في نهاية مقالنا هل البيض مفيد لمرضى السرطان ,رضت أفكار تجاه هذا الموضوع بكلمات من ذهب، حيث استعنت باللغة العربية التي تتضمن العديد من العبارات والمفردات الناجزة، مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Are eggs useful for cancer patients?
A cancer patient.. is the person who is almost the weakest at all, as he fights that despicable disease, which appears out of nowhere and remains hidden and imperceptible until he is able to control the affected person, so the patient is surprised by that monster of great strength and has managed it and has become a superpower to kill him.
Starting from that introduction and continuing what the cancer patient feels and thinks, he hardly wakes up from the shock of being infected with this malignant disease until he starts dealing with and resisting it.
At that moment, the search engine on the patient’s phone is almost full of questions about the symptoms of the disease, the pain of treatment, and the various treatment methods. Among those available questions is our question: Are eggs useful for cancer patients?
Here he finds his answer to the question: Are eggs useful for cancer patients? Eggs are a very good source of vitamin B, in addition to containing approximately seven grams of protein.
Also, recent studies indicate that the value of selenium available in eggs has an effective role in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer.
Among those negative effects that eggs help alleviate are: nausea, vomiting, intestinal gas, hair loss, permanent feeling of malaise, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, mouth ulcers, weakness and weakness in the entire body.
The role of eggs in the fight against female cancer
In the context of answering the question Are eggs useful for cancer patients? Turning to a more special area for women, which carries some good news for them, the effect of eggs in fighting female cancers such as breast cancer or ovarian cancer has been scientifically proven.
Whereas, in a study recently published in the field of gynecological oncology, it was noted that women undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer who were provided with selenium supplements, which is one of the main components of eggs, were observed to have high and effective antioxidant activity in their blood, in addition to high numbers of blood cells. They have white.
It was also shown that those women on the selenium treatment had significantly less nausea, vomiting, intestinal gas, hair loss, malaise, loss of appetite, weakness, abdominal pain, and mouth sores.
Ways to help prevent cancer
From here, and in order that we will not one day have to ask questions that will help us overcome that stage, including whether eggs are useful for cancer patients, we should follow the other principle that says that prevention of disease is better and better than infection and treatment.
So, here are some tips to follow, perhaps they will be a reason to protect you from falling prey to this virulent and deadly disease. Among these tips are the following points:
- It comes at the top of the list that advises you so that you are not prone to cancer and avoid becoming obese.
According to what Dr. Muhammad Shaalan, Professor of Oncology Surgery at the National Cancer Institute, said in an interview with Youm7, he found a close link between being obese and having one of the types of cancers. Improper eating habits that cause satiety and weight gain are your first enemy and cause cancer.
He also indicated that more than 40% of recent cancer cases had a chance to survive and not occur in the first place had they not chosen unhealthy methods of nutrition and physical activity, and they would have survived if they had changed their lifestyle in a healthy way.
- Also, smoking has a negative role that cannot be overlooked, as it definitely causes cancer in the lung area.
- Dr. Enas Megawer, Professor and Head of Clinical Nutrition Department at Air Hospital, also indicated in her speech to Youm7 that foods that preserve muscles and help build and grow them permanently are the most beneficial in terms of early prevention of cancer.
Among those foods that Dr. Enas Mujawar mentioned and mentioned their ability to build and maintain muscle strength are egg whites, cottage cheese and cheddar cheese.
The role of early detection of tumor in overcoming cancer if it appears
In continuation of the means to be followed for early prevention of cancer, and to avoid having to search for answers to questions such as the question of whether eggs are useful for cancer patients, the role of early detection comes to announce that it is the most important measure to be taken by any natural woman as an important periodic and preventive measure.
Oncologists, gynecologists and obstetricians constantly and continuously advise the necessity of doing a self-examination of the breast through a mammogram, because early detection is an additional step in advance of us in the face of malignant cancer. The sooner it is detected, the faster the cure rate.
Doctors also added that early detection of women over the age of forty may avoid the chance of this malignant disease turning from the benign tumor stage to the malignant tumor stage. Some types of benign cancers have this method of turning into malignant cancer if left untreated for a certain period of time.
Foods that help prevent and treat cancer
Following the question mentioned in the first paragraph about whether eggs are useful for cancer patients, here we offer in your hands all the foods you need of high nutritional value for the early prevention of cancer, as well as advised by doctors in case you are a warrior.
For that disease, these foods will be your best weapon against it, and among those foods are the following:
- The first permitted element known for its powerful ability to effectively confront cancer cells is avocado. It is rich in potassium, vitamin B and folic acid as well as antioxidants, which are one of the most important nutrients for the human body.
- Doctors also recommended broccoli as an essential and effective ingredient to reduce future chances of developing cancer.
- Lentils are at the forefront of legumes recommended by doctors. Despite being an integrated food with many required nutrients, lentils have recently shown a significant ability to reduce the spread of cancer that damages brain cells.
- Also, beans come in second place for legumes if you want to fight cancer, as beans have a great ability to strengthen the body’s immune system to fight cancer, and it also reduces the incidence of disease from the ground up.
- It may be strange to some to hear that the doctor recommends yogurt to combat cancer, but in fact there is no need to express that wonder, as yogurt has a huge advantage in resisting nausea caused by chemotherapy, in addition to the fact that it contains calcium and protein needed to strengthen muscles, and the appearance of those bacteria present In the body, they enhance the work of the intestines and immunity.
- Bananas also contain a lot of antioxidants that help the body fight cancer.
Foods forbidden to eat for a cancer patient
Here, and after we have talked about the most important healthy habits to be taken for early prevention of cancer, and after we have completed the most important foods to be eaten in case of cancer, which will help speed up recovery.
In the context of our general discussion of the answer to the question: Are eggs useful for cancer patients, here we address one of the most important precautions and meals to avoid, including the following:
- Processed and cooked meats at high temperatures, such as grilled meats, deep-fried meats, or baked meats, as they expose the proteins that are abundant inside these meats to high heat, causing the production of carcinogens.
These carcinogens called heterocyclic amines arise from the interaction of proteins in meat in abundance with high temperatures, which cause a rapid multiplication of cancer cells in the body, and we mention processed meats, bacon and sausages.
- Raw honey is one of those foods that a cancer patient is strictly prohibited from eating because it contains botulinum toxin substances.
- This point may come as a question mark for some, as some may wonder if you tell them that some fruits and vegetables are forbidden from a cancer patient, but it is the truth.
Doctors resort to preventing the cancer patient from eating some vegetables and fruits that are difficult to wash, which would harm the cancer patient if they are eaten incompletely, including lettuce, strawberries and raspberries, and it is forbidden to eat them, especially in the case of neutropenia.
- Despite the fact that green tea is useful in most cases, we are here, facing this disease, and it is not recommended at all to drink green tea, as it reduces the effectiveness of some cancer drugs.
Additional foods to be avoided by a cancer patient
Also, doctors have recently added some foods that you should avoid if you suffer from cancer. We present these foods to you in the following points:
- Doctors warned against undercooked meat, especially fish such as sushi of all kinds, and cold and processed meats such as salami and mortadella, and finally, those products that contain uncooked eggs such as various salad dressings or mayonnaise, as these substances are extremely harmful to a cancer patient.
- As well as preserved foods, which are represented in nitrates and nitrites, they are one of the most known carcinogens on the scene, and they are widely used in various pickles and jams as preservatives.
- The doctors’ warning came to include unpasteurized dairy products and moldy cheeses, and this is due to the prohibition because the immune system of a cancer patient is usually in its weakest state and will not be able to resist moldy cheeses and what they contain to the fullest.
- Grapefruit should also be avoided because of its ability to interact with many heart medications, and therefore it should be completely avoided by cancer patients.
- In addition to nutritional supplements such as vitamins that may reduce the effect of chemotherapy used to eliminate cancer, because these nutritional supplements contain a large amount of antioxidants.
Allowed nutrients for a cancer patient
Here comes the advice in general, which is done by listing some of the substances that are allowed to be taken by cancer patients, which in turn accelerate the treatment period and reduce the outbreak and penetration of the tumor, in addition to the body’s need for them in the natural in certain quantities, and from these elements are the following:
- The first of those elements whose importance is stated is the protein element, because the patient’s body has a great need for it, as it is a basic source of nutrition that helps the body to carry out the tasks of confrontation and the fierce fight against cancer.
These proteins are in the form of lean meat, fish, well-cooked chicken, and pasteurized milk that is low in fat.
- Doctors advised the need to eat enough carbohydrates to provide the body with the necessary energy, which can be obtained from vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as oats and cauliflower.
- Doctors added fats as they are the most important items in the general list of the most important items that cancer patients should eat, but the focus and emphasis is on making sure that monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil and flaxseed oil.
- Finally, doctors have indicated that fiber is one of the most important elements that must be available to a cancer patient, as it helps to control such troublesome problems as constipation and diarrhea.
Among the most important of those soluble fibers allowed by doctors for cancer patients is oats and white rice. As for insoluble fibers, for example, we mention nuts, seeds and bran.
The importance of nutrition for a cancer patient
When we first raised the question, are eggs useful for cancer patients, at the beginning of the article, the aim was to provide detailed attention to the nutrition of the cancer patient, as nutrition plays a key role in the patient’s war against cancer.
Nutrition can be a lasting and supportive good, and it may be your number one enemy, perhaps even more so than causing the disease itself.
Based on the importance mentioned in the previous paragraph, we will show you everything that nutrition helps you achieve against the dreaded disease of cancer, including:
- Proper nutrition helps you to enhance and strengthen the body’s immunity to fight disease with all the pain and damage it brings.
- Also, proper nutrition has a significant role in controlling the side effects of chemotherapy.
- If you have had surgery to remove the tumor, proper nutrition will help you speed up the healing of wounds and rebuilding damaged tissues.
- Proper nutrition also helps maintain the body’s energy and weight well so that it does not collapse during chemotherapy and is resistant to disease.
Factors that increase the risk of developing cancer
Some uncontrollable factors may occur that increase the rate of infection or increase the incidence of this dreaded disease, and these elements include the following points:
- Age, the cancer tumor does not appear to us as soon as the cells split for the first time, but it takes a lot of time, which may reach decades, until it appears to us in its usual form and severity, and this explains that the rates of cancer incidence increase with increasing ages, and that most of the discovered cases have exceeded one fifth. fifty years.
- Some of the wrong habits or lifestyles that we mentioned earlier may increase your rate of cancer.
- Of course, and it is no secret to anyone that smoking has that negative role that is able to turn the scales of your life, and it may be the most that it can do to turn your life around is to cause you to get cancer, especially lung cancer.
- It has been scientifically proven that about 10% of cancer patients around the world may be due to hereditary factors, meaning if your family has encountered the emergence of one or two or more people with the dreaded cancer, this increases the possibility of other members of that family being infected.
- According to the bad habits we mentioned, drinking alcohol is one of the most bad habits that increase your rate of cancer, because it contains caustic, carcinogenic and harmful substances that may affect the liver in particular and cause damage.
- If you work in an environment with radioactive chemicals, or deal with chemicals directly, and if you live in a working environment with dangerous chemicals, it is frustrating to tell you that the chances of your body reacting to those materials and forming cancer cells increased due to your proximity from those places.
If God wants you to be one of those afflicted with cancer, be patient, calculate, take the reasons, and do everything you can so that you can pass this test.
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ختامآ لمقالنا هل البيض مفيد لمرضى السرطان , وبعد الانتهاء من تحليل العناصر، وكتابة الموضوعات، أرغب في المزيد من الكتابة، ولكني أخشي أن يفوتني الوقت، فأرجو أن ينال الإعجاب.