كيف ترجعين زوجك إلى أحضانك ، اهم 10 نصائح مجربة

كيف ترجعين زوجك إلى أحضانك ، اهم 10 نصائح مجربة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How to return your husband to your arms is a question that usually revolves in the minds of all women who suffer from their husbands’ alienation from them and their distance from them, as they want to find a way to restore their husbands’ love and interest in them again. Which women can use to win over their husbands and renew their interest in them to maintain their relationship with their husbands and protect their homes from collapse.

How do you get your husband back into your arms?

The issue of returning the husband to his wife’s arms is one of the important matters that all marriage counselors and psychologists are concerned with, as the husband’s distance from his wife and his resentment from her for a long period can lead to the separation of the spouses, the demolition of the house and the displacement of children, so to avoid these unfortunate results we explain in the following lines the best ways Which psychologists mentioned to restore the husband and renew the love of his wife in his heart:[1]

How do you get your husband back into your arms, a tested and dangerous person?

Usually the main reason for the husband’s alienation from his wife is the husband’s feeling of boredom resulting from the routine and traditional married life. Therefore, if the wife wants to restore her husband, she must work to break the daily routine that causes boredom and arouse the husband’s passion by doing the things that we will mention in the following lines:

  • Change the look, style of clothes, hair color and buy sexy home clothes to wear to the husband after the children sleep.
  • Experimenting with new sexual positions with the husband.
  • Prepare a romantic dinner for the husband at home and tell him how much love you have for him in her heart.
  • Work on the comfort of the husband as much as possible and take care of his desires and pamper him by doing some simple actions such as preparing his clothes before he takes a shower and bringing him breakfast on the bed.
  • Strengthening the husband’s belonging to his family and linking him with its members emotionally by pushing the wife to her children to get closer to their father and make him feel their love for him.

How to deal with an emotionally cold husband

How do you get your husband back to your arms in a month?

In many cases, the husband’s mistreatment of his wife leads to her losing hope of fixing him or regaining his love and attention again, but the reality is that this feeling is one of the biggest mistakes that a wife can make against herself and her children, as every wife can always restore her husband’s heart through Changing their lives, breaking the boredom in them, and notifying her husband of her love and desire for him, and to help women restore their husbands, we provide in the following lines many tips that a wife should follow to restore her husband in a short period not exceeding a month:

  • Attention to appearance and personality: The wife should pay attention to improving her appearance and strengthening her personality by getting rid of negative thoughts about herself and believing that she is strong and beautiful and worthy of love and self-care.
  • Practicing yoga and meditation exercises: It is recommended that the wife practice meditation exercises to learn how to control stress and control negative feelings and turn them into positive feelings that push the wife to improve herself and change her life to make her marital relationship successful and restore her husband’s heart again.
  • Stay away from criticism: The most annoying thing for anyone in the world, whether a man or a woman, is criticism. Therefore, the wife who wants to restore her husband’s love and passion for her should avoid criticizing him as much as possible and praise his good qualities and push him to highlight them by doing With the kind actions of those around him, then the husband will notice his mistakes and try to change on his own.
  • Changing daily habits: The wife should stay away from routine as much as possible and try to change the boring daily habits and make the house fun by playing nice songs or gathering the family to watch a family movie together.
  • Reading books about self-care: The most that a husband can alienate from his wife is not taking care of herself, so the wife who wants to restore her husband’s love for her should learn the best ways to take care of skin and hair by reading books devoted to body care.
  • Spending time with the husband: Wives often neglect their husbands after childbirth, which opens the door for husbands to alienate their wives and feel angry with them, so wives who feel alienated from their husbands should try to spend some time with them away from the boys to restore the emotional bonds between them and their husbands again.
  • Changing the wall paint: Changing the wall paint to new colors usually gives the house an attractive and distinctive luster, especially if the wife changes the wall paint herself with her children and husband, as this will give them a lot of fun and beautiful family memories that are hard to forget.
  • Sending romantic messages to the husband: Although it is rumored about men that they do not care about romance, the truth is otherwise, as romantic actions affect the feelings of men greatly and make them feel their wives’ love for them, so the wife who wants to restore her husband should drown him in romantic actions such as Sending text and written messages expressing love and loyalty to the husband all the time.
  • Changing the home decor: Changing the home’s decor adds a pleasant kind of joy and breaks the routine to the house, so the wife who feels her husband’s alienation from the house can change the shape and arrangement of the furniture so that it is more renovated, beautiful and attractive to the husband.
  • Preparing a romantic dinner: The wife can prepare a romantic dinner for her and her husband only, away from their children, to restore memories of their love for each other and settle their differences in an atmosphere full of emotions and intimacy.
  • Giving the husband his space and respecting his privacy: Although the wife must take care of her husband, she must not tighten the screws on him or invade his privacy because this can lead to his alienation from her, as the intelligent wife must balance between caring for her husband and giving him his space and respecting his privacy.
  • Sending flowers to the husband: The wife can win her husband’s heart by sending him some flowers at his work as an expression of her love for him and her desire to make him happy.
  • Paying attention to the husband’s requests: the wife should make her husband feel comfortable with her to keep her love in his heart, so she should fulfill all her husband’s desires and not ignore or neglect him to ensure that he stays by her side and is unable to dispense with her.
  • Connecting the husband to his family emotionally: The most important things that drive a man to hold on to his wife is their home and their children, so the wife should bring her children closer to their father to enhance his feeling of love towards her and belonging to her.

How do you get your husband back into your arms?

Even if the wife is unable to restore her husband’s heart by changing the daily routine, renewing herself, her home, and her children, fulfilling the husband’s requests and taking care of him, and the ways are blocked in her eyes, she should not despair of God’s mercy and pray to Him to restore her husband to her and endear him to her in her by using the proverbial supplications and reciting the Qur’anic verses. Which we will mention in the following lines:

A prayer to make your husband a ring on your finger tested

The wife can repeat this old prayer on a daily basis to compose between her heart and the heart of her husband and his love in it: “Oh God, author of hearts, a thousand between my husband’s heart and my heart for your love and obedience, I ask you, my Lord, to make me a light between my husband’s eyes, O God, grant me his love and grant him my love, O God, grant us the love of your holy face.” And your obedience, O Most Merciful of the merciful. Oh God, make me a light between my husband’s eyes. May God protect his heart from sins. Oh God, I ask you to mock my husband. Good. The truth is the truth, and grant him his followers, and show him falsehood as false, and grant him the sustenance to avoid it. Differentiate between him and me, oh God Save it for me, O Most Merciful of the Merciful, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor, O God, Amen.”[2]

A prayer to make your husband agree with you

The wife can recite the following supplication on a daily basis with the intention of making her husband accept her and reconcile with her: “Oh God, unite our hearts, unite our souls to truth, enlist our souls in your satisfaction, use our bodies for your sake, and age with the righteous our country, and fill our land with bounties, and fix all our conditions, O Lord of the worlds, Amen”.[3]

Quranic verses to love your husband tested

A woman can repeat the verse “And among His signs is that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, there are signs in that for a people who reflect” all the time with the intention of God Almighty returning her husband to her and loving him in her, and she can also repeat this verse permanently in the presence of her husband to remind him indirectly of the affection and mercy that must exist between spouses, so that God Almighty had originally legislated marriage for her sake.[4]

Ruling on the husband leaving his wife

How can you get your husband back to hug you

If a woman feels her husband’s aversion to physical contact with her, she can regain his passion for her physically and emotionally by following the following instructions:

  • Maintain oral hygiene and the beauty of its smell by brushing the teeth on a daily basis.
  • Maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the beauty of its smell by using leather perfumes.
  • Wear nice, clean, spot-free clothes.
  • Change the appearance by dyeing the hair or changing its color.
  • Care for the smoothness and hydration of the skin permanently.
  • Using cosmetics while the husband is at home to appear beautiful in his eyes.
  • The initiative to embrace the husband and physical contact with him.
  • The wife’s expression to her husband about her love and longing for him.

How do I pity my husband’s heart for me?

The wife can win over her husband’s heart and make him overflow with tenderness by following the tips that we will mention in the following lines:

  • The wife apologizes to her husband for the mistakes she made against him and assures him that she will not do them again.
  • Trying to improve the personality and appearance as much as possible to make the husband happy.
  • Changing bad daily habits, taking care of the husband, and making fulfilling his requests a basic daily habit prior to performing all other duties.
  • Contain the husband emotionally and shower him with romance and tenderness.
  • Getting closer to the husband by paying attention to his interests and sharing them.

Ways to convince the husband of what I want

Ways to win my husband’s heart again

There are many ways that a wife can use to return her husband to her bosom and win his heart and mind again and make him love her as he was before the differences and problems resulting from the long period of marriage between them, and to help women preserve their homes and restore the hearts of their husbands, we explain the answer to the question of how to return your husband to your arms Through many methods that we will mention in the following lines:

Naama Al-Hashemi and the husband’s anger

Discover the errors that cause the husband to alienate

In order for the wife to repair her relationship with her husband and restore his heart again, she must discover the reason or reasons that led to her husband’s alienation from her and his feeling of lack of love towards her, since if the wife does not know her mistakes, she will not be able to fix them, and if she does not correct her mistakes, it is impossible for her to regain her husband’s love Her and the serenity of his relationship with her again.

Treatment of the cause of alienation from the husband

After the wife knows the reason for the breakdown of her relationship with her husband and is alienated from her, she must treat this reason and correct her mistakes in order to regain her husband’s heart again. To her husband improperly she should learn how to deal with her husband properly, and so on.

appearance care

The wife should not be preoccupied with the tasks of the house and the children about taking care of her appearance so that she will always be beautiful in the eyes of her husband. Just as the children have a right over their mother, the husband also has a right over his wife, which is to absolve him from the forbidden, to adorn herself for him, and to enrich him with her femininity from looking at women, so the wife must take care of herself. And her beauty and highlighting her femininity to her husband until she regains his heart and makes him unable to dispense with her.

Avoid criticizing your spouse

All men hate being constantly criticized, especially if that act is from their wives, because it makes them feel that their wives do not appreciate the fatigue that husbands do to provide for the needs of the family and do its affairs, and the large number of criticism reduces the man’s confidence in himself and causes him to alienate his wife. A smart wife should avoid criticizing her husband constantly and replace it with drawing her husband’s attention to the things she wants with feminine intelligence and gentleness. It was he who made the decision not that he had been criticized and forced to do something he didn’t want to do.

Getting close to the husband

The wife who wants to restore her husband’s heart should approach him, share his interests and do with him the activities that he loves to do. If the husband loves to read, his wife should read the books he prefers and discuss them in them. his favorite team, and so on.

Have a constructive dialogue with your spouse

The wife who wants to restore her husband’s heart and love should have a constructive dialogue with him, through which she discovers the things that bother her husband in her behavior or style in general and promises him not to repeat them, and she should also remind the husband of the first days of their marriage and their great love for each other in the old days and tell him That she still loves him as on the first day until she sympathizes with her and regains his love for her again.

Sometimes the relationship between spouses can be cracked due to disagreements, boredom, or many other reasons that lead to a man’s hatred for his wife, which leads wives to try to restore their husbands by winning their hearts and minds to renew the love in the marital relationship again, and to help women restore their husbands between us This article answers the question of how to return your husband to your arms so that every woman who suffers from distance and alienation in her relationship with her husband can heal the rift that occurred in their relationship and preserve the home by restoring the husband’s love for his wife again.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف ترجعين زوجك إلى أحضانك ، اهم 10 نصائح مجربة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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