كيف تعرف ان شخص يحبك دون ان يتكلم

كيف تعرف ان شخص يحبك دون ان يتكلم , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How do you know that someone loves you without speaking? It is one of the common questions among young people and adolescents, as love often strikes their hearts, but they cannot say it for fear that it will become clear to them that the beloved does not reciprocate their love and injure their dignity, so in this article the reference site shows how to know the existence of love Whether or not it is in the hearts of others to help readers make their decision to be frank or not, without compromising their dignity.

Why do people secretly love each other?

There are various reasons why people may love each other secretly without telling anyone, and these reasons are:

  • Inequality: Sometimes there is no equivalence between the lover and the beloved in terms of financial, formal or social terms, then the lover prefers not to express his love to his lover so as not to lose him or not to break his heart in case his lover rejects him because of their inequality.
  • Fear of taking the first step: In many cases, the lover is afraid to take the first step and is rejected, which makes him wait for the other party to start and prefer silence.
  • Fear of God’s Punishment: Since God Almighty has forbidden emotional relationships outside marriage, this is why many lovers prefer not to express their love except in an official framework in order to seek God’s pleasure.

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How do you know that someone loves you without speaking?

Sometimes people can fall in love without speaking, but despite that, their behavior exposes them, which indicates their feeling of love for a particular person, and these actions are:

Shortening the distances between a boy and a girl

As a person, when he falls in love, involuntarily shortens the distances between him and his beloved when he stands in front of him as an indication of his admiration for him. Undoubtedly, the male and female secrete simple odors that do not notice and smell from their bodies that are absorbed by the one who loves them, and this trait is one of the evolutionary remains that almost disappeared. to an extent. large in humans.

The pure smile and the screen of the face

As the lover whenever he looks at his lover, he feels the happiness that makes him smile. Love greatly improves the person’s psyche and mood, making him able to be nice for long and continuous times, and this loving person often remains smiling all the time while he is looking at his beloved.

Create coincidences for the interview

The beloved lover creates coincidences so that he can meet his beloved in the places he goes to, and claims that these meetings are no more than coincidence, but often these coincidences are very revealing and it is clear that the loving person has orchestrated them, which allows the beloved person here to expect that the other person loves him.

Extreme confusion in the presence of a particular person

A person who loves another person and keeps this matter often appears very confused when meeting him and this may draw attention to him. Therefore, some people whose way is very sharp with a particular person, this does not necessarily mean that they hate him, but rather the opposite may be true and that limitation is not It only expresses the confusion resulting from meeting the beloved and trying to hide this love.

Pay close attention to appearance

Appearance represents half of the factors that attract the female to the man and vice versa, so you see the loving person choosing his clothes carefully and carefully according to the colors that his beloved prefers, and the lover chooses his clothes carefully so that he appears in the best and most beautiful image in front of his beloved to ensure his admiration for him and the beauty of his image in his eyes.

long looks

Since the lover often looks at his beloved at length while he is not paying attention, because of his love for his form, his way and his style, and also for his fear of not seeing him again, it is known that the connection or love in general may not always go in the ideal and good manner, but many obstacles may occur that It may lead to the separation of the two lovers, so you see the beloved looking at his beloved with interest and trying to keep those moments in his mind as much as he can.

excessive worry

The lover worries about his beloved a lot and cannot accept to see him in pain or tiredness and is very anxious and sad in his condition and desires to relieve him in any way. Therefore, exaggerated attention to a person’s matter or intense anger for him in a way that is noticed by most of those around these two people often indicates that the person Worrying for the other loves him strongly.


The lover usually sees everything that his beloved does is beautiful and ancient. The ancients said, “The monkey is a deer, but only in the eyes of its mother.” Therefore, the lover may imitate many of his beloved’s actions. Attributes in an unconscious manner and some are intentional, as he does this with the purpose of imitating a set of qualities that have fascinated him in his beloved.

extreme honesty

The person who loves often cannot lie to the person he loves, the value of love is that the person finally feels that he has found a partner for him who can trust him with all his secrets without fear or shame, and we can see this through the keenness of any lover to be honest with his beloved What is inside him and he talks to him very frankly, and there is no doubt that that frankness becomes the rules on which the future is built for the two people and for their acceptance of each other.


Usually, when the lover falls in love with his beloved, he pays attention to his details and everything that the beloved cares about, and talks about the interests of the beloved as if they are his personal interests, even if these interests did not arouse his interest before, and this is because of his keenness to attract his beloved to him. Especially girls, they appreciate the person who appreciates their distinction and attention. If we want to ask the question of how do you know that a person loves you without speaking, the answer will be that he pays close attention.


When the lover is sincere in his love, he loves a beloved, spontaneous, spontaneous personality, with all its simplicity and impulsiveness, and he always wants to see her and does not suppress him and tries to change him, because the meaning of love is a person who liked the behavior, opinions, and form of another appearance and accepted them to live with them for the rest of his life. Therefore, any blatant rejection of one of the three previous elements It might reveal that the refusing party might not have loved the other party at all, but it might just be that he was just fascinated by it and then quickly imagined it’s love.


Jealousy has been tasted by humans and they all experienced it as a kind of sweet bitterness of love, and it is the greatest proof of love. Therefore, a girl may deliberately provoke the jealousy of her lover so that she knows her value with him and to what extent he is afraid of losing her. What can not hide this feeling.


A loving person always wants to see his beloved excel, distinguished and happy in his life, so he encourages him to take courageous and strong steps towards a better life. Psychologically normalized desires to control and possess his beloved.

Speak in the plural

A loving person often builds a common future with his lover, so he never speaks in the singular with his lover. He always likes to bring them together while he is talking. He says, “We are not me,” until this is a good omen that he and his lover will marry, and they will have one house together, and their destiny will be one.

Attempts to get attention

Usually the lover is keen to attract the attention of his lover and impress him at every moment and tell him a lot of good and inspiring things about himself so that his lover likes him, and this trait increases the more he is jealous of his lover and the presence of many special people around this lover as a kind of hidden competition with these people .

softness of sound

As the lover usually speaks with his beloved in a softer and softer voice than the voice he speaks with other people because of his love for him and his feeling of tenderness towards him, and those around the person whose voice softens can distinguish such a voice that suddenly softens in the presence of a particular person, so this element may be more suitable Who else as an answer to the question of how do you know that someone loves you without speaking.

How to make sure someone likes you on social media

There are many signs that can indicate that a friend on social media applications loves one of its other users, and these signs are:

  • Lots of interaction: with likes and hearts on the beloved’s publications, and interest in everything that the beloved publishes.
  • Quick reply: to emails, even if their content is normal or not urgent.
  • Frequency: From sending love and romance clips in messages.
  • Opportunities: He loves to discuss with his beloved about anything he uploads on social networks to open a dialogue between them.

How do you respond to someone who confesses their love to you?

How do you know that a person loves you in psychology

Psychology explains all human feelings and behaviors that humans may not understand. It also shows the reality of human feelings about different things. Using psychology, a person can know who he secretly loves through his body language as follows:

Signs of love in a man in psychology

There are many signs in psychology that a man loves a particular woman, and these signs are:

  • Look closely: Men like to make eye contact with their girlfriends and are attracted to them by looking at them at length and looking at their details.
  • Laughing a lot. If a man laughs a lot with a woman, this means that he loves her and loves her presence.
  • Planning for the collective future: The man is the foundation of the home and the backbone of the family, so when he loves a woman, he plans for the future on the basis that she will be with him forever, so he plans for their future together and not his future alone.
  • Ignore the negatives: Men are very positive and when they love a woman, they only look at her advantages and overlook all her negatives.
  • Volatile mood: This is due to the fact that when a man loves, his mood is very volatile, so he is happy with the happiness of his beloved, tense with her tension, sad for her sadness, and afraid for her fear.
  • Redefining goals: When men like, they redefine their goals to suit the lives of their lover.

Signs of love in women in psychology

As there are many evidences in psychology of a man’s love for a particular woman, there are also many evidences that indicate a woman’s love for a particular man, and these evidences are:

  • Feeling comfortable and safe: When a woman loves, she feels safe in the presence of her lover, so she is more spontaneous and spontaneous, laughs out loud and smiles a lot for no reason, and especially the man she loves with many of her smiles.
  • Paying attention to the shape: when a woman loves, she takes great care of her appearance so that she can impress the man she loves.
  • Focusing on details: A woman’s love for a man is evident in her focus with the smallest and smallest details and her interest in him.

Signs of love common between men and women in psychology

In psychology, there are signs of love in men that are specific to them, and there are signs of love in women that are specific to them, and there are also signs of love in psychology that are common to men and women that help to know the answer to the question of how do you know that someone loves you without speaking and these signs are:

  • Being happy with the beloved’s happiness and sadness for his sadness and trying to help him in his life’s problems and hardships, while not wanting to get in return for that help.
  • Constant thinking of the beloved and feeling longing for him, even in the most preoccupied state of the lover.
  • Work on self-improvement and personal development to satisfy the beloved and impress him.
  • Not pretending and appearing the true personality in front of the beloved and dealing with spontaneity and spontaneity.
  • The feeling of overwhelming love for the beloved and that he is the best person in the world. There can be no one better than him.
  • Planning for a communal future as lovers plan their future in terms of being together forever and ever.
  • Changing the usual behaviors and doing the behaviors that are appropriate for the beloved, even if doing them is not the lover’s habit.
  • Allocating time for the beloved and being happy with spending a lot of time with him, even if he is busy.

The human heart cannot be devoid of love, for through it the world will be straightened, houses will be built and the earth will live. It is very important and can affect the entire human life, so in this article we have answered the question of how to know that someone loves you without speaking to help those who are not sure of the love of their loved ones discover the truth And be honest with them if they reciprocate their love or distance from them if they are not.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف تعرف ان شخص يحبك دون ان يتكلم ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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