كيفية كتابة رواية للمبتدئين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
How to write a novel for beginners is an issue that preoccupies many young talents who need to answer many questions in order to bring out their creative abilities in a sound and well-formed manner that attracts the attention of readers and receives their admiration. And how to start with an attractive introduction and inspiring ideas for beginners.
Are you qualified to write a novel?
Since literature is an art of speech, its use is a talent possessed only by those whom God has given their spirit and endowed with the craft of speech and the ability to produce it in a manner that only them can improve. As long as the novel is a literary art form, possessing its tools and the ability to master them is something that only those whom God has designated with this talent can master. And the density of the writer’s linguistic stock and the diversity of his methods to the extent that qualifies him to formulate the meaning in a sound and interesting form. Among the important books in this field are “Techniques of Writing” by a group of authors, “On the Theory of the Novel” by Abdel-Malik Murtad, and “Research in the New Novel” by Michel Buteur.[1]
How to write a novel for beginners
Writing a novel is not an easy thing, as it requires a full knowledge of the origins of writing, the elements of the novel, the methods of expression, how to increase experiences, expand perceptions, and unleash the imagination, which is the gateway to astonishment, and the latter is the first key to attracting the reader, so we will address the following basic steps for writing a novel:
owning ideas
The first step in novel production is to capture the ideas that you will present and discuss in your novel, which calls for your contact with the outside world, your reading of literature of all kinds, your contact with art and all visual, audio and intellectual effects that help increase the fertility of your imagination and generate ideas that your own experience creates.
Familiarity with the elements of the art of the novel
These elements include the identification of:
- Place and time: After having ideas, you will have ideas and you will be ready to imagine your world from which you will emerge your novel with its appropriate characters for the place and time and the events it contains. In several times and its graduation in a dark or bright form invites the reader to be optimistic.
- Characters: In the next stage, you will have to draw the central and secondary characters, and define the characteristics of each character, its history and style of speech, and the character of the hero must be the most prominent in the novel, whether it is negative or positive, it should be attractive to the reader, arousing his curiosity, and the protagonist may be one person Or several people, as the idea calls for, which does not eliminate the importance of secondary characters in the novel to form an integrated and strong narrative case and provide an element of persuasion to readers. It is very necessary for the characters to be freed from the writer’s desire and whim, and each of them enjoys what distinguishes them from the others, so that we find many novelists living with their characters and talking to them and asking them about their opinions and actions, which means that the persuasive character is the one who lives in isolation from the writer’s desire and his own thought to be an idea Independent makes the reader convinced of its existence.
- Plot: In addition to the importance of the general atmosphere of the novel, the time, place, and characters of the novel, the strongest element in any novel is the strength of the plot in it, and by plot we mean the context in which the events are based and how they escalate to the climax called the knot and then the solution, whether this solution ends with a happy or sad ending . The novel may depart from this traditional mold, beginning with the main event, and then recounting the events that led to this knot. The novel may also end with an open ending without providing solutions to the events, and these events may not run in one chronological sequence, so the writer moves from time to time.
- Narrative method: It is necessary to determine the method in which the events will be narrated, which is called the “narrative perspective.” Either the protagonist narrates the events, so the narration is in the first person, or the narrator lists it outside the events, so the narration is in the third person, or the narrator addresses the reader and makes him a partner in The event makes the narration in the first person, and the narrator may use several voices to narrate the event from more than one perspective by making the protagonists of the novel recount the events from his perspective separately, and there is no harm in the narrator leaving this matter to the context of events to be able to determine the most appropriate method and then make adjustments if necessary This is because there is no fixed rule that defines the best narrative perspective.
writing outline
Organize your thoughts and goals from the novel by setting a writing plan, improvised writing will make it random and you will waste a lot of your effort, and this does not mean that you stick to the plan literally. Indulgence, which means that you write regularly even if you don’t feel inspired or have an urge to write.
search for information
Before starting to write, you must conduct a search for the necessary information for the novel about the time, place, the characters, and the taste and culture of each of them, which contributes to raising the level of the novel and achieving the element of persuasion in it through familiarity with the minute details without being satisfied with the basic events only.[2]
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Tips for Beginner Novel Writers
Literary writing is not an easy thing, and whenever the writer – whoever he is – makes it easy, he fails in it and falls below what is required by the audience. Therefore, those who possess the seed of novelistic creativity must water it until it grows and grows. Here are tips for those who write their first words:[3]
- Reading: We mean reading literature of all kinds, providing its methods and meanings, selecting the best of them and choosing the novels of the great and brilliant writers with distinctive styles and renewed ideas. And if he does not mean _ in what he writes, then whoever wants to professionally write and enter the world of novelist creativity should select the best books.
- Daily writing: Writing is a skill that you develop with practice, and the more you write, the easier it becomes for you. Write for yourself, others, and society. Keep a small notebook to write down your thoughts constantly, ideas for stories, novels or topics that you might write later.
- Allocate time for writing: Find an extra time in your day to write and make this a habit that you practice constantly, and try to do it in the morning, as it is the best and most active time for the mind, but some people find the night or evening times more appropriate and there is no problem in that. To write at a minimum, if you have the time, dedicating a full hour is definitely better. The important thing is to start with it and write, even if you prefer to fill your spare time with entertainment, face your fear of writing and write anything no matter how silly it seems.
- Create the right atmosphere: Practice writing in a calm and pleasant atmosphere away from the noise or work pressures. Choose a private room with dim light and separate yourself from all external influences from people around you or virtual people in the media until you reach the highest levels of mental clarity and focus. It is best to plan what you will write while walking home, on transportation or at the gym. This will help you to get an initial idea of what you will write, to choose the style in which you will write, or to get an idea from everyday life.
- Stay away from fear and imitation: Do not let your admiration for famous writers push you to try to imitate them or reach their level, but try to find your own way, your style and your words without being afraid to experiment. The occasion and replace it with what is appropriate, the review takes you to another level in which you are the reader, so you taste what you wrote in another way. Revision also helps in choosing strong words, influential phrases, and deep meanings, which adds attractiveness and distinction to the text.
- Taking a reliable opinion: It is better to choose a reliable and educated person to read what you write, and he will dictate the necessary notes to you to improve your performance and will be an additional support and incentive for your continuation. At a later stage, you will need to present your product to others in blogs or in books. Imagine yourself in this place when you write and make this a motivator and incentive to do better instead of causing you anxiety.
- Simplicity and depth: The best way of writing lies in achieving depth in the simplest style, without pretension and exaggeration in eloquence, as this alienates many readers and puts a barrier between them and the writer. surface.
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How do I write an introduction to a novel?
Perhaps the most preoccupation of the novice novelist’s thinking is the beginning of his novel and how he started writing and the opening of events, so we have devoted this part to talking about it individually, and this does not mean neglecting the other parts of the novel, as they are all important, but the beginning is the writer’s key to entering the world of his novel. The best introductions are those that attract the reader to the novel and arouse curiosity in him, and this is done in many ways from which the writer can choose what suits his novelistic work and what agrees with his own style, and these methods include:[4]
- Shock the reader: with an idea, a special feeling, or a news that amazes the reader and pushes him to know the story. The writer may attract his readers by starting with a big focal point that prompts them to read the events, or a hint that makes the reader await a major shift in the course of events. As for crime and thriller novels, they often put the reader in the middle of the event from its beginning in order to catch his curiosity from the first moment, start with an important event and then return to narrating the events in a sequential manner.
- Starting with something that incites events: It complicates the lives of the characters and the sequence of events, which is called the explosive beginning.
- Initiating the novel with a strange sentence: or a striking phrase or a different piece of information that amazes the readers, and perhaps the writer arouses the sympathy of his readers from the beginning in order to ensure their attraction to the story and to arouse their curiosity to the characters he is trying to build a relationship between them and the readers, where he begins his novel with an emotionally influential narration of its secrets.
- Start by describing a place of a special character that distinguishes it from others: which gives the reader a comfortable and beautiful feeling, or gives him a frightening and repulsive impression, or gives him a feeling of nostalgia for a memory. The important thing is to achieve the goal by leaving a different impression on the recipient.
- Controversial characters: They are what the writer achieves when he succeeds in spreading her spirit from the first lines of his novel, making the reader feel the privacy of the character since its birth on paper and making this character the key to the novel to catch the reader’s eyes, and there are many writers who resort to accessing their literary works as They start with an argumentative personality.
- No matter how different the methods are in initiating the novel, there are many things that must be taken into account in the introduction to the novel, whatever its kind, including brevity in the description, raising the reader’s fears, transferring him to a mood different from his surroundings, sowing doubt in his mind and prompting him to think about possible expectations for the content of the novel, which raises questions for him. Without exhausting the writer his tricks and language games in the foreground.
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Ideas for writing a novel
Creative thinking is not taught and talent is not given except that ideas may inspire the beginning of the road or help generate creativity, and here we present some ideas or notes that may help those who seek to write a novel to make their literary experiences successful, and these ideas are summarized in:[5]
- Writing a story that is related to reality, meaning that it is drawn from life and is not far from it, and this attracts the reader to the literary work and makes him feel that he is reading a real story.
- The adoption of the popular myth in the novel, which means its dependence on imagination, but in an attractive way and with an idea related to life, even if its events are fictional.
- Get inspired by the characters from people you know in real life, and without notes about their thoughts, behavior and character, there are many successful novels whose writers have inspired their heroes from reality.
- Drawing inspiration from your life, write about an event, a moving moment, or an idea born out of your own experience.
- Review the books you have loved and the novels that have attracted and influenced you and reflect on their plots and styles, and see whether the events develop on each page or whether the novel revolves around a gradually unfolding character and get inspired by the way you will write.
- Meditate on historical events and imagine a radical change in one of them and create a story based on that, and this matter falls under the name of alternative historical fiction, which is one of the types of fictional narration in which the writer changes an event or group of historical events and tells the story based on this change.
- Try to take strangeness as a style for you, and do not be afraid of generating new or strange ideas and do not be afraid of rejection. There are many literary works that were rejected at the beginning although they were of great value, so sometimes it is good to stay away from the ordinary and break the pattern.
We conclude this article, hoping that you will find it useful and useful. We have provided answers to most of the questions that revolve in the minds of new novelists. We discussed the eligibility of a person to write a novel and how to write a novel for beginners. For a uniquely inspired work of fiction.
خاتمة لموضوعنا كيفية كتابة رواية للمبتدئين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.