كيف افتح موضوع مع حبيبتي , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
How do I open a topic with my girlfriend is a question that comes to the head of many young people, especially if this questioning young man is from conservative environments or education that prevents a young man from mixing with a girl. He knows where to start, and in this article, the reference website shows the best advice that a young man should adhere to when talking to his loved one.
How do I open a topic with my girlfriend
Opening a topic with a girl for the purpose of discussing with her and engaging in conversation is one of the most difficult things for any young man, but there are many tips that the young man should adhere to so that he can find a common dialogue between him and his girl for them to talk about. These tips are:
Find out what a girl is interested in
The young man should know the preferences of the girl he wants to talk to and start collecting information about him and talking to her in it. It is preferable that the things that the young man start talking about are things that he cares about as well so that he does not get bored during the conversation or the difference between the young man and the girl leads to quarrels Especially if they are in their first relationship, then it is preferable for the boy to choose things they have in common and to stay away from controversial discussions.
Show wit while talking
The lightness of shade breaks down a lot of fences, especially at the beginning of any relationship. It helps to make people get used to each other faster. It was said that the key to hearts is laughter, so when a young man talks to his girl, he should try to mix the conversation with joking with simple jokes that are not ridiculous at the same time. Don’t be so crude as to bother her, this will help break down the barriers between the guy and the girl he likes and make them feel like they’ve known each other for a long time.
Give the girl a chance to express her opinion
The biggest mistake that any young man can make is to speak continuously and individually in a way that makes the girl he is talking to feel as if he is talking to himself, so the young man must leave the girl space to bring out what is inside her head and express her opinion so that she does not feel that he is talking to her as if she were a doll or as if she were A student he teaches and she alienates him, and he should also not interrupt his girl while she is talking so that she does not feel that he is eager to finish talking and come back to talk again. Giving the girl a chance to express her opinion is the most important answer to the question of how to open a topic with my girlfriend.
The boy’s interest in the girl’s talk
Girls are sensitive beings by nature. If a young man ignores the topic a girl is talking about, for example, and then jumps to another topic, this may make her feel that her talk is not important to him, and the topic may have reached her desire not to hear it, so the boy should pay attention to what the girl says and discuss it with her. After she finished him and laughing at her jokes in a way that suggests to her that he was listening to what she was saying and enjoying hearing it, which makes her more willing to open other dialogues with him.
How to talk to your girlfriend on WhatsApp
Electronic chat programs have recently spread widely among girls and boys and have become one of the easiest ways to talk between them. It is also free and allows sending pictures and media through them. Therefore, it has become the most popular means among young people. A successful dialogue with the beloved can be built in WhatsApp by following the following :
Stay away from busy times
There are many young men who do not care whether the time he chooses to talk to his girl is valid to talk to her or not, so he writes to her at any time, thinking that she is always available to talk, which leads to embarrassing the girl and made her try to combine the two things, that is, trying to write to the young man while doing the thing she does and often What this may cause a problem between the young man and the girl, so doing more than one thing at a time causes the girl to feel pressure and tension, and she begins to speak badly with her lover, and he exchanges sharp responses with sharp responses, so it is better to choose a time when the girl is calm and is not committed to anything and does nothing but Young message.
Include messages and smileys
Typing is usually drier than talking on the phone or talking face to face, and perhaps this is what exacerbates the problems that are discussed on WhatsApp, as each of the parties reads the messages of the other party in a sharp tone, which makes him respond with sharper responses, but Smileys and faces or “emojis” greatly reduce the intensity of speech and clarify the intended meaning, so it is preferable to include messages in some of them so that they are instead of the expressions that come from the face.
Show happiness by talking to her and sending voice messages
One of the things that may motivate any girl to talk to her lover via WhatsApp is her feeling that he is interested in completing this conversation, as the girl can feel her lover’s interest in talking to her through his insistence on knowing the small details of the subject that his lover talks to him about, and the girl also feels the interest of her lover through Telling her about his love for talking to her, and it is advisable for the boy to send audio clips to his girl from time to time telling her that he is happy to talk to her, as the human voice is a reflection of what is in his heart, and the girl’s hearing of her lover telling her of his love to talk to her will certainly make her happy.
Flirting with a girl from time to time
When you mention courtship, it means that flirtation that is closer to a nice compliment, not that crude, vulgar flirtation that makes a girl feel that she has a defect in her morals. Examples of intended flirtations include:
- You are one of the best people to talk to. Talking to you is almost as beautiful as your face, which is nothing more beautiful than the moon, not even the moon.
- The phone is to me nothing more than a tool to talk with, and if you send me a message it becomes the most important reason for my happiness.
- Your intelligence appears in our conversation in such a way that I long to talk to you again whenever our conversations are over, your beauty and your intelligence are so competitive with each other that no other girl can compete with them.
Start talking to any girl by asking about her
Girls usually like people who take care of them, so it is preferable that the first thing a young man starts talking to a girl is to ask about her day and what she did and listen to her and if she is doing something, he should check on her every once in a while. And if she was outside the house, he would text her to ask if she had come back to him?! In a way that makes her feel his concern for her and his fear for her, and makes her long to talk to him until she tells him about the new in her day.
Open WhatsApp on the computer in more than one way 2021
How do you make your girlfriend happy?
In the past, it was said that a man loves with his mind, but a woman loves with her ear. A woman loves someone who expresses his love to her firsthand by talking to her. A man can make his girlfriend happy and hear her words of love that make her not see anyone else by following the following tips:
- Talk to her kindly at all times: the lover should not respond to his girlfriend in a silly or impatient way to prevent hurting her feelings and so that she does not feel that he does not care about her.
- Praise her all the time: The lover should praise his girlfriend in a way that makes her feel proud of her, which leads her to self-confidence.
- Assign her a name to pamper her: Women in general love to be pampered, so any lover should allocate to his beloved a name that calls her and pampers her, which he has devised specifically for her so that she feels distinguished when she is with him.
- Listening to the beloved’s problems and supporting her: It is preferable that the lover devote time of his day to listening to his beloved’s problems and discussing them with her and then alleviating her and trying to support her if he can do so, as this makes her feel safe and her ability to rely on her lover in adversity.
- He tells her his love for her without occasion: A man should tell his girl his love for her without there being a reason for that, as the many words of love from the young man to the girl make her feel that he is thinking of her and that he is proud of their relationship all the time.
- Puts a distinct sentence between them instead of stereotyped sentences: Some men may underestimate things that are very important to women, including the desire of women to have points of distinction in the relationship, even if these points are in the conversation. All the time, if she says to him, for example, she will be fine, he answers her with the sentence “And you are from my family” instead of the sentence “And you are from the good people”, as the first sentence indicates his intention to marry her and his desire to speed up that if they are engaged, or his happiness in marrying her and his hope that this happiness will last. Forever if they are married.
Characteristics of a man that women love
How do I open a topic with someone I like
Many times a person meets a person who feels that he likes him and does not know the reason for that and thinks that he should get to know him and open a topic with him, but his mind does not guide him to the behavior that he should do. To answer how to open a topic with my beloved, these tips are:
- Starting the conversation with a nice compliment: You can open a dialogue with a stranger by telling him a nice and simple compliment about his appearance, his style of speech, or even his Facebook page posts if the conversation is via the Messenger app.
- Attempting to lead speech to talking about work: Talking about oneself is a pleasure that most people cannot resist. Therefore, the easiest way to open a conversation with anyone is to make him talk about himself and his work and listen to him carefully with a lot of questions about work and how to do its simplest minutes.
- Attempting to elicit and discuss the person’s interests: It is always said that every intelligent person understands and the person who admires has to be intelligent so that he can know the topics of interest to whom he likes. Simple together and then talking to him in it, which deepens the relationship between them over time.
- Try to talk about the points of difference when the other party is bored: The person talking about the things he likes may with time become a boring thing for him that he does not want to talk about, so it may be useful at this stage to start the discussion on controversial issues, provided that the dialogue maintains a friendly format Respect for each other.
How do I open a topic with someone I like
Questions to open topics with girls
Most young people are puzzled when they stand the position of the person who should start a dialogue with a girl. This may lead them to open difficult or boring discussions that do not suit the situation or the girl. Here we put some funny questions that contribute to bringing the two parties closer to each other and open up common issues between them, as well as these questions It is suitable as an answer to a question: How do I open a topic with my girlfriend:
- Do you love pets?! Do you have one of them?! And if you have, what kind and what do you call it?
- What are your hobbies that you do in your spare time?!
- What are the things you wish you had learned when you were young?!
- What color do you feel represents you and you can call it your favorite color?!.
- Are you good at cooking or do you love it?!
- Can you tell me about the best time in your life?!
- Did you like your studies or did it force you?!
- Who is your favorite star and what program do you like to watch?!
- If you could travel right now, where would you go?!
Signs of a man who likes psychology
How do I open topics for discussion?
Serious discussion is the only way that can show the true personality of a person. All people are kind and gentle in normal times, but their bad tempers only appear when disagreeing with them, and this is what makes discussion inevitable. Without the occurrence of the situation, a person cannot form an idea of the reality of the actions of those in front of him Therefore, one needs to know the reality of the person he deals with through the ideas that he shows during his discussion with others, and accordingly, a discussion can be opened through the following things:
Good listening to the other side
Certainly, if there are two people with each other, the dialogue between them will lead them to open new topics. Therefore, whoever wants to open a discussion must be a good listener so that he can pick up the topics he wants to discuss from the sentence that the other party said, so the words of the other party will be here. As a thread for discussion.
Ask questions while talking to people
Asking questions must lead to the start of a new discussion between the speakers, because after the person answers the question, his answer will often cause the emergence of another question and the expression of their views from both parties, which will be a fertile environment for opening many successive discussions in which each person expresses his point of view on this This method can be considered as a revealer of personalities and ideas, and certainly asking questions is one of the most important tips that are suggested to answer the question of how to open a topic with my girlfriend.
Intercourse is one of the most important stages that a boy and a girl can go through during their lives. Therefore, when a boy is connected to a girl, he seeks to form a human relationship with her that is based on intellectual compatibility and the ability to debate and accept the difference of opinion of each of them from the other while respecting each other. We have shown here how to open Place with my girlfriend so boys can come up with new ideas that will help them succeed in their bonds and make those bonds deeper.
خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف افتح موضوع مع حبيبتي ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.