة تقرير مدرسي

كيفية كتابة تقرير مدرسي , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How to write a school report The school reports are one of the things that the teacher assigns to his students inside or outside the school, as these reports make the student aware and knowledgeable about the curriculum and its various topics, and the student must get used to writing these reports with the correct foundations and principles while including all The goals and results that are achieved through events and activities, which help the student in developing his linguistic vocabulary and also the ability to write these reports without the help of anyone, with the possibility of using ready-made forms, and through the reference website, how to write a school report, and attach samples of how Writing school reports.

school report

The report is defined as one of the writing methods that are used to give details about a topic. It is also an editorial narration of a story or an event that is assigned to students at the secondary or university studies stage, through which material facts are linked and all results related to the topic are summarized. There is a general structure, i.e., conditions and objectives for arriving at a deductive summary on a topic, but before preparing the report, the target group must be identified for preparation.[1]

How to write a school report

Reports contain a set of steps that must be taken and adhered to, to prepare a school report form, but care must be taken to comply with all specifications and standards in the correct model school reports. Make sure that the introduction and conclusion are small and meaningful, in addition to the fact that the main text of the report is distinguished by containing all the details of the topic. Writing the report takes 10 to 15 minutes to prepare the report so that it is ready for submission. The following includes the steps and instructions for preparing a school report:

Choose a topic for the report

When the teacher gives the student a set of topics to write about, the student must choose a specific topic from the topics that were presented to him, so that he chooses an easy topic that he can write and be creative in. and then the student takes the next step.[2]

Find sources and references

The student searches for materials, sources and research on the subject of the report, bearing in mind that information can be obtained through the Internet, such as scientific research, statistics and board discussions, the student may face difficulty in this matter, but he must make sure of the information that he will put in the report his own.[2]

Write the main text of your report

When writing the main text of the report at this stage, three steps are taken, in order to reach a clear report. The following will be explained:[2]

  • Preparing a thesis statement: so that it represents the main idea of ​​the subject of the report, and that one thesis statement is sufficient, with clarification not to write anything of personal opinion, and the report must be objective as much as possible.
  • Create a report outline: by putting the main idea or not, first and then the arguments, then thinking about the structure of the report before actually writing it.
  • Writing the report: When writing the report, it is necessary to pay attention to the important rules when writing, namely: the absence of plagiarism that appears by not using a lot of quotes or texts written by others, the absence of linguistic errors, meaning that the report contains correct grammar and the absence of language errors or grammatical, no errors in the facts where no errors may be found in facts or in printed information, an academic style test that shows through no use of slang or informal speech.

Writing the introduction and conclusion

It is the typical parts of any paper assignment, as it includes the introduction to the report, its objectives and the most important reasons for choosing this topic, in addition to the conclusion or the so-called summary that shows the conclusion reached by the student, and can also put a summary of the ideas that were clarified in the report.[2]

How to write a university report

Conditions that must be met when writing a school report

The report is one of the most important educational tools that enhance the student’s understanding of the educational materials. It makes the student familiar with the contents of books or the Internet for the chosen subject. It is also an integral part of the work in the school, but when writing it, the following conditions must be taken into account:[3]

  • Determining the topic: by defining the topic on which the report was written and which is determined by the teacher, also providing the students with the titles that the report should cover.
  • Students’ names: The names of the students who participate in the activity of the school should be identified. It is also necessary to choose the appropriate topic and collect all the pictures and information needed for the report.
  • Draft the Report: After making an initial draft of the report, the student can try to draft their own headings and start writing briefly for each of the headings.
  • Final Report: Upon completion of the draft report, errors are noted in the report and the wording, whereby the student amends and writes them again while staying away from errors.

Steps to write a professional report

School report writing template

The student can write a school report in a simple way without going into multiple details, as one of the duties assigned by the teacher to the student is to write a school report on a topic or an activity. One of these forms is a school report on the activities to celebrate the National Day. The most important national events on which a report can be prepared, and one of those models will be presented below:

Today’s date/ _____

Honorable Mr. Principal of the School/ __________________

School headmaster/ _______

School representative

I present to you the utmost respect, admiration and respect, and after __________________

It was on last Sunday corresponding to the day of the month of the year 1442 AH; A special event was held to celebrate the anniversary of the National Day, and a distinguished set of activities necessary to commemorate the National Day were prepared, and they included the following:-

  • Preparing a program for school radio to introduce the National Day.
  • Allocate a place in the weekly wall magazine to talk about the national holiday and its importance.
  • Preparing competitions in which questions about the National Day are submitted, and the winner will receive a prize.
  • Determine the first quarter of an hour of the first lesson, in which the class teacher talks about the National Day and its historical memory.
  • Make a trip to the museum, which includes all information such as antiquities and special offers for the National Day.

Parents and special groups in the school have participated in the success of the National Day activities, through artistic and linguistic activities, and they have achieved the goal of commemorating the important national memory in a positive way in the hearts of everyone who participated in this event, with sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who helped in The success of this event, whether with his effort or his time, headed by the distinguished Mr. Director of the school.

The report was prepared by the National Day Celebration Events Officer, Mr. _______ Signature ـــــــــــــ

School progress report

school report template doc

School reports differ according to the events that occur in the school, and for this reason the teacher or student uses the ready-made reports and makes the appropriate adjustments to them according to the topic they want to write about. Also, downloading the reports in doc format allows students to modify the way they want, and for this reason we provide you with a writing form A ready-made study report doc and you can download it “from here” and use it.

The report consists of three main parts:

ready school report form pdf

Many students and teachers are looking for school report forms to use, and they do not want to have them in doc format. Rather, they are looking for reports that are in pdf format, which can be used easily, and then open them without modifying them, as these reports contain the most important activities that are established in The school, whether it is a school activity, a school trip, a visit to a place, or an entertainment report when students go to a place, and you can “from here” download a pdf form for writing a school report directly.

The difference between a circular and a report

Short school report

After identifying the correct way to write a school report, and through previous reports, the report can now be written with ease, because knowledge of creating a report contributes to imagining the form of the report required of the individual, and in the following a report form for a program that was done at the school will be presented ready and can It can be easily printed as follows:

Date of preparing the report: __________________

Program name: (The benefits and harms of modern technologies)

The reason for applying the program: (to familiarize the student with the benefits and harms of modern technologies)

Program application date: Sunday corresponding to the month of the year

Program duration: an hour and a half.

Target group of the program: Tenth grade students

The teacher implementing the program / __________________

Program area: general technology

Number of students: __________________

Signature of the field supervisor/ ________, school principal/ _______

Template for writing a report on a school activity or school trip

School trips are one of the activities carried out by the school, so each school must assign students to prepare a report on the trip they made, and also be careful to deliver a coordinated and organized report. The following will display a sample report on a school trip to the Marine Biology Museum:

Date: —/ —/—- AD, Corresponding to: —/ —/—- H, Today: To the School Principal Mr.: ———————– Deputy Principal: — —————————-

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. In this report, information about our school’s trip to the Museum of Marine Biology will be disclosed. Then: On the day: ( ) corresponding to: —/ —/—-, the school’s students took a school trip to the Marine Biology Museum, and that At the request of the third grade students, the science teacher supervised the course of this trip. The activities of the trip were as follows:

  • At eight o’clock from the gate of the bell, a special bus was taken for students.
  • All students walked out in school uniform with the science teacher supervising the entire trip.
  • They had breakfast in the garden near the school before they went to the museum.
  • The students toured around the Maritime Museum. The teacher explained the most important types of marine life and their specifications about other marine creatures.

The teacher assigned one of his students to take pictures during the trip to document them on this special day. The pictures included the following:

  • Documenting the moments that included breakfast between cooperation and regularity among the students.
  • Documenting and photographing the moments that included students entering the museum.
  • Documenting moments of the teacher’s role and explaining information about all marine creatures.

Then the students returned to their school grateful and thankful to the teacher for their beautiful and distinguished trip, during which they learned about the most important marine biology, and also learned a set of values ​​such as regularity and cooperation in trips, which helped the trip to renew the students’ psyche to study again.

Prepared the report: ————————— Signature: ——————————––

The difference between observation and conclusion

blank school report template

The blank school report helps teachers or students to enter information and data on it with ease, then print the reports and submit them directly to the relevant category. Relying on these reports will avoid making spelling and grammatical errors, and also because these forms have been approved and prepared by experts, and in The following is a blank form for immediate use.

(Report on a school activity program)

Date: —/ —/—- AD, Corresponding to: —/ —/—- H, Today: Director of the Education Office: ——————————————- Honorable Leader School: ————————————————— Respected

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we present this report that contains the activities that took place in the school, as it shows the activity that was carried out on the occasion of _____ on the day: —————————– Corresponding to: —/ —/—- .

The school students carried out a lot of activities that demonstrated the spirit of cooperation between them and also the cooperation to produce the activity in the best way. A group of wonderful teachers supervised the activity, and the activities were as follows:

  • First event: ——————————–
  • The second event: ——————————–
  • The third event: —————————––
  • Fourth event: ——————————–
  • Fifth event: ————————––

The students celebrated in a wonderful way, and the celebration included a number of special paragraphs, including the following:

  • the first paragraph: ———-
  • Second paragraph: ——————————–
  • The third paragraph: ——————————–
  • Fourth paragraph: ——————————–
  • Fifth paragraph: —————————–

The results of the celebration were satisfactory to all students, as they obtained many benefits, which are as follows:

  • First: ———-
  • Secondly: ———-
  • Third: ———-
  • Fourthly: ———-

After that, the photography official photographed the most important and best events that took place in the celebration, and then they were hung on the school’s activities wall to be kept, and this beautiful and special day was remembered. The professors supervising the activity were:

  • the teacher ———-
  • the teacher ———-

Prepared the report: —————————– Signature: ———————————

Report on the right to life

In conclusion, we have discussed in detail how to write a ready-to-use school report, with a set of sample school reports presented, whether they are for school activities, events that take place in them, or a visit to a place, where you can benefit from them in making your own reports.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيفية كتابة تقرير مدرسي ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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