كيف اعرف اني حامل ببنت , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
How do I know that I am pregnant with a girl is one of the very important questions that many women who want to have a girl ask about, who will be their loyal friend and the comfort of their homes. This article shows the reference site all the signs that can indicate pregnancy with a girl and the medical, folk and even religious methods that can indicate it.
When can the gender of the fetus be known?
Using recipes and folk methods, it is possible to identify the fetus’s gender presumably until the eighteenth week of pregnancy, as after the eighteenth week, the fetus’s sex can be identified with certainty by conducting one of the analyzes or tests through which the fetus’s sex is determined, and it is the most famous and best examination to determine The gender of the fetus is the ultrasound that pregnant women often resort to to determine the gender of the fetus with certainty in the period from the eighteenth week until the twenty-second week of pregnancy.[1]
The difference between a girl’s and a boy’s ultrasound in the third month
How do I know that I am pregnant with a girl?
There are many signs that a pregnant woman can notice on herself psychologically or physically, and it is said that these signs are evidence that a woman is pregnant with a girl, but the truth is that not all of these signs indicate pregnancy with a girl, some of them are the result of pregnancy with a girl and some are due to other reasons related to pregnancy Such as the change of hormones and the nature of the mother’s body and the type of the fetus does not affect it. We mention these signs, explaining what is considered a sign of pregnancy with a girl according to science, and what is considered a popular saying that is transmitted and scientifically incorrect in the following lines:
morning sickness
It is said that excessive morning sickness in a pregnant woman is evidence that she is carrying a girl, and in fact this is not true because the extent of morning sickness is due to the fluctuation of pregnant hormones and her physical nature and many other factors during pregnancy, not one of which is the gender of the fetus.
calm mood
It is said that a calm mood is often the result of pregnancy with a girl, because pregnancy with a girl increases the percentage of estrogen in the mother’s body, which contributes to calming her nerves, but in the case of a boy pregnancy, the percentage of testosterone increases, which makes the mother nervous and turbulent, and this belief is scientifically correct in a way.
Behaving in a good manner
It is said that a pregnant woman if her behavior is balanced and gentle, then this indicates that she is pregnant with a girl, while if her behavior is dry and clumsy, then this indicates that she is pregnant with a male, and this belief is not scientifically correct and there are no scientific evidence for it and it is likely to be wrong because it has not been proven that there is any difference in the style Conduct between pregnant women and pregnant males.
No body odor after garlic test
The garlic test is a popular test for grandmothers. This test is done by eating garlic. If a pregnant woman smells garlic, this is evidence that she is pregnant with a male, and if the smell of garlic does not appear on her, this is evidence that she is pregnant with a female, and this belief is not scientifically proven in any way. .
It is said that women who are pregnant with girls get heartburn more than women who are pregnant with boys because the girl has longer hair, which causes her mother to have heartburn.
Oily skin and dull hair
It is said that oily skin and dull hair are often evidence of pregnancy with a girl, while normal skin and fresh hair are often evidence of pregnancy with a boy. her fetus
How do I know that I am pregnant with a girl through urine?
Although the fact that the sex of the fetus can be determined through urine is not common and not many people know it, it is one of the best methods that can be used to determine the sex of the fetus at home. the following lines:[2]
- Hormone test to determine the fetus’s DNA through urine: The mother can know the gender of her fetus by taking a urine test that is sold in pharmacies to determine the gender of the fetus. The test looks for the Y chromosome in the DNA fragments found in the mother’s urine. If the Y chromosome is present, it The fetus is male, and if it is not present, the fetus is female.
Best time for home pregnancy test
- Salt and urine test to determine the gender of the fetus: The salt test to determine the sex of the fetus is one of the old folk tests inherited from mothers and grandmothers. This method relies on the pregnant woman placing a sample of her urine in a cup and placing a spoonful of salt on it. If many bubbles appear on top of the cup, this indicates that That the woman is pregnant with a boy, and if no bubbles appear at the top of the cup, this indicates that the woman is pregnant with a female.
My experience with the salt pregnancy test
How do I know that I am pregnant with a girl by the heartbeat of the fetus?
Many expectant mothers wonder how they can know the gender of the fetus by the number of its heartbeats because they believe that the number of heartbeats of the male fetus is different from the number of heartbeats of the female fetus. In fact, this is a completely wrong belief as it is not based on Any scientific basis, in addition to that it has been refuted by scientists as well, as many scientific experiments, the last of which was in 2016, proved that the number of heartbeats of male fetuses is exactly the same as the number of heartbeats of female fetuses, which means that the popular popular belief that the number of heartbeats of the fetus The female fetus has more heartbeats than the male fetus is just an unfounded misconception.
When does the heartbeat of the fetus and the sac appear?
Tests and analyzes to determine the gender of the fetus
There are many tests and analyzes that a pregnant mother can do during pregnancy to know the gender of her fetus in terms of whether it is male or female, and also to be assured of its health and growth in the fullest and best way and that it does not suffer from any health problems or genetic diseases. These examinations and analyzes are:
Is the pregnancy test with chlorine correct?
Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound examination to find out the sex of the fetus is the examination called sonar. This examination is carried out by the doctor placing a gel on the abdomen to deliver sound waves to the inside of the uterus and then sends the sound waves into the uterus through a transducer that receives the waves after they are returned from the body of the fetus and draws it A black and white image, but the fetus’s legs must be open so that the doctor can know its gender. This examination is one of the best examinations for knowing the fetus’s gender because it is without any risks to the mother or her fetus, and it also gives the mother the opportunity to obtain a picture of her fetus before it is born. [3]
When is the sex of the fetus revealed by ultrasound?
DNA analysis in the mother’s urine
The gender of the fetus can be known by analyzing the fetal DNA fragments found in the mother’s urine, as the male fetus has XY chromosomes, while the female fetus has XX chromosomes, which entails that the presence of a Y chromosome in the urine of the pregnant mother means that her fetus is male, while its absence means that her fetus is female. This analysis can be done at home or in the laboratory, but the accuracy of this analysis is often low if it is performed at home, which requires that the mother perform it in the laboratory if she wants to know the sex of the fetus with certainty and is not suspicious, and often the number of women who resort to this method A little bit because they prefer an ultrasound because they can see their fetuses.[4]
Can I be pregnant and the urine test is negative?
DNA analysis in the mother’s blood
The gender of the fetus can be known by analyzing the fetal DNA fragments found in the mother’s blood through blood analysis, as the male fetus has XY chromosomes, while the female fetus has XX chromosomes, which entails that the presence of a Y chromosome in the blood of the pregnant mother means that her fetus is male, while its absence means that the presence of a Y chromosome in the blood of the pregnant mother That her fetus is female, and this analysis can only be done in the laboratory and under medical supervision, and it is often less used because women prefer ultrasound examination so that they can see their children and do not resort to this test unless they want to make sure that there is no problem or An abnormality in the fetus’s chromosomes.[5]
Can I be pregnant and it doesn’t show up in the blood test?
Lab pregnancy tests
There are many laboratory pregnancy tests through which it is possible to determine the gender of the fetus, but they are used only in the case of a desire to ensure that the fetus does not suffer from a health problem because their cost is high and because they do not provide an image of the fetus such as an ultrasound examination, and they may cause many health damages to the fetus The most important of these tests are amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, and amniotic fluid testing.[6]
Popular beliefs about how to make sure you are pregnant with a girl
There are many popular beliefs based on unproven scientific observations claiming that there are many signs that a pregnant woman must appear to know that she is pregnant with a girl who is not a boy. These signs are:
- Abdominal protrusion up: Many people believe that the upward protrusion of the pregnant belly means that she is carrying a female, while its protrusion down means that she is carrying a male.
- Increased waist fat: The prevailing belief is that the roundness of a pregnant woman’s abdomen and an increase in her waist fat indicates pregnancy with a female, while the lack of waist fat and the lack of roundness of the abdomen are unquestionable evidence of male pregnancy. Excess fat not for the type of fetus.
- Cravings for sweets: Most people, especially the elderly, believe that a pregnant woman’s desire to eat sweets is the result of a female pregnancy, while her desire to eat citrus fruits is the result of a male pregnancy. for the type of fetus you are carrying.
- The frequent appearance of acne on the mother’s face: It is prevalent that the frequent appearance of acne on the mother’s face is a result of her pregnancy with a girl. In fact, this is not true, as the frequent presence of acne on the face of a pregnant mother is the result of hormonal changes resulting from pregnancy and nothing more.
- Increased yellow color of urine: It is common that the yellow color of urine indicates pregnancy with a girl, while its purity and purity indicates pregnancy with a male. In fact, this is not true, as the clarity of urine indicates that the woman drinks enough water, while its yellowness indicates that she does not drink enough of the urine. Water may hurt her kidneys in the short term.
Indonesian method to find out the gender of the fetus
Signs of pregnancy with a girl through dreams
According to the interpretation of religious scholars, many things mentioned in dreams can indicate that a pregnant woman is carrying a girl or that she will become pregnant in the future with a girl if she is married or not yet married, and these matters are: [7]
- Money and jewelry: If a woman dreams of jewelry, banknotes, and gold, this means that she will give birth to a beautiful girl.
- Dreaming of giving birth while the sister is present: If a woman dreams that she is going to give birth in a place where her sister is with her, this means that she will give birth to a girl.
- The gazelle: Scientists have interpreted the woman’s vision of the deer in the dream as saying that she will give birth to a girl with wide eyes and beautiful features.
- Car: If a woman dreams that she is riding an expensive car, then this indicates that she will give birth to a woman who attracts attention.
- Some types of fruits: There are some fruits that if a pregnant woman sees in a dream, she will give birth to a female, such as peaches and cherries.
- Roses and green gardens: If a woman sees beautiful roses, flowers and green gardens, this indicates that she will give birth to a beautiful female.
- Beautiful clothes: If a woman sees herself wearing beautiful and new clothes, she will give birth to a female.
- The dining table: Seeing the dining table in a dream indicates that the woman will give birth to a girl, and if the woman eats from this table, she will give birth soon.
- Camel: The commentators say that if a pregnant woman sees a camel in her dreams, this indicates that she will give birth to a female.
Many women want to have girls so that they can be their friends, keep their secrets, take care of them when they are old and help them with household matters, which makes them eager during pregnancy to know the gender of the fetus in the hope that it will be a girl. Knowing the gender of the fetus to help women know the gender of their fetus during pregnancy and to be happy with God’s provision for them, whether the fetus is male or female.
خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف اعرف اني حامل ببنت ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.