متى حملتي بعد علاج هرمون الحليب

متى حملتي بعد علاج هرمون الحليب , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

When did I get pregnant after prolactin treatment is a question that women who suffer from high milk hormone ask for women who have suffered from high milk hormone and then recovered from it. Childbearing, so they are eagerly waiting for the proportion of them to be controlled in their bodies so that they can have children, so to help all women who want to have children while they suffer from high milk hormone. and treatment of it.

Introducing the milk hormone and everything related to it

Milk hormone is one of the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland located at the bottom of the brain in both men and women alike, but because the milk hormone is specialized in performing many very important functions in a woman’s body during specific periods of her life, it is secreted inside the female body in moderate proportions in normal conditions, and this In contrast to the man, whose proportion of the milk hormone inside his body is very low because it does not represent him any importance throughout his life. In the following lines, we mention the functions of the milk hormone and its importance to explain the reason for its presence in the bodies of women:[1]

What is the chemical secreted by the endocrine glands?

function of prolactin

The proportion of the milk hormone remains moderate and closer to the decrease in the female body until she becomes pregnant, then the milk hormone begins to rise gradually, causing the breasts to be stimulated to produce milk for the child who will be born and preventing the menstrual cycle so that no further pregnancy occurs immediately after the woman is born, and the milk hormone remains high in the body from the beginning of pregnancy until The child is weaned or the woman stops breastfeeding for any reason, then the milk hormone returns to its normal rate within the body until the milk dries up in the woman’s breast and she can become pregnant again.

The importance of the milk hormone

The prolactin hormone is very important for both the pregnant woman and the unborn child as it provides them with the following benefits:

  • Milk hormone protects the mother from pregnancy immediately after she is born, as pregnancy shortly after birth can cause many health problems for the mother.
  • The prolactin hormone stimulates the breasts to produce milk for the baby who will be born to be fed properly.
  • Milk hormone protects the child from the risk of neglect by the mother because of her pregnancy with another child until he reaches the stage of weaning.

The normal level of prolactin

The normal range of prolactin in a woman’s body if she is not pregnant or breast-feeding a child is 29 micrograms. If the proportion of prolactin in her blood exceeds this ratio, she must visit a doctor because this may be considered evidence of a pituitary tumor, a cancerous disease, or many others. Another health problem that causes an increase in the prolactin hormone. As for the normal rate of the milk hormone in the man’s body, it is 5 micrograms, and if the proportion of the milk hormone in his body exceeds this ratio, he must go to the doctor because this may be evidence of a cancerous disease or tumor. Although the natural ratio of the milk hormone in the bodies of men is completely different from that in the bodies of women, the reasons for its abnormal rise in the bodies of both are the same.

Reasons for high prolactin

There are many reasons for the rise of the prolactin hormone, some of which are due to internal factors such as the infection of one of the internal organs of the body with disease and some are due to external factors such as taking medications that lead to a rise in the prolactin hormone. We explain all the reasons for the rise of the prolactin hormone in the following lines:

  • Taking some medications designed to treat mental illnesses, such as medications for schizophrenia, medications for depression, and medications that contain any substance belonging to antihistamines.
  • Taking hormonal treatments such as those containing estrogen or female hormones in general.
  • Taking some types of medication to treat high blood pressure.
  • Excessive intake of natural herbs that cause an increase in the production of prolactin.
  • Liver cirrhosis and kidney disease.
  • Severe injuries to the rib cage and chest wall.
  • Fatigue and psychological problems.
  • Lung cancer.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • A tumor in the pituitary gland.

When did you get pregnant after prolactin treatment?

The period that women need to get pregnant after treatment of high milk hormone varies according to the type of treatment they were taking. And for women who were treated for high prolactin by using surgical treatment, they were able to get pregnant immediately after the recovery period from the surgery because the milk hormone returns to its normal percentage inside the body immediately after the surgery, and for women who were treated for high levels of the prolactin by Changing daily habits, as they were also able to get pregnant as soon as the milk hormone was restored to its normal rate inside the body. Healing from the original disease that caused the rise in the prolactin hormone inside the body, and the woman uses radiotherapy to get rid of it.[2]

How high is the level of prolactin?

Effects and symptoms of high prolactin

Symptoms of high milk hormone in women differ from symptoms of high milk hormone in men, as women specialize in many symptoms through which they can know that they have high milk hormone for reasons other than pregnancy and childbirth, and these symptoms are:

  • The inability to have a marital relationship with the husband due to pain in the vagina when exercising.
  • The appearance of many small pimples and pimples in the vagina due to its dryness.
  • Irregular menstruation or its complete cessation.
  • Secretion of a transparent substance without color or odor from the breasts.
  • The breasts produce milk even though the woman is neither pregnant nor breast-feeding a child.
  • Weakness of vision and sudden change in visual acuity.
  • Constant headache for no apparent reason.
  • Feeling alienated from sexual relations.
  • Osteoporosis is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body, which leads to the failure of the hormones responsible for bone strength to perform their proper role.
  • The appearance of hair on the abdomen, chest, and sometimes the face.
  • The breast is swollen, making it painful to touch.
  • Infertility and the inability to become pregnant despite the absence of any obstacles for the spouses.

How do I know that the milk hormone is high, and what are the reasons for and explaining the treatment paper for its height?

Treating high prolactin

High milk hormone is not treated by using one type of treatment, but there are many types of treatments that can be used to reduce the proportion of milk hormone inside the body, and the appropriate treatment is determined by the doctor according to the patient’s condition, and methods for treating high milk hormone are divided into four types Among the treatments are:

drug therapy

In most cases, high milk hormone is treated by using hormonal drugs that reset the level of hormones inside the body, in addition to using drugs that eliminate the disease that caused high milk hormone. For example, if the rise in the level of milk hormone is caused by eating some types of milk. Medicines that cause hormonal disorders are replaced or stopped, and if it is caused by kidney disease, appropriate medications are taken to treat it, and if it is caused by hypothyroidism, appropriate medications are taken to treat it. Take two types of medication:

  • bromocriptine.
  • cabergoline

However, it should be noted that it is not permissible to take either of these two medicines except under the supervision of a doctor because they can cause many dangerous side effects and harm the patient’s stomach. Therefore, they should not be taken without an order from the doctor in which the name of the medicine, its dates and doses are precisely specified.

My experience with messing up hormones

surgical treatment

If the patient’s high milk hormone is caused by the swelling of the pituitary gland and the drug treatments did not succeed in eliminating the swelling, then the doctor will have to resort to a surgical solution to remove the tumor from the pituitary gland to reduce the milk hormone and protect the rest of the body’s organs and nerves from damage due to the swelling of the pituitary gland. The doctor performs the operation to remove the pituitary gland tumor through two methods:

  • An incision is made in the skull to remove the swelling.
  • Removal of swelling from the pituitary gland through the nose.

The appropriate method for performing the surgery to remove the pituitary gland tumor is determined by the size of the tumor and what the patient’s health condition requires. However, it should be noted that the doctor may not resort to the use of surgical treatment unless he fails to eliminate the swelling using drug therapy.


If the patient’s condition is very advanced and does not respond to treatment through medication and cannot be treated through surgery, such as if the high milk hormone is caused by cancer, then radiotherapy is resorted to, and the use of radiotherapy is due to two main reasons:

  • If high prolactin is caused by lung cancer.
  • If high prolactin is caused by a swollen pituitary gland that cannot be treated with surgery.

Therapy by changing habits

If the rise in the milk hormone inside the body has occurred due to exhaustion, psychological problems or not following a healthy lifestyle, doctors advise the patient to follow the following instructions to reduce the proportion of milk hormone in their bodies:

  • Trying to stay away from tension, nervousness, and not being emotional in simple situations.
  • Eat vegetables, fruits and healthy foods that do not cause the body to suffer from hormonal disruption.
  • Do not overburden the body with strenuous exercises.
  • Keep the breasts comfortable by wearing comfortable cotton clothes.
  • Take nutritional supplements if a woman suffers from a deficiency of some nutrients in her body.
  • Avoiding activities or wearing clothes that stimulate the breasts and damage the nipples by causing their inflammation.

Pregnancy after treatment of high prolactin

After treatment of high milk hormone, a woman can get pregnant as long as she is assured that the rest of the important hormones inside her body are not high or low and are secreted naturally, but doctors advise women who were suffering from high milk hormone and then were treated from it to wait for some time before they get pregnant until they become pregnant They had gotten rid of all the negative effects of the high prolactin medication on their bodies.

Duration of treatment for high prolactin

Signs of recovery from high milk hormone

There are many signs that indicate recovery from high prolactin hormone and its return to its normal proportion within the body, and these signs are:

  • Increased bone density, strength, and lack of fragility, as it was during high milk hormone.
  • Breasts are not swollen and return to normal.
  • Stops milk and secretions from the nipples of the breasts.
  • Getting rid of frigidity and feeling the desire to have intimacy.
  • Getting rid of permanent headaches and increasing visual acuity.
  • The return of the menstrual cycle regularly, and pregnancy may occur immediately after the return of the menstrual cycle.
  • Abdominal, chest and facial hair stopped appearing on women’s bodies due to the regulation of hormones in their bodies.

Signs of lack of recovery from high milk hormone

Sometimes women adhere to the treatment that the doctor wrote for them, however, they cannot become pregnant due to the failure of the treatment to reduce the proportion of milk hormone in their bodies.

  • The patient with high milk hormone lost her eyesight completely or partially due to the pressure of the pituitary gland on the optic nerve.
  • The lack of return of the menstrual cycle and its complete interruption if it is irregular.
  • Increasing the feeling of pain in the breasts, bones and head, which leads to the patient being very nervous as a result of her feeling of permanent pain.
  • The secretions that come out of the breasts increase and the milk does not stop coming from the breast, despite the regularity of taking the medication intended to lower the milk hormone.
  • Increasing bone pain due to increased fragility caused by hormonal disruption due to high milk hormone, feeling general weakness and inability to carry things and walk normally.
  • The hormonal disorder has shifted from being specialized in the milk hormone only to being a disorder in all the hormones in the body, which leads to the emergence of some signs of manhood on women, such as the appearance of body hair.

Does milk hormone treatment affect menstruation?

If the milk hormone is high in a woman’s body, this will often lead to her not having her period or dropping it in months and interruption in other months due to the hormonal disorder inside her body. Therefore, milk hormone treatment has a very important impact on the menstrual cycle as it makes it regular if it is irregular. It causes it to descend if it is interrupted as soon as the milk hormone is restored to its normal rate within the body.

When does breast pain begin before menstruation and when is it evidence of pregnancy?

Childbearing is one of the most important blessings of God Almighty upon His servants, and with it their eyes rest in this worldly life, so every woman eagerly awaits the moment when she will be a mother, and unfortunately sometimes due to health problems such as high milk hormone, women are unable to have children unless they solve this problem, so in This article has provided an answer to the question when did I get pregnant after prolactin treatment and everything related to it to help women who cannot conceive due to the high milk hormone in their bodies know how to return it to normal levels within their bodies and how long they must wait until they can become pregnant.

خاتمة لموضوعنا متى حملتي بعد علاج هرمون الحليب ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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