كيف يتم حساب مكافأة نهاية الخدمة في السعودية 1443

كيف يتم حساب مكافأة نهاية الخدمة في السعودية 1443 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

It is possible to know how the end-of-service gratuity is calculated in Saudi Arabia 1443 by looking at the labor laws in force in the Kingdom during the current time. The reference site is concerned with explaining the method of calculating the end-of-service gratuity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for both the public and private sectors, depending on the articles of the Labor Law and the Retirement System Civilians in force at the present time.

End of service benefits in Saudi Arabia

The end of service indemnity is one of the remunerations to which all private sector employees are entitled according to the provisions of the applicable labor law, while the public sector employee is entitled to a remuneration at the end of his service in the event that he does not meet the conditions for obtaining a monthly retirement pension. This remuneration aims to ensure that the basic requirements of a decent life are met. Leave the job until another job opportunity is found.

End of service gratuity for teachers in the Kingdom.. How much is it and how is it calculated?

How is the end of service gratuity calculated in Saudi Arabia 1443

The method of calculating the end of service gratuity for the private sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the year 1443 AH differs from the method of calculating it for the public sector, and the following is the method of calculating this indemnity for each of the two sectors.

Calculation of end of service benefits in the private sector 1443

The end-of-service gratuity for the private sector in 1443 AH is calculated on the basis of half a month’s wages for each year of the first five years of service in addition to a full month’s wages for the following years. The worker is also entitled to wages for the parts of the year in proportion to the amount spent in the service, in accordance with the following controls:[1]

  • If the termination of the relationship was due to the resignation and the service was less than two years, the worker is not entitled to a reward.
  • The worker is entitled to a third of the remuneration if his service exceeded two years and did not reach five years in the event that the termination of the employment contract was due to his resignation.
  • The worker has the right to two thirds of the end-of-service gratuity upon submitting his resignation, if his service has reached five years and has not reached ten years.
  • The employer must provide a full end-of-service indemnity to the worker after submitting his resignation if his service period has reached ten years.
  • The woman is entitled to the full reward if the work relationship ends within six months of her marriage or three months from the date of giving birth to her child.
  • The employee is entitled to the full remuneration if he leaves the job and the contractual relationship is terminated due to force majeure.

End of service gratuity calculator for government employee in Saudi Arabia 1443

The regulations of the General Organization for Social Security in force in 1443 AH stipulate that the worker is entitled to an end of service gratuity as follows if he does not meet the conditions of the retirement pension:

  • End of service indemnity is calculated on the basis of 10% of the last basic salary multiplied by the service period in months if the service period has not reached ten years.
  • The end of service indemnity is calculated on the basis of 11% of the last salary multiplied by the period of service in months if the service period has reached ten years and has not reached twenty-five years.
  • The end of service indemnity is calculated on the basis of 14% of the last basic salary multiplied by the period of service in months if the service period was not less than fifteen years and ended due to job cancellation or dismissal by a decision of the Council of Ministers or by a supreme order without a disciplinary reason.
  • The Corporation calculates the end-of-service indemnity for the resigning employee on the basis of 11% of the basic salary multiplied by the number of months of service if the resignation was due to marriage and whatever the period of service was, unless she is entitled to a retirement pension, provided that the probationary year is completed.

Example of calculating the end of service gratuity in Saudi Arabia

Factors for calculating the value of the end of service gratuity in Saudi Arabia 1443

The value of the end-of-service gratuity for Saudi Arabia’s employees in 1443 AH depends on many different factors, most notably: the value of the worker’s wages in addition to the period of time he spent and the reason for leaving the service, and here are some of the details about these factors.

The value of the wage for the worker or employee

The calculation of the end-of-service indemnity for government sector employees depends on the value of the last basic wage, and the value of the award increases with the increase in the last basic salary, while the calculation of the end-of-service indemnity for private sector employees is based on the last basic wage in addition to all other increases that the employee is entitled to in return for his efforts at work or The risks to which he is exposed during or for which he is entitled in return for work under the work contract or work organization regulation.

The length of time the employee has been on the job

The value of the end-of-service stipend for private sector employees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia varies on the period the employee has spent in service if the contractual relationship ends due to the submission of the resignation, and the employee is not entitled to anything if his service is less than two years, and also increases the percentage that depends on the determination of the end of service benefit and the transfer to the public sector Based on the number of years the employee has served him.

The reason for the end of the contractual relationship

The employer must provide the employee in the private sector in full if he decides to terminate the contractual relationship on his part, while the employee is entitled to parts of it if he left the job due to resignation and his tenure did not reach ten years, if the employee did not leave the work due to a force majeure or one of the reasons stipulated in Article 81 of the Labor Law.

Cases where the worker is not entitled to the end of service gratuity 1443

The worker is not entitled to the end of service gratuity in the year 1443 AH in the following cases:

  • If the contractual relationship ended during the probationary period.
  • In the case of submitting the resignation with less than two years service.
  • Dismissal of a public sector employee for a disciplinary reason.

Cases of termination of the contract between the worker and the employer 1443

The contract between the worker and the employer for the year 1443 AH according to the Saudi Labor Law ends in the following cases:

  • If the two parties to the contract agree to terminate it with the written consent of the worker.
  • In the event that the period specified in the contract expires, the contract shall be expressly renewed in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law; In this case, the contract will continue to its new term.
  • The contract ends at the will of one of the parties to contracts of indefinite duration, provided that there is a legitimate reason.
  • The worker has reached the age of retirement unless the two parties agree to work in the contract after reaching this age.
  • Existence of force majeure compelling the termination of the employment contract.
  • Upon closing the facility permanently or canceling the activity in which the employee works.

The method of calculating end-of-service benefits according to the Saudi Labor Law

Termination of the employment contract by the worker without notifying the employer 1443

The employer may terminate the contractual relationship for the year 1443 AH without notifying the worker, compensating him, or giving him an end-of-service gratuity in any of the following cases:

  • If the worker inflicts any assault on the employer, the responsible manager, his superiors, or his subordinates, whether the assault was during work or because of work.
  • In the event that the worker did not perform his essential obligations resulting from the work contract or did not obey the legitimate orders.
  • The worker’s failure to observe the instructions announced by the employer in a conspicuous place with regard to the safety of work and workers, after warning the worker in writing with his intention to violate.
  • Evidence of the worker’s bad behavior or acts of dishonesty or dishonesty.
  • In the event that the worker deliberately commits any act or omission intended to inflict a material loss on the employer, provided that the relevant authorities are notified by the employer within twenty-four hours of his knowledge of the occurrence of the act.
  • If it is proven that the worker has resorted to forgery in order to obtain the work.
  • In the event that the employee was appointed within the probationary period.
  • If the worker is absent from work without a legitimate reason for thirty days out of one contractual year, provided that the termination of the contractual relationship is preceded by a written warning after twenty days of absence.
  • When the worker is absent for more than fifteen consecutive days, provided that he is warned in writing after a ten-day absence.
  • If it is proven that the worker has disclosed industrial or commercial secrets related to the work in which he works.
  • When it is proven that the worker has illegally exploited his job position in order to obtain results or personal gains.

Cases in which the contract is terminated by the employer without notifying the worker 1443

The worker may leave work in 1443 AH without notifying the employer, while retaining the end of service gratuity and all his other rights in any of the following cases:

  • When the employer fails to fulfill his essential contractual or statutory obligations towards the worker.
  • In the event that it is proven that the employer committed fraud at the time of contracting with regard to the terms or conditions of work, as well as if someone representing the employer introduced such fraud.
  • In the event that the worker is assigned a work that is fundamentally different from the work agreed upon without the worker’s consent, and that is not in emergency situations; Where the employer has the right – in this case – to assign the worker to another work that is fundamentally different from his work for a period not exceeding thirty days per year.
  • If the employer, the responsible manager, or a member of the employer’s family commits a violent assault or immoral behavior towards the worker, any member of his family.
  • If the treatment of the employer or the manager’s manager was characterized by manifestations of cruelty, humiliation or unfairness.
  • When there is any serious danger that threatens the safety and health of the worker at the workplace, provided that the employer works in the presence of this danger and does not take measures that indicate the removal of the danger.
  • If the employer or his representative pushes the worker to appear to have violated the terms of work, whether by actions that fall under the unfair treatment, violating the terms of the contract, or any other actions.

End of Service Benefit Calculator 1443

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been keen to provide the electronic calculator for the end of service benefit so that the employee in the private sector can know the approximate value of the reward he is entitled to after entering the details of the reason for the end of the contract, the final wage and the service period. End of service award for the year 1443 AH.

How to calculate end of service gratuity online 1443

We can calculate the end of service gratuity for the year 1443 AH online as follows:

  • Go to the end of service indemnity calculator “from here” directly.
  • Select the contract type from the drop-down list.
  • Choosing the reason for the termination of the labor relationship between the worker and the employer.
  • Write the salary, then enter the service period in years, months and days.
  • Press the green equal button to show the reward value.

The new promotion system in the civil service 1443

Link to End of Service Benefit Calculator mlsd.gov.sa

We can go to the electronic calculator for the end of service benefit in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via the link “from here” directly to enter the required details and then calculate the approximate value of the reward.

Many employees want to know how the end-of-service gratuity is calculated in Saudi Arabia 1443 to verify that they obtain their full right after the end of the labor contractual relationship. Work with a difference in what the worker is entitled to based on the reason for the termination of the contract and the length of service.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف يتم حساب مكافأة نهاية الخدمة في السعودية 1443 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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