موضوع عن يوم الطفل العالمي كامل بالعناصر

موضوع عن يوم الطفل العالمي كامل بالعناصر , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A topic about International Children’s Day is full of elements. The least thing that can be done for children who are the building blocks of society is to dedicate an international day to celebrate them and listen to their different ideas. When hearing the word “child” might come to mind that they are infants, but in fact, everyone has not reached the age of eight. Ten years until now, he is considered a child, and in solidarity from the reference site with children around the world, we wrote a topic about World Children’s Day 2021 as our participation in the celebration of this important international day. Once this day was celebrated.

What is International Children’s Day?

Universal Children’s Day differs from Children’s Day, which is celebrated on June 1, because the International Children’s Day is in November, in which the issues that threaten the child and disturb his life around the world are considered, given that children are tomorrow’s generations and citizens of the future, since many years ago Many countries have announced their solidarity with the idea of ​​Universal Children’s Day annually, but it has not been officially celebrated yet, especially in the United States, as it was one of the first countries to adopt this idea, but all countries already celebrate Children’s Day in the month of June, which made it well-known Unlike the International Children’s Day, which many people around the world are ignorant of.[1]

Introduction to a topic on International Children’s Day

It is important to spread awareness of the International Children’s Day because of its great importance for the child. On this day, the attention of the whole world is directed to the issues related to children around the world, and to discuss them, especially the issues of child labor, depriving them of completing education and violence by business owners and parents at home. Today they are the youth of the future, so it is necessary to raise a strong generation in the future, to take care of today’s children and work to bring out a normal generation that understands the meanings of peace and brotherhood among all individuals in the whole world. the scientist.

A topic about International Children’s Day complete with elements

The first time that Universal Children’s Day was discussed was in 1954 by the United Nations, the goal of that convention was to try to change the way people around the world viewed children, as children were treated as useless, with complete ignorance. The importance of what children experience on this day has its impact on the future, so the United Nations thought of creating this day and allocating it in order to enhance the recreational aspect of children’s lives, to raise a generation free from psychological problems capable of spreading love and peace among all members of society, and in this Today we discuss children’s rights and how they can be met at the highest possible level.

When is International Children’s Day celebrated?

November 20 of each year was designated to celebrate Universal Children’s Day, and this day was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child that was held on November 20, 1989.

What are the rights of the child?

This International Day dedicated to the celebration of the child came as a result of the United Nations recognition that all humanity owes the child many things, so he must be compensated and given his full rights. The basic rights of the child, according to the Jeff Declaration of the Rights of the Child, are as follows:[2]

  • Providing the necessary means for the child to grow up in a healthy physical and moral development.
  • Provide his needs of food and drink and make sure not to leave him hungry.
  • Providing full care for sick children, especially those with special needs, orphans, cancer patients and other chronic diseases.
  • Providing nursing homes and shelters for children who do not have a home.
  • Providing relief to children during adversity and crises for the rest of society, including adult men and women.
  • Providing a source of livelihood for the child so that he can obtain his basic needs such as food, clothing, living and education.
  • Protecting children from all forms of fraud, material exploitation and meaning, and helping children develop their various skills and talents.

School radio about International Children’s Day

Importance of International Children’s Day

International Children’s Day is of great importance that many people are ignorant of, as the child is not influential in society, and this importance is as follows:

  • Ensuring the rights of children: The focus of societies is always on the rights of both girls and young adults only, without paying attention to the rights of children. Therefore, the International Children’s Day serves as a wake-up call for the whole world to pay attention to the issues of the child as a citizen of tomorrow. It thinks of its rights, including entertainment, health, education, housing, clothing, food, and protection from Violence and oppression, and their awareness of equality among all societal groups.
  • They are the youth of the future: those we look at now as children who do not need their services, they will be young people in the future that the entire society depends on. Therefore, they must be taken care of and nurtured at a young age so that they can become normal people in the future.
  • Spreading Awareness: A lot of children neglect issues because they are not exposed to them, so World Children’s Day aims to spread awareness of issues and problems faced by children throughout society.

The date of the International Children’s Day

How to celebrate International Children’s Day

There are many ways in which people can celebrate and enjoy International Children’s Day, in addition to benefiting them, including the following:

  • Creating what benefits them: Trying to gather as many children as possible and providing them with the means to benefit and benefit them, for example, some useful entertainment can be provided to them, such as comics with real meaning, plays and purposeful cartoons.
  • Bringing together the groups of society: Gathering a number of adults and agreeing to hold some activities that would benefit children, and dividing roles among these adults.
  • Giving Help: International Children’s Day can also be celebrated by finding and caring for children who need help.

Conclusion of a topic on International Children’s Day

After we have presented what International Children’s Day is, its date and importance for children in particular and society in general, and also mentioned how the International Children’s Day can be celebrated, we invite all segments of society to pay attention to the issue and celebrate International Children’s Day through practices that aim to achieve the purpose of this day. They are the building block of society today, and they are the future generations and the youth of the future, and the celebration of International Children’s Day is not limited to what we mentioned in the article only, but anyone can invent new ways to celebrate as well.[3]

World Children’s Day 2021 logo

Topic on International Children’s Day in English

Introduction to a topic on International Children’s Day

Spreading global awareness of the child for his great importance for the child on this day, the attention of the whole world to the issues of children around the world, and their discussion, especially the issues of child labor and deprivation in terms of education and their residence before business owners and parents in homes. Young people’s time in the future, children must be taken care of and work in creating a group of individuals in different parts of the world. the scientist.

When is International Children’s Day celebrated?

November 20 of each year was designated to celebrate Universal Children’s Day, and this day was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child that was held on November 20, 1989.

What are the rights of the child?

This International Day dedicated to the celebration of the child came as a result of the United Nations recognition that all humanity owes the child many things, so he must be compensated and given his full rights. The basic rights of the child, according to the Jeff Declaration of the Rights of the Child, are as follows:

Providing the necessary means for the child to grow up in a healthy physical and moral development.

Provide his needs of food and drink and make sure not to leave him hungry.

Providing full care for sick children, especially those with special needs, orphans, cancer patients and other chronic diseases.

Providing nursing homes and shelters for children who do not have a home.

Providing relief to children during adversity and crises on behalf of the rest of society, including adult men and women.

Providing a source of livelihood for the child so that he can obtain his basic needs such as food, clothing, living and education.

Protecting children from all forms of fraud, material exploitation and meaning, and helping children develop their various skills and talents.

Importance of International Children’s Day

International Children’s Day is of great importance that many people are ignorant of, as the child is not influential in society, and this importance is as follows:

Ensuring the rights of children: The focus of societies is always on the rights of both girls and young adults only, without paying attention to the rights of children. Therefore, the International Children’s Day serves as a wake-up call for the whole world to pay attention to the issues of the child as a citizen of tomorrow. It thinks of its rights, including entertainment, health, education, housing, clothing, food, and protection from Violence and oppression, and their awareness of equality among all societal groups.

They are the youth of the future: those we look at now as children who do not need their services, they will be young people in the future that the entire society depends on. Therefore, they must be taken care of and nurtured at a young age so that they can become normal people in the future.

Spreading Awareness: A lot of children neglect issues because they are not exposed to them, so World Children’s Day aims to spread awareness of issues and problems faced by children throughout society.

How to celebrate International Children’s Day

There are many ways in which people can celebrate and enjoy International Children’s Day, in addition to benefiting them, including the following:

Creating what benefits them: Trying to gather as many children as possible and providing them with the means to benefit and benefit them, for example, some useful entertainment can be provided to them, such as comics with real meaning, plays and purposeful cartoons.

Bringing together the groups of society: Gathering a number of adults and agreeing to hold some activities that would benefit children, and dividing roles among these adults. Giving Help: International Children’s Day can also be celebrated by finding and caring for children who need help.

Conclusion of a topic on International Children’s Day

After we presented what International Children’s Day is, its date and importance for children in particular and society in general, and also mentioned how the International Children’s Day can be celebrated, we invite all segments of society to pay attention to the issue and celebrate International Children’s Day through practices that aim to achieve the purpose of this day. The building block of society today, they are the future generations and the youth of the future. The celebration of International Children’s Day is not limited to what we mentioned in the article only, but anyone can invent new ways to celebrate as well.

theme about international children’s day doc

There is a prevailing belief that the origins of International Children’s Day do not go back to 1954, but to 1856, when the scientist and priest Charles Leonardo launched the Child Innocence Service, and then the United States followed the same approach and called for this day in 1954, and the first country to allocate a holiday Turkey is official to celebrate this day, and to read more information about International Children’s Day, you can download the doc file, “from here”.

Essay on international children’s day pdf

The main goal that the United Nations pursued when it called for the International Children’s Day, was to spread the spirit of intimacy and interdependence among children around the world through a global day to celebrate them all without distinguishing between them on the basis of color and race, resulting in the emergence of a generation that believes in equality and justice and realizes the meanings of interdependence and brotherhood To spread peace, and to download an article on International Children’s Day as a pdf, click here.

At the conclusion of an article on the International Children’s Day, full of elements, we have fulfilled the discussion about this day, mentioned its purpose and also clarified the rights of the child in society and the importance of fulfilling those rights.

خاتمة لموضوعنا موضوع عن يوم الطفل العالمي كامل بالعناصر ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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