موضوع تعبير عن البطالة قصير

موضوع تعبير عن البطالة قصير , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The topic of an expression of unemployment is short. Unemployment is one of the important issues prevalent in many societies at the present time as a result of the rapid increase in the population in the past decades, in addition to the lack of resources, despite the increase and diversity of needs. In this article, the reference site will address the issue of unemployment in Picture of a short article on unemployment, in which he will explain the meaning of unemployment, its types, and how it can be overcome in different societies.

What is unemployment?

Unemployment refers to an increase in the rates of people without work over the available job opportunities. Many people cannot find work. The extent of a nation’s progress and advancement is measured by its unemployment rates. About work, on the number of people employed.[1]

Short essay on unemployment

Introduction to the topic of an expression on unemployment

Unemployment is one of the economic indicators that societies take into consideration, as it expresses the inability of all members of society to obtain profitable job opportunities through which they can contribute to the overall economy and national income, but people who have retired or left the labor market are not included in this census. For any other reason, and workers who are unemployed may try to consume only subsistence as possible as a temporary solution until they wish to get rid of their unemployment, one must beware of the high rate of unemployment in the society because the damage will not only befall the individual but will extend to the entire economy of the country.

Short essay on unemployment

Unemployment has become a serious danger to societies at the present time due to the increase in needs, which leads to an increase in the search for job opportunities to provide the money necessary for living. Work is the goal that all members of society seek at all times, especially young people, due to the huge potential energy of young people, which they wish to direct. Basically in terms of work, young people learn until they finish their studies and then go to look for work to earn money and provide a decent life. Young people are faced with the scarcity of job opportunities, and some may find the right job and the other does not find what suits them, so they are forced to complete the search for a suitable job, which increases unemployment rates. The reason for unemployment in the current era is due to technology replacing many industries and skills, which leads to the dispensation of some human resources, in addition to the huge increase in population numbers in the past decades. From the available human resources and available job opportunities, many young people aspire to a specific specific job and are not satisfied with what they find without it, either because they want a specific position or a job that provides them with a level Specific living, keep searching.

And we should not blame the unemployment problem on individuals alone, but sometimes this is due to the companies’ desire to appoint specific and highly qualified human cadres, so they set strict conditions for everyone who applies for work, which makes them accept little and some meet with a frustrating rejection, and some companies also suffer from Financial distress compels it to dispense with a number of employees who do not even find themselves without work, forcing them to search for work. All these factors lead to high unemployment rates, but how can they be eliminated or at least mitigated, the high rates of unemployment of all kinds can be addressed through The way to unite all the vocabulary of society represented by companies, institutions, individuals and owners of capital, through several steps represented by individuals learning multiple skills, which helps them to find job opportunities faster, companies trying to provide job opportunities with a suitable income for living so that individuals do not have to leave their work, increase Physical and mental stimulus for individuals by companies, salary increases that may encourage individuals to work, and there are many other solutions that will help eliminate the problem of unemployment.[2]

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types of unemployment

By going deeper into the definition of unemployment, we can divide it into several types, including three main types: structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment, and frictional unemployment, in addition to several other types. The following is a detail for each type of unemployment separately:[3]

cyclical unemployment

Cyclical unemployment results as a result of the continuous and regular change in economic activity, as business cycles sometimes cause an economic downturn, which affects the demand for some goods, causing a shortage of some job opportunities, which leads some companies and institutions to reduce the volume of human resources to save some money. This is done by laying off workers in excess of the production lines, or appointing a small number of highly qualified workers, and they are chosen with great accuracy, so others suffer from unemployment, and then come periods of expansion in demand, so the demand for labor and human resources increases, and many individuals find An abundance of job opportunities, and cyclical unemployment often indicates that the economic power is working with capabilities less than the capabilities it needs, and the increase in periodic unemployment may contribute to reducing the inflation rate due to the reduction of wages as a result of increased competition for jobs.

structural unemployment

Structural unemployment expresses the difference or disproportion between the available job opportunities and the specializations of individuals looking for work, meaning that people looking for job opportunities do not have the skills needed by the job opportunities that they encounter during the search, and structural unemployment may occur as a result of a decrease in the size of industries in which some work People, or the skills they possess can be compensated for by using modern technological machines, so they need to learn new skills to keep pace with the labor market. Structural unemployment is a greater danger to society than other types of unemployment, as it lasts for a long time until individuals can develop their skills or move to other places that do not resort to the use of machines, unlike periodic unemployment that may take a month in a year sometimes.

frictional unemployment

The frequent movement of people from one job to another causes frictional unemployment, as well as people entering and leaving the labor force, as people leaving a job may happen that they do not find another suitable job, and this causes an increase in the unemployment rate, although individuals move from a job Frictional unemployment is also important for the flexibility of the labor market, but it may produce undesirable results, and employees in various fields are also included temporarily without contract or installation until higher competencies are found. At any point along the cycle, frictional unemployment has little effect on the inflation rate.


Underemployment refers to groups that work in a specific job for specific hours, but have the ability and the need to work for additional hours. , as well as people who used to work full-time, but now they work part-time, and underemployment is more widespread among females and young people because there are not many suitable job opportunities for them, or the society sees them as not being able to work full-time.

hidden unemployment

Hidden unemployment expresses people who have the desire to work, but do not suffer the trouble of looking for work, as the statistics do not refer to them within the employment rates, but they are ready to work at any time when a suitable job opportunity is available to them, and the reason for them stopping looking for work is either because they lose hope in finding a job. business or they have searched all sectors close to them.

seasonal unemployment

It includes people who work in jobs whose demand is linked to certain seasons and does not continue throughout the year, for example, people who work in the beach service, they work in the summer and work less in the winter due to the inability of people to swim in the winter because of the cold weather, And also ice skating, it is available in the season of snow formation and then disappears after that.

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Conclusion of the topic of an expression of unemployment

Unemployment is one of the most widespread economic problems in the world in recent times, but it was at its highest rates during the Great Depression in the forties and the Great Recession in the eighties. Low by exploiting their urgent need for work, and opinions differ about the definition of the unemployment rate between those in the labor force and those outside it, but the unemployment rate in general is the percentage of the unemployed out of the total labor force, and according to this definition it does not fall within the scope of the labor force The female worker is those who are lazy in the search for work, but the definition includes all workers looking for work and workers who work intermittently and cannot obtain continuous work. Unemployment also differs in two other concepts, namely voluntary and involuntary unemployment. Voluntary unemployment refers to workers who have resigned from their jobs Involuntary unemployment refers to workers who have been laid off by the company’s management and must look for another job. .

Essay on unemployment in English

Unemployment has become a serious threat to societies at the present time due to the increase in needs, which leads to an increase in the search for job opportunities to provide the money needed for living. Mainly in the aspect of work, young people learn until they finish their studies and then go to look for work to earn money and provide a decent life. Young people are faced with the scarcity of job opportunities, and some may find the right job and the other does not find what suits them, so they are forced to complete the search for a suitable job, which increases unemployment rates. The reason for unemployment in the current era is due to technology replacing many industries and skills, which leads to the dispensation of some human resources, in addition to the huge increase in population numbers in the past decades. Of the available human resources and available job opportunities. Many young people aspire to a specific job and are not satisfied with what they find without it, either because they want a specific position or a job that provides them with a specific standard of living, so they continue to search And we should not blame the unemployment problem on individuals alone, but sometimes this is due to the companies’ desire to appoint specific and highly qualified human cadres, so they set strict conditions for everyone who applies for work, which makes them accept little and some meet with a frustrating rejection, and some companies also suffer from Financial hardship compels it to lay off a number of employees who do not even find themselves without work, forcing them to look for work, All of these factors lead to high rates of unemployment, but how can they be eliminated or at least mitigated, the high rates of unemployment of all kinds can be addressed through the solidarity of all the vocabulary of society represented by companies, institutions, individuals and capital owners, through several steps represented in individuals learning For multiple skills, which helps them to find job opportunities faster, companies try to provide job opportunities with a suitable income for living so that individuals do not have to leave their work, increase the material and meaningful motivation for individuals by companies, increase salaries that may encourage individuals to work, and there are many other solutions that That will help eliminate the problem.

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Short essay on unemployment topic doc

It is not only the developing countries that suffer from high unemployment rates, but the developed countries also suffer from the problem of unemployment, and both of them are greatly affected by this problem, due to the large difference between population rates and available job opportunities, especially in our current era of speed and technology, where many hands have been replaced There are many causes that cannot be counted due to the different cultures between different societies, which leads to different and diverse causes, as well as solutions differ with different causes, but there are general causes and solutions, and to read the topic of a short expression on unemployment It can be downloaded from here.

Short essay topic about unemployment pdf

The problem of unemployment occurs when there are people who are able to work and are willing to do so, but they do not find jobs suitable for their abilities. Unemployment rates in societies are measured in relation to the unemployed labor force and the labor force that works. Unemployment has many causes, as we mentioned earlier, but the main reason for it is the excessive growth of the population. In the past decades, you can download the topic of an expression on unemployment short pdf “from here”.

At the conclusion of a short article on unemployment, the article has discussed the issue of unemployment in all its aspects, as it mentioned its causes and types, and how to reduce it, as it has now become an issue that affects all societies.

خاتمة لموضوعنا موضوع تعبير عن البطالة قصير ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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