هل من الطبيعي عدم التبرز لمدة أسبوع , الجميع يعلم جيدًا أن هذا الموضوع الذي من المقرر أن أكتب فيه الآن، هو موضوع مفيد وجذاب للجميع، حيث أن يتناول إجابات الكثير من التساؤلات التي ترددت مؤخرًا على ألسنة البعض، وتناولتها وسائل الإعلام كافة.
Factors that affect how often you go to the bathroom
As we mentioned to you, a specific number of times a person defecates has not been determined, but there are some factors that affect the number of times a person defecates, the most important of which are the following:
- The individual’s diet.
- The way he exercises his activities during his day.
- The health of a person’s digestive system.
- If the individual does not make any changes in his daily activity and yet he is constipated, it is best to follow up with the doctor until he knows the main cause of his illness.
Symptoms associated with not urinating
Of course, the lack of defecation for a period causes many side effects for the individual because this indicates a defect in the functions of the human body, and the most important of these symptoms are the following:
- That the individual feels bloated in his stomach is unusual.
- The person feels that they need to have a bowel movement but is unable to do so.
- Constant feeling of nausea.
- The presence of stomach and abdominal pain in particular.
- desire to vomit
Problems caused by not having a bowel movement for a week
Failure to defecate for a week or more causes many problems, the most important of which are the following:
- Stool blockage to occur.
- The occurrence of some holes in the intestines of the individual.
- It causes problems with the heart and blood vessels, so the patient should consult a doctor if he is unable to defecate for a few days so as not to cause any complications.
See also:
Is it normal for children not to have a bowel movement for a week?
No, it is not normal for your child not to have a bowel movement for a whole week. Parents should pay close attention to their child in order to get treatment early. The most important symptoms that appear on the child and confirm that he is constipated are the following:
- Your child has less than 3 bowel movements in a week.
- To suffer severe pain during defecation.
- Your child’s stools are hard and difficult to pass.
- That the child suffers from stomach pain.
- The mother notices liquid stools in her child’s underwear, and this indicates that stool has collected in the rectum.
- Note the presence of blood on the outside of the stool.
Reasons not to defecate for a week
There are many factors that directly affect the occurrence of constipation in a child, and I will mention them to you as follows:
- The problem of confinement, as the child may be afraid to go to the bathroom because of the pain he is exposed to, or because he does not want to stop playing, or because he is not at home. Some children do not go to the bathroom except in their home.
- The problem of training your child to use the bathroom, the mother must choose an appropriate age to teach the child to go to the bathroom, so that it is neither early nor late, so as not to cause problems of unwillingness to enter the bathroom from the child.
- Changes occur in the child’s diet, so the mother should try to feed her child in an orderly manner and to eat fiber that helps to defecate well, and fluids, especially water, in your child’s system should not be neglected.
- The occurrence of some changes in the routine that the child is accustomed to, such as traveling with his parents, or being exposed to a high or low temperature as a result of changing seasons, and the child also suffers when he goes out to nursery or school during the first months until he gets used to the situation.
- Medication Antidepressants and some other medications can cause constipation.
- An allergy to cow’s milk or if it is used in excess, this also causes constipation.
- Heredity: If a family member is found suffering from chronic constipation, the child may have inherited this disease.
See also:
Prevention and treatment methods
After we answered the question: Is it normal for a child not to defecate for a week, we will learn about ways to prevent constipation for a child, as follows:
- The child should eat foods that contain a lot of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, breakfast cereals, and whole-grain bread, as the permissible dose for a child is 14 grams per 1000 calories.
- It is preferable to encourage the child to drink water and fluids intensively.
- An exercise program should be established for your child because this stimulates the intestines to function normally.
- It is preferable to set specific times for the toilet so that the child’s body gets used to going to the toilet at these times afterwards.
- If you make your child pay attention to play and does not ask to go to the bathroom, you have to alert him to this and tell him to stop playing for a few minutes until he responds to the call of nature.
- Some medications can be used after consulting a specialist.
Is it normal for a baby not to have a bowel movement for a week?
Mothers are very afraid for the infant and wondered about not defecation for a week and what is the nature of his body so that she tries to deal well with her infant. Here is the most important information about this question as follows:
- The infant defecates after each feeding, and this is normal as a result of the activity resulting from the stomach in that period, and then the child’s stomach will begin to settle and wait later, and the pediatrician says that the child can reach 5 days without a bath, and this is not a problem because the device His digestive system is not yet fully developed.
- But if your child exceeds five days without defecation and the stool is hard and he cries hard and does not breastfeed normally, here he is often constipated, and here the mother should consult a doctor and do not try to give her baby any warm drink such as anise and caraway as long as it is not more than 6 months So as not to cause him trouble.
Disadvantages of not defecation for a week
Continuing our talk about whether it is normal not to defecate for a week, we will explain to you the most important damages that result from not defecation for a period of time, as follows:
- Rectal prolapse, which is located at the end of an individual’s large intestine and is caused by excessive pressure of stool on that area and can pass out all or part of the rectum and of course results in severe pain and bleeding as well.
- Hemorrhoids, which occur due to swelling in the veins that are located in the area around the rectum and anus, and this is due to stool pressure during defecation, and inflammation of this area results in itching, severe pain and bleeding, which can cause blood to accumulate in that area.
- Anal fissures occur as a result of the passage of hard stool from the anal area, leaving scars on both sides of that area, which results in a lot of pain and wounds and can cause bleeding. Have surgery.
See also:
No defecation for 3 days for adults
There are many factors that cause reluctance to go to the toilet, the most important of which are:
- Constipation.
- Excessive use of laxative drugs.
- Not moving moderately.
- Not going to the toilet when the person feels the urge to go to the bathroom. This is often caused by being in a place where it is not possible to go to the toilet.
Is it normal for a pregnant woman not to have a bowel movement for a week?
A pregnant woman undergoes many changes during her pregnancy, and she keeps asking: Is it normal for a pregnant woman not to defecate for a week? Here is the answer and the most important reasons that lead to this in detail:
- During pregnancy, a rise in the hormone progesterone occurs in the body, which causes a slowdown in the work of the digestive system of the pregnant woman, and the body absorbs a large proportion of fluids and sends them to the child, so we find that the woman then becomes constipated as it is one of the most important early signs of pregnancy for women.
- During the second and third trimesters of a woman’s pregnancy, the pressure is very great on the intestines, which causes a bigger problem, especially if the woman is naturally constipated.
- Despite the pain caused by constipation during that period, it is not considered a danger to the health of the mother and her fetus, but its harm is in the complications that can result from it, such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures, proctitis, and of course this leads to the mother feeling a lot of pain.
Factors that affect the process of defecation
There are many factors that affect human defecation, the most important of which are the following:
- Fluids, especially since the human large intestine absorbs more water than it needs every day. If not enough water is taken, this of course will affect the softness of the stool. For this reason, doctors advise those who suffer from constipation to drink enough water, not less than two liters during the day.
- Age, where the bowel movement is affected as the age increases and it becomes slow to work, and thus the rate of stool passing through it decreases, and the frequent use of medication for the elderly negatively affects the bowel movement.
- Physical activity greatly helps the colon work well and thus the better passage of stool from the intestine is improved, which is why doctors recommend walking for colon patients or those who suffer from constipation.
- The human diet has a role in improving the process of defecation, for example, eating fiber contributes greatly to going to the toilet in moderation, and we find it in vegetables and fruits.
- Medical history, as some diseases negatively affect the quality of a person’s bowel movement, for example, having a cold can negatively affect your bowel movements.
- Hormones There are some hormones that negatively affect bowel movement such as estrogen and progesterone, for example, we find that women need to go to the toilet more than usual during menstruation.
- Social factors, as they directly affect the extent to which your body responds to the defecation signals that it sends to you, and this is due to the individual’s inability to go to the toilet during the times when his body sends signals to him, due to his presence in places where he cannot enter the toilet.
See also:
constipation treatment
There are many ways to treat constipation, some of them are natural, and some are medication, and here is this in detail as follows:
Constipation treatment at home
There are some good tips that have a positive effect in treating constipation that can be done at home, the most important of which are the following:
- That the individual exercise such as walking every day for half an hour, which helps to improve significantly.
- Drink fluids and water in an appropriate amount every day, and it should not be less than two liters every day.
- It is preferable to avoid substances that contain caffeine of all kinds.
- It is preferable to follow a healthy diet that contains fiber from fruits and vegetables.
- Try to schedule a time to go to the toilet every day, and don’t rush to go to the bathroom.
- If you are using a modern toilet, it is best to put a small stool under your feet so that they are bent as this helps the bathroom easier.
- You can take the laxative, but with the advice of a doctor so as not to harm yourself.
Medical treatment of constipation
If the previous methods did not bring you results, then the doctor needs to resort to the following:
- The doctor performs a manual examination of the patient’s colon through the anus.
- The doctor may resort to using a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or examination of the last section of the intestine, and this examination is conducted into the large intestine through a soft tube.
- The aforementioned tests are not considered dangerous, but they can cause some inconvenience to the patient, and if the doctor thinks that you do not need a surgical intervention, then the treatment is resorted to at home, following the doctor’s instructions.
Medication treatment for constipation
If the doctor sees the patient’s need to take some of the medicines to help treat constipation, he must comply with that. The most important of these medicines are the following:
- Lantus LANTUS 100 IU – ML VIAL.
Through the article, we learned the answer to the question: Is it normal not to defecate for a week in a detailed and comprehensive manner to the issue in all its aspects, and we also explained to you the most important symptoms that occur when constipation, and we mentioned to you the most important ways to prevent it for a young child and how it is treated.
في نهاية الموضوع هل من الطبيعي عدم التبرز لمدة أسبوع , أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.