هل يمكن الشفاء من فيروس hpv للرجال , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Can HPV be cured for men is one of the important questions that all men infected with this virus ask, as it causes the infected person with many health damages that may prevent him from practicing his entire life due to the exhaustion and severe physical pain that it causes to all infected people. They wish to get rid of it and return to their previous lives before it again, so the reference site in this article shows the answer to the question of whether HPV can be cured for men, with an explanation of everything related to the virus.
What is hpv virus?
HPV or human papillomavirus is a virus that is transmitted between people through sexual intercourse, by touching the skin of an infected person, or one of the objects that the skin of an infected person has touched on the skin of a healthy person. Genital areas, mucous membranes, hands and feet. It also causes skin swelling and itching, and in some serious cases may cause different types of cancers such as cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer, and pharyngeal cancer.
Symptoms of HPV infection
There are many symptoms of HPV infection or papilloma virus from one person to another according to the physical nature of the people and the strength of their immunity.
Genital warts appear
Usually, the clearest symptoms that indicate HPV infection for men and women alike are the appearance of warts in the genital tract, where these warts are blisters or swellings and protrusions in the genital tract and in women they are in the vagina, cervix, anus or vulva. In men, warts appear in the penis, testicles, or around the anus. At the beginning of the disease, the warts do not cause pain to the patient, but cause some itching and discomfort. As the disease progresses, the patient suffers excruciating pain and the reproductive system begins to erode and many wounds appear in it, and the patient may develop cancer.
The appearance of common warts
Common warts are a type of pimples or bumps that appear in a patient with the papilloma virus. Common warts are called by this name due to the prevalence of their appearance in all people with the disease. Common warts are usually present on the hands and fingers of the patient, which causes him embarrassment because of the ugliness of their appearance, which makes people disgusted with them. Or he refuses to hold his hands for fear of infection, and common warts prevent the patient from exercising his life completely, as they often cause the skin to become thin and permanent bleeding, and make it more susceptible to cuts and lacerations if the person with the disease tries to touch or hold anything.
The appearance of plantar warts
Plantar warts are very similar to common warts, but the difference between them is that common warts appear on the hands and fingers, while plantar warts appear on the heel or base of the patient’s foot in the form of dry granulomas. Advances and the inability to walk or stand for long periods of time in simple cases, which disrupts the lives of those affected.
Flat warts appear
Flat warts are usually not raised and most appear on the face in children, but in adults, unlike common warts and plantar warts, they can appear in any part of the patient’s body and are not specific to a specific area of him, but they tend to appear on men in the chin area, while it is predominantly They appear on the legs of women, and flat warts are less dangerous than others, but if neglected, they may cause serious problems for the sufferer, such as cancers of various types.
Genital anomalies and problems
HPV infection often leads to problems in the lower part of the body in particular, such as unexplained bleeding from the anus, itching, difficulty urinating, increased skin moisture in the thighs, pubis, genitals, in and around the anus, sores and warts in all these places accompanied by pain or The forms of abnormalities that can occur to a patient with the papilloma virus vary between simple to moderate abnormalities, depending on the patient’s physical nature and strength of immunity.
Can HPV be cured for men?
HPV can be cured for both men and women, but this is not done by taking pharmaceutical drugs, but by strengthening the immune system. So far, there is no cure for HPV if it is infected, but there are some vaccines that prevent the progression of the disease only and treat it. The only medical treatment available for the virus is to treat the patient’s pain and repair the deformities and skin problems that it causes. Otherwise, there is no treatment, but patients with this disease should not worry as long as they maintain their health and strengthen their immune system and use drugs intended to reduce symptoms constantly, as 70 % of cases of papillomavirus or HPV recover on their own and only in a few cases does the disease return to the patient.
Causes of HPV infection
There is no specific cause of HPV infection, but people can get it for many reasons, including:
- A cut or abrasion of the skin followed by contact of the injured person with a person infected with the human papilloma virus.
- Having anal or normal sex with someone who has HPV.
- Having oral sex with a person infected with HPV.
- Babies can be born with HPV if the mother contracted it while she was pregnant with them.
- Holding things that have been touched by people with the papilloma virus, as the virus is transmitted by direct contact with the person with the disease or by indirect contact by touching the things that the person with the disease has touched.
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hpv virus risk factors
HPV or papilloma virus is not considered a danger in itself, as it can be eliminated by strengthening the immune system, but in spite of that there are some factors that, if found, will turn HPV into a very dangerous virus, and these factors are:
Multiple sexual partners
Considering that the papilloma virus is transmitted by contact and sexual practices, multiple sexual partners is a disaster for the person who has the disease and for those who have sex with them alike, as the person infected with the disease will transmit it to the rest. By transmitting it to the rest of his women and infecting them all with it, so in the case of infection with the papilloma virus, all sexual practices must be strictly prohibited until full recovery.
Age is one of the risk factors, as the papilloma virus usually appears only on young people. The younger a person is, the more likely he is to be infected with it, and this is what makes the most affected are young people, adolescents and children. Therefore, young people should be prevented from dealing with people with HPV as that Its danger to them in particular is doubly dangerous.
Weak immune system
The weakness of the immune system is the main cause of HPV infection, as the immune system is responsible for preventing its presence and preventing the appearance of its symptoms on the body, if any. Many people may be infected with the HPV virus without showing symptoms for years due to the immune system fighting it, but in In some cases, the immune system becomes weak due to taking certain medications after organ transplants or due to infection with some diseases such as AIDS and other immune diseases, which allow the HPV to penetrate inside the body and disfigure it.
Skin damage associated with contact with the virus
Damaged or injured skin is more susceptible to HPV infection if a healthy, injured person comes into contact with a sick person or anything they used, so it is recommended that workers in public places wear gloves at all times to protect themselves from infection with transmitted viruses such as HPV and similar viruses.
hpv . virus complications
HPV can cause many serious complications to people with HPV if it is not treated for years or if their immunity is weak. These complications are:
- Skin disfigurement, where HPV can cause deformities and ulcers in the skin of the infected person, which may make him bleed for the simplest reasons.
- Oral or respiratory problems. These problems are usually caused by the papilloma virus that has been infected as a result of oral sex with an infected person.
- The incidence of various types of cancers such as uterine cancer, anal cancer, pharyngeal cancer and penile cancer.
- Pregnancy and childbirth problems such as miscarriage, frequent bleeding, difficulty urinating, and difficulty expanding the vagina during childbirth.
hpv virus incubation period
Like all viruses, HPV or HPV has an incubation period, as the virus hides in the body and does not announce itself during the incubation period so that the patient does not treat it before it becomes stronger and takes control of the body. The incubation period for HPV extends from one to three months The patient does not feel any physical change in them after that, when the virus becomes stronger, warts and physical deformities begin to appear on the patient’s body if his immunity is weak.
HPV Symptom Medications
Although there are no medicinal products to completely treat HPV, there are many medications and treatments that relieve the pain and repair the damage it causes to the patient’s body. These treatments are:
- Using a carbon dioxide laser to remove deformities and warts from the body and cauterize the affected parts.
- The use of imiquimod ointment increases immunity, as it increases the body’s immunity to the virus.
- Treatment of the affected parts using freezing. Freezing can be done by using liquid nitrogen or by using cryotherapy devices.
- Using podophyllotoxin solution on the parts affected by the virus, where it is placed on the affected part and then washed after a few hours.
- The use of trichloroacetic acid, which removes warts from the skin and makes them fall off within half an hour, and many other acids can be used, such as salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid, but care must be taken in using these acids, as they are considered digestive acids and must be used in small quantities and under the supervision of a doctor .
- The use of interferon injections that lead to the treatment of warts, but their use is relatively rare because of the serious side effects they can cause to the user.
- The use of electrocautery, as some doctors resort to ironing the tissues that have been invaded by warts to eliminate them, as the warts burn as a result of cauterization.
- If the patient’s condition is very bad, doctors use surgery to remove the tissue damaged by the warts in order to preserve the rest of the body from the spread of the disease and stop the patient’s pain.
Urinary tract infection drug names
How to strengthen immunity against HPV virus
HPV virus has no drug treatment, but drug treatments are limited to limiting its damage or repairing it, but the virus itself does not go away except by fighting the immunity of the person infected with it. Therefore, those infected with the virus or those wishing to prevent it should strengthen their immunity by following the following tips:
Do not take antibiotics unless necessary
Taking antibiotics for no reason, given that taking a lot of antibiotics will make immunity stronger is a common mistake that many people make despite its seriousness, as a lot of antibiotics makes immunity weaken as a result of the many drug interventions in the patient’s body and it cannot resist diseases and after a short period it will become The patient’s immunity is not able to face the diseases that affect him even by using antibiotics, and the correct way is to rely on immunity and not to use antibiotics except when needed and in the narrowest possible range.
Pay attention to diet
A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to activate the immune system. In order to activate the immune system through the diet, a person must make sure that he eats the following elements:
- Vitamin A can be obtained from food such as broccoli, carrots, mango and tomatoes. It can also be taken through capsules in a large dose once every two weeks or once a month.
- Vitamin B can be obtained from food such as bananas, spinach, peas, rice and wheat. It can also be taken through capsules of the medicine once every day for ten days, then stop taking it for five days and then take it again, as it is not permissible to take vitamin B in the form of capsules for more than The ten continuous days and must stop between every ten days for a period of five days at least and ten like them at most.
- Vitamin C is found in kiwi, guava and watermelon and can be taken in the form of capsules.
- Vitamin D as it works to repair the skin and increase its freshness and elasticity, which reduces the complications of the papilloma virus. Vitamin D can be obtained from various foods such as almonds, coconut, pistachios, papaya and spinach, and it can also be obtained through pharmaceutical capsules.
How to prevent hpv
If the patient has recovered from the HPV virus, he should prevent it so that he does not get infected again, as it is possible for people with HPV to return the virus to them again after recovery from it, so they should follow the following instructions so that they do not get infected again:
- Not walking barefoot and always wearing shoes or slippers, especially in public places where people used to walk barefoot, such as changing rooms.
- Not to engage in sexual relations that include many wives, as this may contribute to spreading the disease among all participants.
- Using condoms to keep away from contact with the sexual partner, which reduces the chances of transmitting the HPV virus to his partner if he is infected with it.
- Wear gloves in public places and hospitals and do not touch things unless necessary.
HPV for men is one of the most dangerous viruses because of its easy spread and infection and the lack of drug treatment for it and the doctors’ reliance on the immune system to prevent it, which worries all those infected with it. .
خاتمة لموضوعنا هل يمكن الشفاء من فيروس hpv للرجال ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.