كيف اعرف أن زوجي مرتاح مع زوجته الثانية

كيف اعرف أن زوجي مرتاح مع زوجته الثانية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How do I know that my husband is comfortable with his second wife? It is one of the most important questions that every woman asks. Her husband has remarried while she is still his wife. The second marriage is one of the most difficult things for the psychology of the first wife, as no woman in the world can accommodate the preference Her husband takes another woman against her, whatever the reasons for this. Many women seek to reassure themselves that their husband is not comfortable with his second wife and that he will divorce his second wife, whether the time is long or short, and return to his first wife and children, and that the second wife is nothing but a whim in the husband’s life. Therefore, the reference site in This article answers the question that comes to the mind of every first wife regarding whether or not her husband is comfortable with his second wife, so that she is aware of her matter and can know the truth and adapt to it.

Reasons for the husband’s marriage again

In many cases, many women are surprised that their husbands have remarried for the second time, which leads them to wonder among themselves and themselves about the reasons for that marriage. Therefore, in this part of the article, we explain the reasons that may push the husband to marry a second time, which are:

  • The first wife’s lack of interest in her appearance: All men prefer a woman who knows how to take care of her femininity and show her, so the wife’s neglect of her external appearance and personal hygiene may be one of the most important reasons that push the husband to marry again.
  • The fact that the first wife is one of the grumpy personalities: some wives are characterized by a lot of persistent grumpiness and infidelity of their partners, which makes the husband feel pressure permanently and try to search for a partner for his life to live with, while not divorcing his first wife because she is the mother of his children, so he resorts to the second marriage to make up for what he lacks in his first home .
  • The wife’s reluctance to have intercourse with her husband: The man marries basically in order to pardon himself from the forbidden. Therefore, the wife’s continuous refusal to establish a conjugal relationship with her husband may push him to marry again so that he can pardon himself away from his wife’s constant rejection of him.
  • The wife’s inability to understand with her husband: Many husbands often discover their inability to understand with their wives after the wedding has passed for a period of time and the wife has become a mother to the husband’s children, which may push him to try to obtain mental and spiritual compatibility with a woman other than His first wife will marry for a second time.
  • The wife’s lack of interest in home matters: Usually, the role of a woman who is committed to being a family head is to take care of the house and children, so the woman’s neglect of the cleanliness of her home and her husband’s needs of food and clothing and other matters of the husband and the house that the woman must take care of may push her husband to marry again Until he finds a woman who will make him happy and fulfill his physical and psychological needs.

My experience with my husband’s second marriage

How do I know that my husband is comfortable with his second wife

In fact, many women wonder about the answer to this question, because a man who marries twice usually does not like to mention his second wife in front of the first wife so that she is not jealous and causes himself problems, which makes the first wife confused because she does not know the truth about the happiness of her husband from the second wife of his Here we answer this question by mentioning the signs that indicate the husband’s comfort and happiness with his second wife:

  • Being late with the second wife: Usually a man who is married to more than one wife divides his days between his wives so that he sleeps every night with one, so if the first wife notices the husband’s delay in coming from his second wife, this sign indicates his love for her and his comfort with her proximity.
  • His feeling of happiness after coming from her: If the relationship is bad between the husband and his second wife, the normal thing is for him to come from her angry and excited, but his happy coming indicates that his day has passed gently and that their relationship is nice and stable.
  • Away with the first wife: When the husband loves his second wife, he is always thinking about her, especially if she is younger than the first wife, or the husband’s marriage to his second wife is still recent, so the husband is willing to end the day he spends with the first wife so that he can go to his second wife This is what causes the pair to be straying most likely.
  • Loss of interest in the first wife: If the second wife controls the husband’s thinking and her presence with him causes him comfort and happiness, then he becomes disinterested in the conditions of his first wife and begins to neglect her and ignore everything related to her, even her speech.
  • The husband’s sexual coldness with his first wife: If the husband is emotionally stable with his second wife, the physical relationship between them will occur at a large rate, making him unable to have intercourse with the first wife during the days in which he sleeps there.
  • The strained relationship of the husband with his first wife: If the husband is happy with his second wife, this will make him feel the constant desire to sleep with her, which will make him upset with his first wife, and this discomfort will often come out in the form of constant screaming at the first wife and the husband’s dissatisfaction with her efforts to make him happy.

Benefits of the second wife to the first wife

If your husband does this move, make sure that he is married to you in secret

There are many signs by which a woman can know whether her husband is married to her or not, and these signs are:

  • If the husband ignores his wife and argues all the time that he cannot talk to her because of his tension or constant preoccupation, as this sign may indicate that there is another woman who is on his mind and longs to see her, and that other woman is often the second wife of the husband.
  • Usually, the husband’s sudden interest in himself indicates the entry of another woman into his life, especially if the husband is of the type of men without elegance or practicality, who puts the value of money above the value of appearance.
  • The husband’s permanent nervous excitement may indicate that he misses a woman other than his wife and cannot meet her so that his wife does not feel the difference in his appointments, which makes him resentful of his life and willing to release those pent-up feelings inside him in the form of anger and screaming at the wife and children.
  • Suddenly different dates for the husband and an increase in his busy hours outside the home may be a sign that clearly indicates the husband’s marriage for the second time and his use of those times to meet his second wife.
  • The husband receives phone calls late at night, accompanied by his answer to those calls in a low voice so that the wife does not listen to him.
  • The husband got angry when his wife grabbed his phone and tried to keep him away from her all the time and put a strong password on his screen and on his internal applications as well.
  • Some men, when they remarry, feel emotional and psychological stability, to try to get rid of the first wife by treating her badly to push her to leave the house and ask for a divorce from him. .

Signs of a man’s desire for a second marriage

How do I attract my husband from his second wife?

Most of the wives whose husbands remarry them want to get the husband back from the second wife and to become the husband’s favorites so as not to lose their privileges that they had gained since the beginning of the marriage. Describe them and make them his favorites, and these methods are:[1]

The first wife’s attention to her appearance

The heart of a man is in his eyes, so he always tends to a clean and beautiful woman who feels her femininity and kindness and can make him feel that he is her man. Therefore, the first wife should be careful to decorate, especially in the presence of her husband at home, while wearing beautiful and sexy feminine clothes, and she must exercise constantly in order to maintain It is not exposed to obesity and sagging problems that reduce a woman’s femininity and make her appearance appear older than her age.

Deliberate proof of the first wife for the continuity of her existence

Usually the second wife expects that the first wife will ask for a divorce, which will make her the only wife of the husband. In fact, many women who marry married men as wives for the second time build their marriage on this basis. Therefore, the first wife should try to prove her presence in the husband’s life by calling him often and talking With him and continue to pay attention to him and listen to him so that the husband does not get used to her absence and so that she does not allow the second wife to occupy her position with the husband.

Avoid disturbing the husband and try to make him happy

Usually the first wife begins to deal badly with her husband after he remarries, and this act is one of the things that most alienates the husband from his wife, in addition to the fact that the second wife is newly married to him, and he still has not abused her, which makes him lust for her a lot and neglect his first wife, alleging By being abusive to him, the first wife must deal with her husband intelligently and try as much as possible not to disturb him. It is preferable that the first wife break the boredom and routine in her relationship with her husband by wearing new clothes or trying to create a romantic atmosphere or traveling and hiking with him or anything else that would Helps her renew her relationship with her husband.

How do I make my husband love me more than his second wife?

For these reasons, a man gets bored of his second wife

Although the second marriage is one of the things that cause the most injury to the pride of the first wife, despite that, she must try to hold together so that this ordeal may pass over her in peace, and she should not ask for a divorce and destroy her home. The man brings out the accumulated repression and pressures inside him, and in most cases the husband gets bored of his second wife and divorces her. We explain the reasons for the husband’s boredom with his second wife as follows:

The husband’s recollection of his life before marriage

Usually the husband is emotionally attached to his first wife, even if they are not in an intellectual agreement, she always has an important advantage and that feature is that the husband has experienced with his first wife all feelings for the first time in his life, she is the first woman he loved and he has experienced the feelings of fatherhood thanks to her for that He holds many memories for her, which will make him feel nostalgic for her at many times, and the husband’s feeling of guilt towards his first wife may push him to review himself in the matter of the second marriage and feel that he has rushed to take that step.

Husband’s desire for calm and stability

Usually the husband’s desire to renew his emotions subsides after a short period of his second marriage, while the second wife is often never married before, which makes her willing to enjoy her life and go out for walks and deal as a newly married girl, which makes her collide with her husband, who has passed that stage before and went out He has no desire to take her back because he has become a committed and responsible man and has children that he must work for them. Therefore, the husband begins to get bored of his second wife and her endless requests and begins to feel that she is causing him more stress than the first wife, which often causes clashes Between them may lead to divorce.

The jealousy of the second wife from the first wife

The second wife knows that no matter what is presented to the husband, the first wife will still have a special place in the heart of the husband and his family, so she is always jealous of her and often also seeks to prove that she is more important than the first wife and better than her, which puts pressure on the husband and makes him a party to a war he does not want waged by the second wife against the first wife especially If her pregnancy is delayed, because this will increase her feeling of the preference of the first wife over her, so with the passage of time the husband will begin to feel that he has made a mistake when he married for the second time, and it may even come to him divorcing his second wife in order to restore his psychological peace and family happiness again.

Increasing the burden on the husband

After the husband performs the second marriage, he finds himself obligated to spend on two houses. Usually the second wife is willing to pamper her husband and buy many expensive things as the new wife, which puts a lot of material burdens on the husband and makes him feel weary of his second wife and that she is draining him financially. And that she married him to benefit from his money, which may make him in many cases divorce her, especially if her pregnancy was delayed with her husband having many children, because in this case he will feel that it is the first to spend his money on his children and abandon his second wife before she also has a child for him And it becomes impossible for him to divorce her.

Losing his passion for the second wife

Usually a man marries for the second time in order to get the physical pleasure that he missed with his first wife after she gave birth to children and lost a lot of her beauty and elegance, but after a while the husband married the second wife, she also begins to gradually lose her beauty until she looks closer to the first wife with the passage of time. Time, which leads the husband to yearn for his home and his first wife, which in turn causes him to feel bored with his second wife and divorce her.

Does a man regret after a second marriage?

The second marriage is one of the most difficult matters on the psyche of any woman, so we have explained in this article the answer to the question of how do I know that my husband is comfortable with his second wife so that every woman is aware of her husband’s happiness with his second wife or not, and can guess whether the husband will return to her and divorce his second wife Or will the situation continue as it is, and the first wife will adjust herself to the new situation of her life with the husband.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف اعرف أن زوجي مرتاح مع زوجته الثانية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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