نصائح للعناية بالشعر وتطويله , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Tips for hair care and extension, many women suffer from skin and hair problems, especially as they need continuous and superior care on a daily basis. And smoothness, as well as the natural recipes that the ancients used in their daily hair care routine, and many women of our time still follow those same recipes to keep them feeling the best looking by following tips for hair care and extension.
For girls or women, hair is a beautiful flower that needs great care to maintain its shape, smell and natural luster, and not wither, and just as the flower needs great care and attention, the hair also needs to apply care routines to it and pay attention to its smallest details, so as not to be affected by external factors. It may lead to its damage, as the beauty of hair is related to the beauty and attractiveness of women, and therefore this matter made most women compete for how to get long and thick hair that has great attractiveness and charm, because hair with such specifications make it one of the most beautiful women on earth in the eyes of many, and it is important to know Hair goes through three stages of growth, and it grows at a rate of fifteen centimeters per year, and it occurs in the following three stages of hair growth:
- The first stage: the growth stage, and this stage usually lasts between two to six years.
- The second stage: It is known as the transitional stage, and it is that stage in which the hair follicles are renewed, in order for the hair to move from the growth stage to the stationary stage, and this stage was called the transitional stage.
- The third stage: It is the stage of precipitation, that is, the last stages of hair growth, and at this stage the hair stops growing and the damaged hair begins to fall out.
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Hair care and growth tips
In the past, women, especially queens and princesses, used to pamper their hair, taking care of it through their own routine that they applied to the hair to make it thick and long with a brilliant shine, and now care products are a basic requirement for all women to have healthy hair, and many of them wonder how Hair care, and here are some tips for hair care and extension through a set of steps and ways to get long and thick hair:[1]
hair massage
Scalp massage is one of the things that helps stimulate blood circulation, and it also works to strengthen and moisturize the hair roots. It is possible to use one of the natural oils in the massage process, especially coconut oil, which is full of vitamins and nutrients, and therefore this step increases the chances of hair growth. and increase its length.
Drinking water
One of the very important things in maintaining a person’s physical health is to drink water constantly and eat sufficient quantities of it per day, as water is the basis of life, and not only for hair and skin, so it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water per day, not less than eight cups, as water helps the body To expel toxins, and maintain hair moisture.
reduce stress
Tension and stress are fatal factors for the human psyche, not just hair, as exposure to psychological stress and tension is one of the reasons that work on excessive hair loss, and therefore it works to reduce hair density, size and growth, so it is necessary to try hard and attention to reduce stress and exercise some Exercises that help reduce stress, such as: yoga and getting enough sleep at a rate of eight hours a day.
protein use
The use of protein helps protect the hair from chemical and environmental damage and helps its natural growth, and care must be taken to put protein on the hair frequently when styling, and it is possible to use coconut oil at home; This is because it helps reduce protein loss before and after hair washing, but protein should not be used too much because it affects the kidneys, hair fragility, and it is preferable to obtain it through a healthy diet.
Use of keratin
According to studies conducted on products containing keratin, vitamins and minerals, it has been shown that the use of keratin helps in:
- Improve hair gloss.
- Decreased hair loss.
- Improvement of hair strength.
Follow a healthy diet
It is very important to eat some foods that help promote the health of hair, and maintain its strength and luster, so it is recommended to eat and maintain these foods, including:
- legumes;
- Nuts.
- Dairy and its products.
- biotin;
- Fish, especially salmon.
- Leafy vegetables, such as: spinach and watercress.
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Factors affecting hair growth
There are many factors that affect natural hair growth, where hair naturally grows monthly in the range of approximately 0.5-1.7 centimeters, or 15.24 centimeters annually, and hair is considered the second fastest tissue after the bone marrow to grow, and one of the most important factors affecting the rate of growth. hair grow:[2]
Genes and heredity
Genes and heredity play an important role in the rate of hair growth and its density. If a family member suffers from baldness, it makes the new family member or son more likely to develop baldness or poor hair growth.
hormonal changes
Hair growth and density are directly affected by hormonal changes during the following periods:
- pregnancy period.
- Reaching menopause.
- Health problems that affect hormones.
Having health problems
There are health problems that affect hair, including:
- Vixen.
- Deficiency of some types of vitamins.
- Some nutritional disorders, such as: loss of appetite or increased eating.
- Anemia.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
Types of medicines and treatments
There are many drugs that affect hair growth, such as:
- Some types of high blood pressure medications.
- Medications for depression and stress.
- Arthritis medications.
- Radiation therapy.
Other factors
There are other factors that cause hair loss or slow growth, such as:
- Exposure to the sun causes hair loss and hair loss, because the ultraviolet rays from the sun increase the chance of hair getting some health problems and damage, such as: dehydration, and breakage of the ends of the hair.
- The use of hot oil baths, which sometimes causes inflammation of the hair follicles.
- Attach the hair to the hair tie firmly.
- Use heat styling tools.
- Follow strict diets.
- Stress.
- smoking.
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Causes of hair loss
Many women suffer from hair loss, which is more than the maximum number of hairs that fall out to grow naturally, as they do not know that they are the reason for their hair loss because of the methods they follow in hair care, which lead to its loss, and among these reasons:
Use of harmful chemicals
There are many men or women who use some of the chemicals that are harmful to hair, such as:
- Hair dye.
- Hair color lighteners.
- Hair straighteners and conditioners.
But if these products are used according to the instructions, the possibility of damaging them to the hair is much less, but if they are used frequently, this weakens the hair and makes it more brittle, and in these cases, the use of these products should be stopped until the hair regains its health.
Thinning hair and hereditary baldness
This phenomenon is known by its scientific name “Androgenetic Alopecia”, and it is one of the most common causes of hair loss, as it is genetically transmitted from the mother or the father.
Alopecia Areata
There are no proven causes that lead to partial hair loss or the so-called alopecia areata, as it is said to be related to problems affecting the immune system, as this problem can occur in children and adults, and although affected people are healthy, they have some areas Baldness is small in size, in the form of a circle, the diameter of which is equivalent to a small coin, and the phenomenon of alopecia areata is rare, and despite that, it leads to the loss of all hair on the head and the entire body, but treatment at a dermatologist can speed up the process of renewed growth for hair.
Telogen effluvium
There are many factors that cause chronic hair loss, such as:
- High temperature
- Acute and severe infection and acute influenza.
- Having a complex surgery or a chronic illness.
- Thyroid diseases.
- Eat a low protein diet.
- Iron deficiency in the blood.
- Take some medicine.
- Take birth control pills.
- Cancer treatments.
Tinea capitis
Tinea capitis is characterized by the appearance of patches covered with dandruff on the scalp, but these patches can grow, widen, spread and cause hair breakage. It also causes reddening of the skin, swelling or fluid secretion from the scalp.
cicatricial alopecia
Cicatricial alopecia is one of the very rare phenomena, which causes the appearance of bald patches accompanied by itching and pain, and the formation of inflammation around the hair follicles, which damages them and leads to the appearance of scars and hair loss instead of its growth, and until the moment the real cause of the emergence of this disease has not been found, However, this treatment can only be done by stopping the spread of infection and preventing its transmission to other parts and places of the scalp.
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Natural recipes for hair care
There are many recipes and some natural materials that have been used since ancient times to treat and nourish hair, including:
Coconut Oil
Coconut helps reduce protein loss in damaged hair, thus reducing its loss, so it should be used in the following way:
- Put 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on the palm of the hand.
- Massage the scalp with coconut oil, then leave it for about an hour.
- Wash the hair well using the appropriate shampoo.
- Repeat this process at least twice a week.
Green tea
Green tea contains polyphenols that help in hair growth and lengthening, as it affects skin cells, because it contains bioactive compounds, and this helps reduce hair loss, and it can be drunk once or twice a day by placing a green tea bag in boiling water.
Eggs contain a high percentage of protein, and it is necessary for building the body and hair density, and it can be used by following the following steps:
- Put an egg in a bowl, then beat it well.
- Put the eggs on the scalp and wet hair.
- Leave the eggs on the scalp for about 30 minutes.
- Wash hair well with warm water and an appropriate shampoo.
rice water
Rice water is characterized by containing inositol, which is beneficial for the health of hair and skin. This is because it contains many vitamins and amino acids, and rice water can be used to prolong hair through:
- Soak half a cup of rice in two cups of water for 15 minutes.
- Filter the rice water well, put it in a bottle and store it in the refrigerator.
- Rice water is used in a hair care routine.
Onion and honey
Onion is used to increase hair growth and moisturize, as it stimulates the growth of hair follicles, while honey works to moisturize hair, and makes its texture soft, and they can be used in applying a mask on hair through:
- Bring a large onion, and 2-3 tablespoons of honey.
- Squeeze the onion with honey and keep it in the refrigerator.
- Put the mixture on the scalp, leave it for 30 minutes, then wash the hair.
- This recipe is repeated daily for a month to get good results.
jojoba oil
Jojoba oil is used to increase hair growth, as it has a strong effect in hair extension, so it can be applied to the hair by following the following:
- Massage the scalp with a little jojoba oil.
- Leave the oil on the hair for 20 minutes, then wash it well.
Yogurt improves hair growth and strengthens it. It can be used in a hair care routine through:
- Put a sufficient amount of milk on the hair.
- Leave it for 30 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Mustard and yogurt
Milk alone helps to strengthen and lengthen hair, but what happens if it is mixed with mustard? The answer is that mustard with milk helps promote hair growth, especially oily hair, and normal hair, and it is applied to the hair by following the following steps:
- Mix a tablespoon of (mustard powder – yogurt – honey) with a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a little lukewarm water.
- Divide the hair into parts, and put the mixture on each part and on the roots.
- Cover the hair with a shower cap and towel, and leave it for 20-30 minutes.
- Wash with shampoo and conditioner, and repeat this recipe once or twice a week.
Watercress is one of the plants that help in hair growth and intensification, because it contains a high percentage of sulfur, iron, zinc and vitamin A, and to get the best results, the following steps are taken:
- Wash a bunch of watercress well
- Put the watercress in the electric mixer until a liquid mixture is obtained.
- Distribute the liquid on the scalp.
- Leave the mixture on the hair for an hour before rinsing it with water and conditioner.
- Repeat the recipe weekly, to get the best results.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is one of the important substances that are used to stimulate hair growth, strengthen it, remove dandruff, and relieve hair irritation, and it can be used in the daily hair care routine, by applying it to the hair, and it is available in the market, and its preparation is easy, and it is as follows:
- Mix (113 ml of water, 113 ml of aloe vera gel, and 10 drops of any essential oil) with water.
- The resulting mixture is placed in a spray bottle and shaken well.
- Add the essential oil to the mixture.
- The mixture is applied to the hair daily several times.
Eggs, castor oil and vinegar
These ingredients are used to get healthy, shiny and smooth hair and increase hair growth in a short time, as they are applied to the hair through:
- Mix one egg with 3 tablespoons of castor oil, and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
- Massage the scalp with the mixture.
- Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, then wash the hair with cold water.
The best hair growth and thickening oil
And here, we have come to the conclusion of our article titled, Tips for Hair Care and Prolongation, where we talked about some simple methods and proven recipes for hair care, as well as the most important factors affecting hair growth, in addition to the causes of hair loss.
خاتمة لموضوعنا نصائح للعناية بالشعر وتطويله ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.