هل رش العطر في المنام بشارة خير , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Many people want to know whether spraying perfume in a dream is a good tiding, or does it indicate undesirable things in the dreamer’s life, and seeing perfume in a dream or incense and inhaling it has many connotations and possible meanings in the dreamer’s life, and the interpretation of the dream when single is different from its interpretation in The dream of a married or pregnant woman, and the content of the dream affects the expression and interpretation of the dream, and it is important to take into account that the interpretation of dreams is only juridical matters that may be right or wrong, so it should not build much work on these interpretations. Which is meant by meanings and signs.
Spraying perfume in a dream is good news
The dream of perfume, spraying and inhaling it, as well as incense and adorning it, are among the dreams that often refer to the good and praiseworthy meanings. Below we learn in detail about the different interpretations of that dream:[1]
- Seeing spraying perfume in a dream indicates a good reputation, good morals, and a fragrant remembrance of the dreamer among the people and those around him.
- Seeing perfume in a dream indicates cleanliness, taking care of one’s appearance in front of people, and outward self-purification.
- If the dreamer sees that he is taking perfume from a person, then it may refer to money and benefit that the dreamer will obtain in the reality of his life.
- Seeing a dream about spraying perfume in a dream may mean an honorable position and a high position that the dreamer will obtain in the reality of his life.
- Spraying perfume in a dream is often an expression of the kind words and praise that the dreamer hears from those around him, and that this spreads among people like perfume and incense.
- Sleeping on a fragrant mattress in a dream is evidence of many compliments and kindness to people and treating them kindly.
- If the dreamer sees that he is buying or selling perfume, then this indicates the spread of that man’s reputation for good.
- If the dreamer sees that he is eating the stick used in incense, if its taste is bitter, then this is evidence of the occurrence of worry and sadness in the life of the dreamer, and if its taste is sweet, then it is good and a great benefit for the dreamer.
- Seeing the dreamer to himself giving someone he knows perfume or spraying it with it is evidence of mutual respect and the good relationship that brings that person together with the dreamer.
Is spraying perfume in a dream a good tidings for single women?
A single girl who has not yet married, if she sees a dream about spraying perfume or incense in a dream, the dream has many possible meanings and interpretations, which can be presented as follows:
- Seeing a single woman giving perfume to someone indicates her appreciation for that person in her life and her comfort in dealing with him.
- Spraying perfume in a single woman’s dream may indicate that the girl needs emotional containment and lacks warmth in the family and in the family.
- Seeing a single woman spraying perfume on the clothes and the body indicates the good reputation of the girl and her good relationship with those around her.
- If a single girl sees that she is wearing perfume and smelling its scent, then this indicates righteousness, righteous deeds and closeness to God.
- Putting perfume in a dream for a girl and going out with it indicates sedition in religion and negligence in obedience, as it is not permissible for a woman or girl to leave her house wearing perfume.
- Spraying perfume and distributing it on the bed indicates marriage and an approaching relationship with the one you love.
- If a single girl sees in a dream that she is wearing perfume in front of her non-mahrams, the dream may indicate violations and sins in Islamic dress and behavior with others.
- Buying perfume in a dream indicates hearing good news and happy news in the near future.
- Making perfume in a single girl’s dream may indicate accuracy and efficiency at work, keenness on perfection and dedication in her field of work or study if the girl is still of school age and achievement.
I dreamed my sister got married and she is already married to single, married and pregnant women
Is spraying perfume in a dream a good tidings for a married woman?
Perfume for a woman is not permissible for her to put it except in front of her husband or a mahram to her, and the wife putting perfume in a dream and spraying it for her husband indicates many good meanings and good connotations of the sentence.
- Perfume for a married woman in her home indicates goodness, righteousness and good stable relationships.
- If a married woman sees in her dream that she is exaggerating and spraying perfume everywhere around her, it indicates excessive care for cleanliness, beauty and outward appearance.
- A woman seeing herself buying perfume in a dream indicates chastity, good morals, and the good reputation that a woman enjoys in the surrounding environment.
- A woman seeing someone she does not know giving her a gift indicates the many praise and good words that the woman hears from those around her in her family and friends.
- The dream, if the perfume was poured and wasted, may mean that the owner of the dream does not care about what people say and does not pay attention to criticism or advice directed to her.
- Smelling an unpleasant smell after putting on perfume in a dream may refer to the bad reputation and bad manners of a woman in the surrounding environment.
- If a woman sees that she is giving perfume to another woman, and there are problems and disputes between the two women, then this is evidence of the dissolution of the dispute and the approach of peace and the removal of animosity.
- Seeing camphor in a dream and fumigating with it is evidence of truth and steadfastness on righteousness and righteous deeds in a woman’s life.
- If a married woman sees that someone she does not know is spraying perfume on her, the dream may indicate that someone is deceiving her and plotting her to fall into temptation and corruption.
Is spraying perfume in a dream a good omen for the pregnant woman?
Seeing a pregnant woman dreaming about perfume in a dream and spraying it indicates a number of possible meanings and interpretations in a woman’s life. The most prominent of these interpretations can be identified as follows:
- Spraying perfume in a dream is a good omen and evidence of comfort and righteousness in a woman’s life.
- If the pregnant woman sees perfumes for children and baby, it indicates childbirth, childbearing and joy for the boy.
- A pregnant woman seeing herself smelling perfume and enjoying it indicates her good morals and good treatment of her husband and his family.
- Spraying perfume in a dream in front of strangers indicates the woman’s temptation in her religion and her indifference to matters of Sharia and religion.
Interpretation of a dream about perfume in a dream for a man
Seeing perfume in a dream for a man indicates a number of the following possible meanings and interpretations:
- Seeing perfume in a dream indicates goodness and blessing in the dreamer’s life and a good relationship with others.
- A bottle of perfume and seeing it in a dream may be interpreted as a beautiful woman of masterful beauty.
- If the dreamer sees that perfume falls from him on the ground, this may indicate a decrease in money or a loss in trade.
- Losing perfume in a dream may indicate the death of a relative or a lover of the dreamer.
- A dreamer sees a man he knows suffers from severe illness and sees perfume being sprayed on him in a dream, then this may indicate the death of the patient and the expiration of his term.
- Drinking perfume in a dream indicates concern for money and spending with an account and appreciation.
- Seeing drinking perfume in a dream and a good smell coming out of the dreamer’s stomach indicates the spread of knowledge and success in seeking it
Interpretation of a dream about perfume in a dream by Ibn Sirin
Imam Ibn Sirin believes that seeing perfume and incense in a dream indicates a number of meanings and interpretations in the life of the seer that can be presented as follows:
- Seeing perfume and perfume in a dream is evidence of good praise and good words that are said about the dreamer in the reality of his life.
- A sick person whose illness is severe, if he sees perfume spraying on his body and clothes, then the dream may indicate death and the expiration of the term, and it refers to the spice.
- Perfume in a dream with incense carries good meanings with the presence of some danger or false speech due to the presence of smoke and fumes that may cause distress to the perfumer.
- Seeing musk or cloves in a dream is a sign of sovereignty, honor, reaching the highest positions and achieving the desired.
- If the dreamer sees that he is crushing musk and camphor and does not find a pleasant scent for him, then this may indicate that he is doing good to someone who does not deserve charity or goodness.
- Seeing saffron in a dream and smelling its scent is evidence of the spread of dhikr, a good reputation, and a good omen.
- Whoever smears his head with perfume in a dream and pours perfume on his face and drowns his skin, then this may indicate the worry and distress that will fall upon the dreamer in his life.
- The stinky smell of perfume or greasy smell is evidence of false talk and falling into symptoms.
I dreamed that I found gold and took it to the single, married and pregnant woman
Interpretation of a dream about perfume in a dream by Ibn Shaheen
Ibn Shaheen Al Dhaheri believes that seeing perfume in a dream refers to a number of different meanings and interpretations that can be identified in detail as follows:
- Smells of perfume in a dream and the spread of its scent around the seer is evidence of a good reputation and good speech towards the seer.
- Seeing musk in a dream is a sign of courage, courage and daring in matters.
- Musk and camphor in a dream signify inner righteousness, straightening the situation, getting rid of sins, and being close to God.
- If the dreamer sees that he opens a bag and comes out of it smells musk, then this indicates that he will marry a rich woman who has a lot of money and belongings.
- Eating musk in a dream and not enjoying its scent and smell may indicate that the dreamer saves a lot of money for his family and does not enjoy it in his life.
- Seeing eating musk in a dream may refer to illicit money and bad earnings in the dreamer’s life.
- Spraying perfume on the body and fragrant smells around the seer indicate useful knowledge and the delivery of goodness to people and endurance from them.
- If the dreamer sees himself selling fraudulent perfume, it may indicate a disagreement with appointments and a failure to fulfill what the dreamer is committed to in front of people.
- Seeing amber in a dream indicates the benefit and good that the dreamer will obtain in his life.
- Taking amber from others in a dream indicates good and money that the dreamer will receive from others.
- Giving perfume and amber in a dream to a person indicates the good and benefit that that person obtains from the seer.
- Losing perfume in a dream, like amber, is a sign of lack of money and lack of profit in reality.
Interpretation of a dream about taking perfume from the dead
Taking perfume from the dead in a dream has interpretations, including the following:
- The dreamer seeing himself taking perfume from the dead indicates that the dreamer will receive good, sustenance and benefit in the near future.
- The dream also indicates good speech and good reputation.
- If the dreamer sees that he is giving the deceased perfume, then this indicates that he desires the deceased to allow him.
Interpretation of a dream about a white cat in a dream for single, married and pregnant women
Interpretation of a dream about buying perfume in a dream
Seeing buying perfume in a dream often indicates goodness, maturity, and a sound mind. The dream may also refer to thinking and consulting seniors before taking action.
Interpretation of a dream about selling perfume in a dream
Selling perfume in a dream may be a warning to the seer that he is neglected in many aspects of his life, or that his working life is overshadowing his condition with his family and family, so he should reform and take the initiative to change behavior.
Is spraying perfume in a dream a good omen for the dreamer, or a harbinger of harm and affliction? We got to know the answer to that question that many of those who see that dream in a dream would like to know. We also learned about the interpretation of perfume in a dream according to Ibn Sirin and Ibn Shaheen, as well as the interpretation of the dream of buying and selling perfume.
خاتمة لموضوعنا هل رش العطر في المنام بشارة خير ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.