موضوع تعبير عن يوم الجمعة 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The topic of an expression on Friday 2022 is what will be presented in the following, as this day without other days was characterized by many characteristics and advantages, which preferred it over others, which is what was mentioned in many of the correct legal texts that show its merit, blessing and the virtue of working on it, This day has a special place for Muslims, and for this reason the reference website is interested in presenting the most beautiful examples of topics expressing the blessed Friday with all the elements from the introduction to the topic, its crucifixion, and the conclusion.
Introduction to the topic of an expression on Friday
It is well-known that God – Glory be to Him, the Most High – has sent messengers to bring good tidings and warners, and no nation among the nations has been left without a herald and a warner, and they were all calling for the religion of Islam, and God has perfected their religion for His servants by sending them the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – the Seal of the Prophets And the Messengers, who came as a mercy to the worlds, and his teachings and guidance were what Muslims followed, and God Almighty and those who followed him from among the believers honored him with many things, including Friday. It is great in Islam and among Muslims, and for that we present an essay on Friday.
The merit of Friday, Ibn Baz
Expression topic for Friday 2022
Friday is one of the unique days that God – Glory be to Him – has chosen for Muslims, to be a feast and joy for them. Their souls, hearts and bodies meet on it, and they raise their hands in supplication to God in supplication, humility and humility, and Friday is one of the days that gives the Muslim medicine for every disease that afflicts him, for it is a medicine For the soul and healing for the heart, and peace of mind and thought, in which the hearts of Muslims dew with faith and their tongues are moistened with remembrance and the Qur’an.
Information about Friday
It is worth mentioning at the beginning of the topic of an expression on Friday that Friday is one of the seven days of the week, which is after Thursday and before Saturday. To perform Friday prayers in mosques, and before Islam it was called the day of Arabism, and Friday is considered the end of the week and is an official holiday in many Arab and Islamic countries, and it is one of the best and most important days ever.
It is Sunnah for the preacher on Friday to supplicate for Muslims
Friday prayer
Friday prayer is one of the greatest prayers that God commanded His servants to do, and he singled out Friday with it, and also distinguished the nation of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – without other nations by it and honored them by performing it, and made for it a great reward and a great reward, and Friday prayer was distinguished by many provisions that pertain to it. Without the rest of the prayers, no Muslim should ever miss it, and it is a group and does not pray alone at home, and the Friday prayer is only two rak’ahs and is not like the noon prayer.
When is the imam’s prayer on Friday secret?
The merit of Friday
In the continuation of the topic, an expression of Friday. No one is hidden from the merit of the Great Friday and its distinction from the rest of the days of the week. God has made for him a great position and great advantages over the rest of the days of the week. The principle and end of creation is in it the creation of Adam and in it the Hour will arise, as on every Friday night creatures and animals are prepared and await the Hour of Resurrection in it, and on Friday the first day of repentance in which the Lord of the worlds repented of our master Adam – peace be upon him – and it is important to know that Friday is the day of merit and goodness. And reward and closeness to God, with which God has honored the Muslims, and the People of the Book envy them for it, in it God expiates sins and forgives sins, and God has made in it among the causes of forgiveness that only God knows.
Just as Friday is a time for forgiveness, as it is a time for earning good deeds and reward and great reward, and on Friday is the greatest prayer and the greatest gathering of Muslims, it is renewed every week and an obligatory one that does not fall from any obligated Muslim. A response in which supplication is not rejected, and one of the virtues of Friday is that it will come on the Day of Resurrection, illuminating its companions, witnessing and intercessing for them, and the Lord of the worlds has singled it out that prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – raise the status of the Muslim and bring him closer to his Lord and increase his reward.
The Prophet’s supplication on Friday is written in full and times
Important information about Friday
One of the best days in the sight of God – Almighty and Exalted be He – is Friday, God favored it and distinguished it from the rest of the days, and Muslims should take advantage of it and take advantage of the grace in it to draw close to the Lord of the worlds, by increasing his worship, remembrance and supplication, reading the Qur’an, upholding the ties of kinship and praying a lot for the Prophet. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and that what distinguishes Friday is so much that it cannot be enumerated, but in the following we will mention important information about Friday:[1]
- Friday is a third festival for Muslims, and the Lord of the worlds has singled them out for it, not all of them.
- Friday is the best day the sun ever gets.
- It is a desirable Sunnah for Muslims on Friday to wash themselves, apply perfume, and use a lot of toothpicks on it.
- The keenness of a Muslim to perform the Fajr prayer in congregation on Friday makes him perform the best prayer among the prayers that he has prayed.
- The Muslim who makes the Friday prayer early on Friday will be rewarded as a reward for making a great sacrifice to God, and whoever walks early for Friday prayer will be rewarded for every step of the work of a whole year of fasting and standing.
- Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, it will have light for him between the two Fridays, and from Friday to Friday sins will be forgiven between them as long as a person commits major sins.
When is the best time to read Surat Al-Kahf on Friday?
Friday in the Qur’an and Sunnah
The Noble Qur’an and the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet are the first and second source of Islamic legislation. The Qur’an legislates and the Sunnah clarifies and clarifies, and a Muslim can never dispense with either of them, and there are many in the Book of God and the Sunnah of his Messenger explaining the importance and virtue of Friday, and the reward obtained from worshiping in it, as the Qur’an urges. On hastening to perform acts of worship on Friday and abandoning the life of this world and selling, and from the verses mentioned in the Noble Qur’an and in the honorable Sunnah of the hadiths about Friday, the following:
- He says: {O ye who believe! When the call to prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave your trading. That is best for you if you know * If you spent prayer finished, then disperse in the land and seek the grace of God and remember Allah much, that ye may prosper * and if they trade or Hua shake them And they left you standing. Say what God has is better than amusement and merchandise, and God is the best of providers.}[2]
- On the authority of Abu Hurairah – may God be pleased with him – that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “The best day on which the sun rose is Friday, on which Adam was created, on which he descended, and on which he repented, and on which he died, and on which the Hour will come. It becomes until the sun rises after the twilight of the hour, except for the jinn and mankind, and in it there is an hour that a Muslim slave does not encounter while he is praying and he asks God for a need that He will not give it to him.[3]
- Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “astray from God Friday was accepted, it was the Jews on Saturday, and it was the Christians on Sunday, came God us Fahadana God on Friday, and started Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as they will follow us on the Day of Resurrection, we are the last of the people of the world, and the first on the Day of Resurrection, the doomsday will be judged for them. [وفي رواية]We were guided to Friday, and God led astray from it those who were before us, so he mentioned the meaning of the hadith of Ibn Fudayl.[4]
- On the authority of Abu Hurairah – may God be pleased with him – that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday, on which Adam was created, on which he was entered into Paradise, and neither on Friday.”[5]
See also: How many rak’ahs are in the Friday prayer?
poetry about friday
The greatness and grace of Friday prompted the writers and poets to delve into the singing of it, and to be creative in their poems and poems. Friday:
Today is a blessed Friday, how wonderful!
A day that has virtues in our religion, I will not exalt it!
If the night stays with him you feel lights
And if the dawn comes, then it is with full of wishes
رَفَعْتُ كَفَّيَّ بهِ للسَّاعَةِ الْمُشَفِّعَهْ
Waqlْtُ: Either Lord Yehudni or Lord Nafsayi مُفْزَعَهْ
And I said, O my Lord, what You gave us on Friday.
I perceive a slave who has fallen from his eyelids with tears
And be kind to him, O our Lord, and believe in the glad tidings of his
And while he slept, I called him so that he could hear him.
Then a phone came saying: Good news.
Watch also: It is recommended to read my surah……in Friday prayer
Conclusion topic expression on Friday
In conclusion, God Almighty and His Noble Messenger – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – have made it clear that Islam is the religion of honor, and it is He who honored the Muslim with everything even in his days, and God made subservient to His servants from the days what contains blessing, mercy and forgiveness, and He made Friday the master of days and favored it Muslims over others, and he left for them worldly and hereafter treasures that no one else knows. Therefore, Muslims must hurry to seize his bounty and earn reward, blessing and mercy in it.
Ruling on reciting Surat Al-Kahf on Friday
Short essay on Friday in English
With what was presented on the topic of an essay on Friday written in full, the following will be passed on an essay on Friday in short English:
Friday is one of the unique days that God – Glory be to Him – has chosen for Muslims, to be a feast and joy for them. Their souls, hearts and bodies meet on it, and they raise their hands in supplication to God in supplication, humility and humility, and Friday is one of the days that gives the Muslim medicine for every disease that afflicts him, for it is a medicine For the soul and healing for the heart, and peace of mind and thought, in which the hearts of Muslims dew with faith and their tongues are moistened with remembrance and the Qur’an.
It is not hidden from anyone the merit of the Great Friday and its distinction from the rest of the days of the week, for God has made for it a great position and great advantages over the rest of the days of the week. The Hour will come, as every Friday night the creatures and animals prepare and wait for the Hour of Resurrection on it, and on Friday the first day of repentance in which the Lord of the worlds repented of our master Adam – peace be upon him. By God the Muslims, and the people of the Book envy them for it, in it God expiates sins and forgives sins, and God has made in it among the causes of forgiveness that only God knows.
Just as Friday is a time for forgiveness, as it is a time for earning good deeds and reward and great reward, and on Friday is the greatest prayer and the greatest gathering of Muslims, it is renewed every week and an obligatory one that does not fall from any obligated Muslim. A response in which supplication is not rejected, and one of the virtues of Friday is that it will come on the Day of Resurrection, illuminating its companions, witnessing and intercessing for them.
Friday afternoon prayers, the most beautiful Friday afternoon prayers written
Thoughts and whiffs about Friday
Also, delving into the subject of an expression on Friday in Arabic and English prompts a search for thoughts and ideas about Friday, and the most beautiful of them will be presented in the following:
- From the mercy of God to His servants and His honoring of them, He distinguished them on Friday and He singled them out for it to draw close to Him in prayer, worship and obedience.
- Friday is a day of peace and tranquility that descends upon hearts and souls.
- The days are good and the hours are sweet after living on the blessed Friday. May God bless you and us on this great day.
- As much as the servant’s love for his Lord is loved by creation, and as much as he fears Him, I ask God on Friday to make us among those he loved and to love us with every deed that he does for his love and the love of the one he loves.
- Friday is a blessed moment of faith that the Muslim must not miss without benefiting from its goodness.
- If the people of Islam were lining up to confront the enemies of Islam as they were queuing for a Friday prayer, no one would be able to go arrogant in front of them, and no one would dare to provoke their anger.
The most beautiful supplications on Friday with pictures
The topic of an expression on Friday pdf
Friday is one of the blessed days for what is carried in its times of worship and obedience, as the Muslim gets up early in it and prays the dawn prayer, and takes a bath for the Friday ritual ablution and goes to the Friday prayer, attends the sermon and supplicates with the Muslims, then departs up to his mercy, visits his relatives, gives alms, enjoins good and forbids evil and abounds. From sending blessings upon the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and for that, an essay on Friday has been written, which can be obtained in a pdf format “from here”.
Hadiths about Friday
Here we come to the end of an article on the topic of expression on Friday 2022, which presented a complete expression of the elements on Friday, indicating its virtue and importance, and mentioned what was mentioned on Friday from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and presented the most beautiful poems and thoughts on Friday, and also shed light on an expression on Friday. Friday in English.
خاتمة لموضوعنا موضوع تعبير عن يوم الجمعة 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.